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Everything posted by HopefulFuture

  1. Any car insurance commercial Take the pig and the lizard to the BBQ pit, make sure flo is wearing her leather S&M outfit with assless chaps while basting them at the pit, get the professor from the state farm university as the gimp and have that guy from all-state do the narative
  2. I'm with you Taro, and that makes me sad :( I don't believe the Sabres get out of the bottom 3 though, but there are a couple of teams that look to be competing with the Sabres for last place. Calgary looks to be one of those teams, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Florida down in mix again. The one team that does intrigue me is Winnipeg. How low can they go if they deal Kane for futures as opposed to NHL roster talent? As for the Islanders pick, I'd say anywhere from 4th OA to 10 OA with myself leaning heavily towards the 10 OA end of that scale barring injuries. But I don't see them as a playoff team quite yet.
  3. Kane is tempting. Hear Petey and Kevin speaking on it on Hockey Hotline this morning. Liked Petey's idea of a package deal. Sadly, it may cost us a generational talent, then again, as tank just pointed out above, we score 3 a game but give up 6 lol, therefore, if that is the outcome, I strongly approve :P
  4. Wow, and they have 2 of the Staal brothers, Skinner and of course, the Gerbel. That alone is more offensive fire power than our team :) i If your driving this band wagon, I'm willing to pay my fare to climb aboard. What I wouldn't give to see McDavid in a Sabres uniform via the draft. It would give me some real hope for the following years. Although, with the talent amassed now, the team should be pretty decent in 3 or more years or so. I can't complain about the tank so far, it's been fun to watch as other fan bases drool with envy, well, except Tampa Bay fans, for some reason they have a really good prospect and youth movement going on as well :P
  5. And I'm hoping your correct on Reinhart and the larger picture for Buffalo's future does look much more sound at the center position given this and the next draft (fingers crossed, I hope). But I'm always intrigued by the Sabres play these past few years particularly what DeLuca stated. The team spent a great deal of time running around, chasing the puck due to some face off losses, more so than they should have. And since the thread is about trades, I was wondering if DeLuca's comment struck a cord and put some names out there from others that can see Buffalo making a trade for such a player, of course, given the parameters set by TM, young, NHL ready talent. Well, I would have to believe that face off wins equals puck possession more often than not. That has to have some bearing on the game I would imagine. As I stated above, Buffalo spent a great deal of time chasing the puck due to face off losses. But the thread itself is on trades, so I was wondering as I pointed above as well, if DeLuca's comment struck a cord with the members and some individual players came to mind that could be had to help mitigate the situation. The reason I ask is due to TM's time line on a rebuild. I can't see his time line being achieved without puck possession as a consideration and I'm sure the organization takes many things in to consideration but judging from past seasons I would have to believe this is one of them is all.
  6. With TM's recent moves I now firmly believe getting one of McDavid or Eichel is out the window. Sabres finish with a 4th to 7th OA draft selection slot from the 15 draft. I also believe the Islanders will be better and may be a bubble playoff team given the EC's weak competition. St. Louis offers us a pick between 22 to 30th OA. In essence, the tank will go strong for another 2 full seasons, drafting in the 4th to 10th slot in that 16 draft IMHO.
  7. Interesting article, and I do agree with the post face off tactics bit, it is common sense. I'd like to see a league wide study like this one. Then I'd be able to tell if the Oilers are an anomaly or the norm in this matter, until then it's a singular study on the Oilers failures. Surely your not suggesting that those findings are the case league wide based on 1 teams data, are you? I fail to see how anything is incorrect here. DeLuca's statement was pretty clear, and subsequently my comment referencing his statement was pretty clear. DeLuca denoted having a center that can actually play center, I followed up commenting on the face off situation and threw in scoring to boot. I don't see how your response answers my questions on the intangibles of the prospects in this regards. Since they are currently unknown commodities at the NHL level simply because they have no real time in the league as of yet, I'd argue they are a larger risk than going out and getting a center that already performs these functions. Of course, that's not feasible, but, it is reasonable. And I understand why it's not reasonable, were in the middle the beginning of the rebuild and hence need to wait to see what we actually have in these players. In the end, it doesn't address the fact that DeLuca is correct and I agreed with him.
  8. Well, I do as well. I'm merely saying, DeLuca is correct. It's a myth that has been going on for far to long here in Buffalo. And although I concur it's only a few face offs, it's the ability to control the flow of the game from those face offs that to me would make some difference. If for example 4 or those 8 face offs are offensive zone, if we win 3 instead of 1 out of the 4 of those face offs per game, does that not increase the odds of us controlling the flow of the game from those face offs? I would be inclined to say yes to an extent, that would help. And what of those face off wins that convert to puck control, especially in the offensive zone? Would they not be able to increase scoring opportunities on say, 33% of those situations, conservatively? I would say that's a reasonable expectation, no? And of those 33% chances, what if 33% of that 33% is a quality scoring chance that leads to a goal, would that not alter some game outcomes given how close Buffalo plays in it's games, even during the tank? I'd be inclined to say it will have some affect, no?
