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Everything posted by gohansrage

  1. Why did you keep putting myopic in quotes? He used it correctly. Am I missing something?
  2. To many anti-abortion people, this is not splitting hairs. These people view statutory rape as a choice made by the woman. She "chose" to have sex, therefore abortion is wrong and should be illegal. A forcible rape is not a choice for the woman so anti-abortion advocates are more reluctanct to criminalize abortions (although they wont' shut up about how the woman should still carry it to term. Which is awful). I'm not defending this viewpoint, but I am pointing out that this difference is not semantic for many people. Fixed that for you.
  3. Forcible rape as opposed to Statutory rape. There are many anti-abortion advocates who believe a pregnancy resulting from statutory rape should be illegal, even if we keep abortions for "Forcible" rape.
  4. I am still optimistic. I don't know if any of you read Katie Baker's articles on Grantland.com but her point on the lockout is exactly how I feel, especially the bolded part:
  5. I loved McCain. He was one of the first candidates I ever actively wanted to gain office (I was too young to vote in 2000). Seeing what he became in 2008 was really sad. Regarding voter fraud...I oppose barriers to voting. If we really care about voter fraud, we would take DeLuca's suggestion of requiring a photo ID at the time of registration. Rather than sign by your name to vote, you'd sign by your photo ID. Requiring a valid government issued photo identification is simply a way to create a barrier to voting. It's no different than Alabama requiring a literacy test to vote as recently as the 1970s.
  6. I had a black and white noook that I loved. It felt like reading a book, not looking at a computer screen. Sadly it broke. I have yet to get a new ereader.
  7. I wasn't answering it because I knew you would and it would be great. Thumbs up
  8. Any sentence that starts with "speaking of strippers" is a good one.
  9. Great point. I forgot the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010 (because it seems like we were fighting it until recently. What a cool hobby for your kid to have! When I was a kid I collected Marvel comics and sports cards.
  10. Since abortions are often performed before an abdomen ultrasound can be done legibly, a transvaginal ultrasound is necessary. The law doesn't specifically require transvaginal, no I wasn't sticking up for the imprisoning abortionists section. Anti-abortionism is a mainstream position though. I'll take the hit on that one. I misunderstood his "along with the people line" Partially because the things I like he did in or after 2010. Partially because the Congressional Dems had an even lower approval rating than the President (not that any person has a high approval rating right now). Partially because of the Tea Party movement. I don't think their influence can be understated.
  11. I'm optimistic for a season in 2012. I don't see the league killing their momentum. Hockey finally feels back. I don't think the players or owners will risk losing that. At worst I expect a delay to start the season.
  12. When people say Griggy plays too slow...what does that mean? Is he skating too slowly? Taking too long to make a choice? Being too conservative witht he puck?
  13. The problem is that most of this is so far removed from reality that it really can't be addressed. The forced vaginal probe before abortion is a real thing. Twenty three states require an ultrasound prior to abortion (I'm not even going to get into the ethics of this requirement). There are Republicans who want to do away with or limit contraception. It's certainly a Republican tenet that abortion is wrong and should be illegal (I don't think we can argue this). Those arguments are pretty based in reality actually. I take issue with objecting to his comment about Republicans killing their host. You know full well that was in response to Matrix using smiliar terminology about Democrats. Cherry picking and removing from context is a pretty poor debate tactic. I agree with some of what President Obama has done: 1. Affordable Care Act 2. Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell 3. Lower defense budget starting 2013 4. Military action in Libya 5. Assasination of Osama Bin Laden -- although I wanted him caught alive Things President Obama has done I don't agree with: 1. Extension of Bush tax cuts 2. Contiual operation of Guantanamo Bay prison -- He was for this until the day he went to the Pentagon for the secret meeting. Suddenly, ok with it 3. Using Executive privilige to protect fast and furious 4. TARP -- although truly I have mixed feelings on this Things I dont' give credit for/blame towards: 1. Lowering of troops in Iraq -- Following Bush's timeline on exit. No credit for that. 2. High unemployment -- a huge economic dip immediately before 2008 election. No blame for that.
