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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. The Biden/Putin meeting is getting such a large build up they should put it on PPV.
  2. This season wasn’t the worst for me. The only reason is because they sucked consistently. The hope ran out once we identified our offseason acquisitions weren’t going to do much. Every time RK used false positives after a loss was like nails on a chalkboard. The demoralizing part is I have no hope for next year. Likely because I read too much speculation of who is leaving and how management runs the show. I’ll watch as many games as I can but keep this thread open for the 2021-22 edition.
  3. How I’m going to react. Replace Roxbury with playoffs.
  4. MSM outlets do what they need to for ratings. A little bit of information and a lot of opinions. I’ve always told people to watch more than one. At least then you get different points of view.
  5. No I don’t think our pick pulls a Lindros but I’m bored so I entertain the thought.
  6. Reading comments on the YouTube video of the lottery. Quite a few people predicting the first overall pick pulls a Lindros. I doubt that happens but it’s interesting to think how that plays out.
  7. Sam has done a good job since Eichel went down for the season. He goes to the dirty areas and makes things happen. Time to switch some letters around.
  8. With a garbage season for a broken team it’s nice to see Houser get the win.
  9. Missed a lot of games due to work. Looks like I didn’t really miss much. Houser looks ok. Sabres should stop getting their goalies from the glass store though.
  10. Got the same one. Body felt stiff and achy the day after. Slept 10 hours and was fine.
  11. Quite a roller coaster ride in such a short season. High hopes to nothing in a couple short months.
  12. The role they play is signing the paychecks KA tells them to.
  13. Any positive play by this year’s Sabres needs to be in context. In this case they lost against a bad team adding to a crazy losing streak. If they put together a few good games against better competition then ok. But tonight’s game isn’t a measure of improvement.
  14. Do we throw a party or something? 10 years is impressive. Shout out to SS posters and all those who still faithfully watch the Sabres hoping this will be the game the franchise turns it around. I think I lowlight reel of the last 10 years is in order.
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