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Everything posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. This was my thinking about what Botterill might be thinking. I'd hate it, but it wouldn't shock me.
  2. If this is the answer at 2C, then Botterill has still neglected the position.
  3. No, he's played primarily wing with the occasional stint at center.
  4. It's a great deal as long as he's not our answer at 2C. Sir. One of these is not like the others.
  5. With Paul George! The NBA is great.
  6. This lineup isn't a playoff team, barring a miracle run of goaltending. I don't even think that's a bubble team.
  7. That, and the unrealistic expectations stemming from his second season.
  8. Oh yes, the fawning over Risto's physique. But then we get to watch him play like a smelly turd, and it's all for naught.
  9. I would love to know which of those deals we were in on and why it just didn't happen. Player interest? In-division trade barriers? Too pricey? And so on.
  10. Somebody should tell Botterill there's a reason that wings are cheaper to acquire...
  11. It's official, the Sabres read Sabrespace.
  12. Absolutely not. This team needs to be in the business of adding talent, not subtracting it. I'm not paying someone to take Okposo until I have a cap-mandated reason to do so. And saying somebody's stats were better than Mittelstadt's means as much as saying they were better than Sobotka's. Know whose stats Jankowski's were worse than? Our very own Johan Larsson!
  13. I can't remember the last time the Sabres didn't have a 1st round pick, and what future has it gotten us?
  14. Yes, and I'm not entirely convinced it'll be because Botterill struck out. I think there's at least an even chance that he simply believes Mittelstadt can do it in year 2.
  15. See the excellent post by @Curt for most of my rebuttal. If the goal is to be a good team, he can't be the plan at 2C. Just can't be. If he surprised and makes a jump, then awesome, we'll actually have center depth.
  16. Oh, I'm not worried about his readiness for the season. But he's pretty clearly in hockey-player-in-July mode.
  17. I laugh uncontrollably. Jankowski isn't any better of an option than Mittelstadt, and that Neal contract is an Okposo-level albatross.
  18. He can make a big jump and end up as...an adequate 3C on a good team. He'd have to take a nearly unprecedented leap to be a 2C on a good team next season. And you might be right as to Botterill's thinking. Of course, that thinking may lead him directly to the unemployment line.
  19. Because we're trying to make the playoffs. Casey wasn't an NHL player last year, so to have a better Casey could still be to utterly lack a 2C.
  20. To say nothing of the dad bod he's currently rocking.
  21. I'm moving towards where you are and it will bring me great sadness if it comes to fruition.
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