  14. 1. The GOP would never vote for a bill that would put such a restriction on business--it's against their philosophy. The flag burning amendment I am referring to was a proposed amendment to the Constitution banning desecration of the flag. Every Dem voted against it, and then many mid-term campaigns pointed out how the incumbent Dem Senator voted against banning flag burning (or how the challenger Dem would vote against banning flag burning). The Equal Pay vote is the same kind of tactic 2. I think the Franken bill should be passed. I just think the reason it's voted down is framed as a war on women, which I think is dishonest.
  15. Exactly right. I wasn't even going back that far that is correct. They lost both those series because the other team was better. Did we just miss the physicality last year because the team missed the playoffs?
  16. I agree Mexico will win, but why does the altitude matter? The US is the fitter team. I would think the thin air would only help.
  17. Can anyone explain why the team that physically dominated Philly in the playoffs in 2011 became such a bunch of softies? I'm not trying to say they didn't become soft, just how that happened? I know I'm on record saying the physical side of hockey is overrated (I think that same playoff series against Philly speaks to my point) but I don't think it's irrelevant. Who did the team lose between 2010-11 and 2011-12? Montador? Morrisson? Are these guys really the reason Paul Gaustad turtled after doing this to Hartnell:
  18. I actually have two objections here: 1. The Equal Pay Act was a politically motivated tactic. The Dems knew the GOP would never pass a bill that put such a restriction on business. They purposely introduced this legislation to make Republicans have to vote against equal pay. It's like how in 2006 the GOP put forth the flag burning amendment to make the Democrats vote in favor of flag burning. 2. The Franken rule is a little dicier. I agree with the content. Whole heartedly. But I think the Republican objections have been misrepresented. They seem afraid that this will eliminate the ability of business to handle things via arbitration. I have no problem making exceptions for violent crimes, and I think the objections are unfounded. But I don't think these 30 Republicans who voted down are "pro rape" or "anti women" like is being irresponsibly spread around.
  19. I have a favor to ask. Please provide evidence that any of those programs "destroy the principals of self relience , self esteem and the work ethic" Because many of those were put into place into the 1930s. So you're saying we have had no self-reliance, self-esteem, or work ethic since then? You blast Medicare. Should we let old people go without health care and hope they can maintain private insurance on no salaries? You blast Food Stamps and welfare. Should we let people starve to death or freeze? Do you honestly believe that if we took these programs away people would simply go "well I guess I should get a job now?" like the existence of welfare is what keeps them from trying to find a job? And I'd really like to see how affirmative action puts the United States in a deficit. That doesn't even make sense.
  20. I don't know nearly enough about the EPL to join this, but it sounds fun. USA - Mexico tonight! What do you think the US chances are?
  21. That Sixty Minutes peice was pretty damning on its own. And to see that is totally legal is CRAZY! So it's Insider Trading if martha Stewart does it but a-ok if Congressman do it? Nuts to that. That being said...I think the election of a third party candidate is more complicated than "stop sending the same crooks." Forgetting the difficulty in getting any third party candidate elected to major office, the fact is most third party candidates are just major party candidates who can't get on the ticket. For instance, Ralph Nader and Ron Paul are really just a Democrat and a Republican who think pot should be legal. Sometimes I feel like anyone who wants to political office should be excluded from doing so. "Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
  22. I think there might be some confusion. The 'it' you quoted was the 'under god' part of the pledge, not the whole pledge. I proudly say the pledge, and just omit the part. Like you said, it was added as a way to root out communists. It's not intergral, in my opinion.
  23. America is a diverse country. I know a lot of people who are atheists/agnostics and a lot who are religious. I wish the "under God" wasn't there but I don't lose sleep over it. I just don't say it.
  24. Enjoyed reading this post. Academic yet simple. Well done sir
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