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Everything posted by DarthEbriate

  1. What do you mean 'zero' (edit: primary) assists? Deck Officer? Deck Officer!
  2. Hmmm. I'm not saying we should've won or wouldn't have given up a goal in the final couple minutes anyway after they pulled their goalie. But... Yes, of course there's a but. But, Robin did a mini goalie-pull of his own that led to an easy goal that shouldn't have happened. Our top line and D-pairing got a -1 today, and I don't blame them one bit for that goal against.
  3. Always two there are. But every professional sports team always has a whipping boy. Heck, even my Little League team had a whipping boy. Even that kids' book The Whipping Boy had a whipping boy. :angel:
  4. I like it. Next season he unloads on some poor unsuspecting, suicide-pass receiving soul in the first round of the playoffs?
  5. Seriously, Lehner was in danger of taking a penalty for playing the puck outside the trapezoid if the poke check had worked. Why, Robin?
  6. Lehner came out of hyperspace too close to the system.
  7. Matt Ellis, Nick Tuzzolino, John Daigneau... we're just rolling for future analysis folks? Oh! They're all in the dev academy. Got it. I should listen more instead of wander in and out of the room.
  8. The best things in life begin with episode page 4.
  9. He's our best option at top LW? Recently, he's skated well with ROR and Reinhart and gotten some goals.
  10. Alright... I've got a howler of Commons Flemish Kiss ready for the Vegas game. (Commons has ceased operations...and apparently Modern Times moved into their brewery space -- which, MT is good, so... woot woot!). It's quite tasty.
  11. Vegas was seduced by the dark side of the Moulson. -The Moulson? The Moulson is what gives the Sabrespacer Meetups their power. It's an energy field created by all living things... and beer. Mostly beer.
  12. So will the jumbotron read: Welcome Jimmy - Happy 12th birthday Welcome Midget Hockey of Tonawanda! Happy birthday Erika! Love Grandma! Welcome 2nd Annual Great SS Meetup!
  13. It's really unfortunate and sad that his career has derailed with injuries/maladies: multiple concussions and the ICU scare last summer. Oki-pos-obi needs to take the entire summer off and re-evaluate what's best for him and his family. If we lose him, that's bad for us -- he was starting to round back into form and was a good linemate with Jack. x-Eichel-Okposo; x-O'Reilly-Reinhart looked to be 1-2 next season. But the Sabres can always move on and find new players (that's their business), a person and his/her family can't just move on with severe brain trauma. So, he's got to do what's best for him. And if that's retirement: good. Go for it. Choose life.
  14. Hey! Remember this offseason when one of the perks of getting Josefson was that he was good in shootouts? (I didn't. But now I think I remember that tidbit.)
  15. Now we'll see if Lehner's been working on his shootouts this season. It's basically been an entire offseason since he last faced a shootout shot.
  16. Yes... vs. TB. There, on the screen 5-10 in OT this year... now why isn't that available nhl, espn, tsn? Anyway. I knew we weren't that bad. Oh, Baptiste. Nice burst. Almost.
  17. Had to check the standings. 21 wins. 21 regulation overtime wins. We haven't won a single game in OT this season (or the single shootout for that matter)? I have a questionmark there because I'm dumbfounded. Not one OT win? Am I misreading something? Edit: Yes, I'm misreading. But why don't any of these standings just show the number of OT games played?
  18. We're known to let the pass... mmm... drop?
  19. Good-looking zone entries from both squads tonight. Are we icing an Amerks power play unit?
  20. Well... that first Ottawa power play looked about as bad as a PP can. Too bad we took another for good measure.
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