  9. So, in affect, DeLuca is correct. It's always some mythical quest while other teams are acquiring centers that may, or, may not be top 20 in the next few years. Hodgson, while a nice player, doesn't project to be in that category either. What Reinhart is forced to wing? What if our other centers (someone mentioned Grigo, I laughed by the way) in our system don't pan out for various reasons? We should what? Keep on waiting? Serious question by the way, I'm not saying we should run right out and get one, but surely there are centers that can be had that serve specific purposes, say, such as, face off wins? Our team sucks at face offs, and especially in the offensive zone, they are, well, offensive................
  10. I should have used the sarcasm emoticon ;) This! Completely agree, having a center who can net 60% or better on face offs would be nice along with scoring.
  11. Hodgson to Vancouver for Kassian We have center depth coming, we need wingers :w00t:
  12. A clarion call has gone out to all corners of the hockey world from Arizona, bring us your meek, timid, soft players..........................
  13. I agree with the poster who pointed out he could have moved up into the late 1st with 2 of the 2nd rounders, then, packaged that 1st and the other 2nd rounder, if he had to he could have included the 61st over all as well. But what is striking is the deal for the 20th overall, The 27th and the 67th picks? Really? I think Murray could have packaged the 31st, 49th and 61st to get up to 20 then used the 20th and 39th to move up to the mid teens, no? Also, I believe Murray is going for Quality for sure, especially since he was willing to offer all three 2nd rounders.
  14. :clapping: I wonder if he'd be willing to do intermission shows with Sabretooth :lol:
  15. Hoping Ehrhoff gets moved today, maybe in a larger package to move back up in to the 1st round with a couple of the 2nd round picks and taking back salary. I'd like to think we could get back in to the 12 to 15 range with something around a situation like that. I'm hoping anyways.
  16. I'm in your boat. I switched from Bennett to Reinhart only to go back to Bennett again. At least 1 of them, maybe both, will be there at 2 so I feel good about that pick. My interest is really focused in on where TM will trade back in to the 1st round at, if he can. I'd like to see what type of player they have on their minds for that one, to me, that should go a long way in telling my self anyways, where they feel they needed to shore up some depth or who they felt could be an impact player.
  17. I put mine up there. I chose Myers as the one to get moved, although, I feel Ehrhoff will be the one. Yes the Sabres mack a "Holy Mackeral" trade, Myers involved. I'd move Ehrhoff with no salary retained and the 39 pick for the 12th, if I had to add something, it would be the other late 2nd rounder. I know none of this happens, at least, in my mind, but, I'd like to see Myers stay. I really have no input on Hodgson, Foligno or Ennis, I believe they stay I reckon. I agree, he looks so relaxed as the GM. Uncle trained him well it appears, at least by his outward expressions. The glasses man, those glasses make the man in his case :flirt:
  18. I think the Sabres know it's either going to be Reinhart or Ekblad and I also believe they have gone over scenarios to utilize assets to get elite talent in the forward ranks by using assets, including potentials from this draft. Well, I know it's been beaten to death, But if he really wants to make a move back up in the top 5 to grab Draisaitl, I'd be inclined to believe Myers is on the table then. Just my opinion though. As for getting the other players you mention, I know TM loves his big bodies, but dam, I sure do like that Ehlers kid. That speed, oh that speed.
  19. This is where I am at. Edmonton and Calgary are on most radars for that player. I'm not so sure on that, maybe the 5th to 8th selection? What do you think with all the chatter, is it possible he falls past 5?
  20. One of Reinhart or Ekblad will be a Sabre come this June 27th. Of that I have little doubt. If it is Ekblad, this organization has a massive pool of assets to bring that elusive elite forward to town. But in so far as this draft, those 2 are the BPA's for the 1 and 2 spots in most consensus. That being the case, I'm happy with either one and I trust GM TM will make the appropriate moves in the next 12 months, including the 15 draft, to secure the teams long term core in an effort to be a Cup contender, not just a force in the Eastern Conference.
  21. Yea, I caught this as well today. I wouldn't mind Soupy back at all. I'd like to get that 1st over all and retain the 2nd over all while doing it. If that is not possible, that 32nd over all could be a bargaining chip to get back in to the teens in the 1st rd as some sort of package deal, I think.
  22. Sportsnet Radio(Kypreos) reporting Leafs and Blues have discussed a Kadri/Berglund trade. If the Blues are trading away a couple of assets in an attempt to better the product next season, I hope it fails :) I'd like that 2015 1st to be as low as possible :P
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