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Everything posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. I'll never understand the Sheary disappointment unless you expected him to produce like he did when skating with Sidney Crosby.
  2. Why not? We're not in a position to take a cap dump, but we can certainly make a hockey trade with a certain Finnish defenseman.
  3. Maybe not explicitly in this case, but there is a fairly sizeable history of people equating blacks who have tattoos with gangsters and the like in derogatory fashion with similarly derogatory intent. Racialized attitudes about NBA players aren't a Hoss creation, and the language is legitimately problematic.
  4. Fair enough. I can't really argue if it's just not your bag, because you just described exactly how I feel about baseball. So I get it.
  5. I think that's because there are simply so many more excellent plays each game that each one is less impactful for the casual fan. It's easy to remember an incredible goal when they're 2 of them in a game. An incredible basket? There might be 2 dozen in each game.
  6. Did we? I'm probably too lazy to peruse the original ROR trade thread, but I think a healthy number of people thought Berglund was a suitable 2C until Casey was ready.
  7. It's within spitting distance. Maybe not collision in intent, but I'd argue it contributes to collusion in effect.
  8. My only interest in the remaining UFA centers is for them to sign somewhere else.
  9. Welp, the last page of this thread certainly illustrates why calling someone racist prevents any meaningful dialogue. Because I do think there's a meaningful discussion to be had about why calling the NBA a bunch of wannabe gangsters is more problematic than a poor choice of words. Having met Woody, I think he'd have been open to such a conversation. But, a grenade gets tossed and a learning moment gets blown up. Sigh.
  10. Why not? People make mistakes. Even the smartest people make poor judgment calls. Botterill isn't the patron saint of perfection.
  11. Those 3 words are doing a lot of work in your thought process.
  12. What can I say? You've inspired me! As I age, I want to be more like you...with an emphasis on the bourbon.
  13. Because, again, that's putting the onus on myself and others to constantly explain. I don't mind doing it here and there, but two things. First, I don't pretend to be the absolute authority on thee things. Second, it would be a lot faster for people to go to the sourced locations. One question can quickly lead to another and before you know it I may as well have copied and pasted the methods section of another site.
  14. I'll take that bet. Now we just have to hope a third party does the leg work because lord knows neither of us are doing it
  15. I don't think he is. But Dahlin is so good I'm fine with running a bunch of 2nd pair guys behind him.
  16. I swear I'm not trolling: isn't arrogance one of the reasons you really don't like Jack?
  17. Do you honestly think it's fair to require people to explain the graphs continuously? After all, not everyone will see the explanations, so it'll have to be with every post. I think that's an unfair expectation of posters. The charts are created at evolving-hockey.com, and there's an explanation there of what they are for those curious.
  18. Everything in those charts has been explained multiple times, and Flagg explained the charts themselves. I really don't think it should be incumbent upon us to explain every time they're posted.
  19. If by that, I hope you don't mean at center. I like the signing a lot as a middle-six winger. That will change the moment I see him at 2C.
  20. Well, that's mostly because you underrate Sheary and Erod.
  21. Even if they haven't formally matched, they can't trade his rights, as he has no rights. He has a contract with Montreal.
  22. Well, according to the skater tables at evolving-hockey, Mittelstadt had 884 minutes at evens and Sobotka had 820. Where are you seeing Sobotka had more?
  23. That's only because of special teams. Mittelstadt was second behind Eichel at even strength ice time.
  24. Yea, could definitely be a sweetener from the wings now. Risto+ Sheary/Rodrigues.
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