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Everything posted by Grumpy

  1. Is that the old Wheatfield Blades JR B that played in the Horseshoe?
  2. Noi argument from me on this post.
  3. As I said the other night, we aren't far apart on the state of this team. Roy consistently brought much more than Staff and was CHEAP for what we received in return. Stafford played about 30 gms over 4 years for this waste of money, with many more physical attributes than Roy. I thought Roy was a smart signing for the $ at the time. DR just did't have the forsight to build a complete team. I'll leave LR out of it. We both know where we stand and I can respect your opinion.
  4. I can't argue anything you said and I agree completely. Still, all that addition by subtraction stuff that our local radio station (WGR) spouted on a daily basis, was typical media BS. The team isn't well built. They made Roy the whipping boy, as is often the case when they need a theme for their show, and they were wrong. For two weeks last year, those clowns told us how Luke Adams was the young center the Ducks would take in a package for Getzlaf......... .........Humph? I take what they say with a grain of salt. Still, I converse with people on a daily basis who take their word as gospel. It is frustrating. Sorry Eleven, that wasn't fair on my part.
  5. So old and washed up compared to V? Local radio host who hated on Roy for years: The Bull Dog! So two last place teams made an irrelevant trade, as far as winning was concerned.
  6. Maybe. Neither of us can speak fo him, all we can do is guess.
  7. How old is Jagr? He couldn't do it with V last year, and he is the end-all-be all on this team. For all the Roy haters that BD spawned on the radio, the change has been good for him. Despite his stand-up comments, where do you think Ott would rather be?
  8. Does he have a good home? Don't feel guilty! Ask Vick's dogs.
  9. Are you factoring quality of opponent in this observation of d-zone play? Lindy was trying the same thing, or at least talked the talk. The team has a LOFT problem.
  10. If we can get the right song, I'm sure we could win the cup. Whatever they choose, could they please just turn the volume down enough so that it doesn't hurt my ears!
  11. No, you're not alone, and when it finally does come out, we need to change from exhaustion and opposing teams battle little forcheck coming out of their zone as we are in the process of changing. It just snowballs. It's also pretty obvious that the long change and our inability to exit our own zone contributes heavily to our poor second periods.
  12. The magic is the talent to turn around. Obviously, you know that. And, we don't have it. The 3 teams all like to cite: Pitt, LA, and Chicago, all were loaded with talent. Compared to them, we have NONE.
  13. How do you define skill? Skating, size, compete, the ability to oppose your will on the opposition? Toughness? Then yes, I think we are out-skilled on most nights. And that is on the guys who put this team together. If you are eleven, it is DR. Me, it is LR and DR. Whatever, they suck.
  14. Eleven, I don't think we are very far apart on this team and where we are at, I just don't think LR had no say. That's not important now, and it does not matter who is right because he is gone. We both know DR has no clue! I have felt for 4 years they needed to leave as a package.
  15. Swamp, now I agree with Eleven, this team is at the level they belong. Ennis, Gerbe, Ott as a second line on a real team. Yea, I like these guys as individuals, but as a second line. God couldn't coach this team to a cup. BUT, LR helped build it for 15 years, DR needed to follow his a$$ out the door. Any objective and observant fan knows that,
  16. It is a Ruff and Regier built team. Admit it. Quit giving Lindy a free pass. It is counter intuitive to think he hung around for 15 years letting DR build a team he hated. If he did, he really was a smuck. I f he didn't agree with Darcy, I have little respect for him for not leaving.
  17. The problem THIS year? The problem FOR years is much more accurate.
  18. You still won't admit that after 15 years joined at the hip LR had no say in roster decisions and who we acquired? You seem much more aware than that, based upon most of your posts.
  19. What does organizational behavior entail in a real world setting?
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