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Everything posted by pastajoe

  1. There should be an alarm on the Sabres app that wakes you up when the Sabres score.
  2. They were hoping to get out of there with a one goal loss and rest up for the Kings, but the NHL is forcing them to keep playing.
  3. Your statements wouldn't pass as a high school history paper. No links or footnotes of where specifically you get your information. And again, no proof that illegals manipulated elections.
  4. So no proof that illegals have manipulated elections, just speculation and assumption from your unlinked references.
  5. Please provide the proof since you made the allegation. Not just assumptions, but actual proof. What elections have been manipulated by illegals? The black vote is at the heart of this effort for voter IDs. Imagine some official in a southern state saying the black person doesn't look like the picture on the ID. Similar tactics to deny blacks the vote were done in the past during Jim Crow, which is why the black community is so upset that it will repeat.
  6. Wow, you had to go back to 2010 for an alleged case of fraud. And yet still no proof that illegal immigrants are "manipulating the process".
  7. Well it isn't in bad shape. Going from life support to stable condition is quite an improvement. But there's always room for more if the Congress would ever pass a Transportation bill to fix the infrastrucure. You have proof that illegals are "manipulating the process", as opposed to Republicans trying to suppress the black vote?
  8. The problem isn't the two party system, which historically has been more stable than most European multi party parliamentary systems. The problem is gerrymandering which clusters voters into ideological blocks, so there are more conservative and liberal Congressmen than in the past, when most had to be moderates to get elected, and would work across the aisle on such no brainers as a transportation bill that would be a huge job creator.
  9. Are the economy and unemployment better or worse now than when Obama took office? And what has Congress done in the past couple of years to improve the situation? The president does have an impact on oil prices. If the market thinks that the flow of oil is threatened by events in the Middle East, the price goes up. Appearantly the market believes the president will not allow the ISIL conflict to spread to the point where it would threaten oil flow.
  10. Obama haters will take any subject and politicize it. It's really sad that they can't be objective on any issue. Where's the outrage over the Congress cutting the Ebola vaccine program's budget in half? Good managers are good because they know what they don't know, hire people who do, and give them the resources to accomplish the task.
  11. Considering that last year they had Miller, Vanek, Erhoff, and Ott, then yes it is quite possible.
  12. Good opportunity for Stewart to show he deserves a contract.
  13. Sad that they don't have one center they can count on to win face offs.
  14. Teams like Florida and Columbus are hard working teams like Buffalo was supposed to be.
  15. Top 3 lines need to catch their breath from chasing the Florida puck handlers.
  16. I really miss the energy that Ott and Kaleta brought. At least they made it interesting.
  17. They've done it since last year. Myers is big enough to maintain position, and he has the hands to handle a rebound.
  18. I wish they would put him in front of the goalie on the PP like Boston does with Chara.
  19. I thought Beniot was worse. I would've benched both. Put Delaurier back on D, let's see how he does.
  20. Did you see the attendance in Florida? Bettman is already putting the Panther's lottery balls in the freezer so they get McDavid.
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