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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. To be fair the Sabres were already dead. He just needed to stop by and be sure before moving on.
  2. This is a thread that could be renamed and repurposed during the season. A prediction thread for now but a comparative thread throughout the year with analysis at the end as the Sabres play early golf.
  3. Probably right on dodging a bullet but we men are simple creatures. At least she’s not a Kardashian. As far as the COVID thing, just keep on keepin on.
  4. I agree that it’s dumb to have a wedding if someone tested positive. The mother of the bride is stupid and from your post it sounds like it’s a dominant trait in that gene pool. Dont agree on the publicly naming.
  5. They don’t see it as taking a shot to increase survival. They see it as someone telling them they have to accept an injection or else. I don’t think any minds get changed ideologically. Now there’s reports of heart inflammation from the Pfizer vaccine and Guillain-Barr syndrome from J&J. Add in the distrust people already have in big pharma and there’s no way you will convince them to get jabbed no matter how unlikely it is for these side effects to happen.
  6. People don’t trust the people telling them to take the vaccine. Add in people on TV who advocate mandatory vaccination to be able to do certain things. This makes people not want to get it out of defiance. I doubt vaccination rates go much higher. World keeps turning.
  7. They are reasonable by normal human standards. For Sabres management they are as bold as you can get.
  8. -Eichel gets traded but Sam stays and gets the C. -Eichel goes to a western team and gets booed when he plays in Buffalo. Proceeds to have a multi-goal game. -Cozens gets put and stays in the top six. Scores 15 goals on the wing. -Mitts starts at 2C and everyone quickly regrets it. -Sabrespace debates Cozens at 2C over Mitts by the half way mark of the season. -Risto is traded at the deadline not before. -Dahlin has a big rebound from last year and gets an A. -Tage doesn’t get any better or valuable. He goes in a Risto deal.
  9. So as variants continue to come does it ever get to the point where the vaccine is no longer useful?
  10. I’m assuming Eichel gets traded before next season so whatever he says doesn’t mean much to me. In fact I kind of hope he ramps it up. Get the fans to really dislike him then when he comes to town we can see some emotion in a Sabres game.
  11. Just like that I’m a Habs fan.
  12. Wow. Tampa looking for the perfect and Montreal grinding it out. Story of the game.
  13. That’s a four minute penalty. In normal hockey that is.
  14. Pretty sure Cirelli went head first into the boards. Ouch Hedman almost taking Point’s nuts out there.
  15. Happy Fourth of July. Sons of Liberty is on the History channel.
  16. If only TPEGS hired a guy whose job it is draft players. Oh well, what could go wrong?
  17. Killorn with a nice block. That stung.
  18. Maybe a little of both. Sounds like she’s dealing with some weird stuff and has little control over her own life.
  19. I actually feel bad for Britney Spears.
  20. Isles defense not doing much defense.
  21. I don’t think it’s abnormal to not want to spend time with extended family on vacation. If I look at it from her point of view this might actually be a good time though. It’s a chance to catch up with people that maybe you don’t get to see often. At the end of the day it’s happy wife, happy life. BTW I’m on your side. Just throwing my two cents in.
  22. Tuned into the post summit press conferences. The journalists questioning Biden did better than the ones questioning Putin IMO. Too many compound questions which opened the door for Putin to dance around. Looks like the meeting was hyped to be more than it was. Biden getting irritated with a reporter at the end. Cyber issues appear to be the main concern. The proposal of 16 off limits areas for cyber attacks is…interesting.
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