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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. Even COVID can’t get Skinner into the top six.
  2. I dunno the camera doesn’t show. Kill joys think it discourages the act.
  3. Halftime Show music had an 80s/90s feel to it. Easy to follow. Not bad. Only dislike was the part where the camera and performer kept spinning around.
  4. Dbag Devils. An Eichel wrister at their bench next game. If I remember correctly this isn’t the only shading thing they’ve been involved in recently.
  5. Because you’re not spreading the scoring among the lines. Get with the program or RK is going to put you on the taxi squad.
  6. Mitts will score off someone else’s effort. Sam comes back and RK puts him in the third line. Spread the scoring while going with Mitts’ hit hand.
  7. I’m not opposed to sitting Staal when Sam returns. Hall Eichel Olofsson Skinner Cozens Reinhart
  8. I have a theory about Staal. He didn’t want to come to Buffalo. He reflected on his career and all he’s achieved professionally and financially. He’s riding this chapter of his career out and doesn’t actually care. It’s his twilight contract. He’s checked out and is an empty uniform.
  9. Your expectations are high because we got two big names. We thought Eichel and Hall would be some hockey unicorn. We thought Dahlin would have a breakout season. Those we expected to lead us into the playoffs are somewhat of a liability.
  10. In previous years we blamed the bottom six while Eichel complained about losing. How the roles have reversed.
  11. He worked for that goal. Proof why you never give up on the play.
  12. I heard about a COVID test in n China where the swab comes in from the south if you know what I mean. That’s my line in the sand. No way I’m putting a mask on my face and something up the nether without a safety word.
  13. Yeah it ducks kids missed an entire year of going to school normally and having those interactions. Things will go back to normal though.
  14. Not saying it’s impossible that Eichel doesn’t GAF anymore. But we do seem to have better goaltending and the bottom six is better than it’s been in a while. Seems there’s reason for him to be motivated.
  15. He’s less aerodynamic. The weight of his hair throws off his shooting accuracy too.
  16. I have a strange unvalidated feeling this is Skinner’s last season in Buffalo.
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