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Everything posted by HopefulFuture

  1. Well, kiss the McDavid good bye :rolleyes:
  2. Exactly. And, quite frankly, there is no reason to. These type of events have happened in the past and the world has continued on.
  3. Hey, another realist. Nice to meet you. It will be something like that, only, in this case, it appears the equipment came with trained Russian military operators. EDIT: and yes, Russia is still untouchable, unless your proposing we go to defcon 1 and institute the MAD policy while our MDS is still in it's infancy and not fully capable of protecting the home land or our allies.
  4. Which will amount to nothing. This isn't the first time the Russians have shot down a civilian airliner. It most likely won't be their last. But, we have no moral ground to stand on here in America politically. We've dusted off hundreds of thousands of innocent lives through our nations actions across decades. This will blow over, and the status quo will remain in effect.
  5. Swamp, you are my new truth hero
  6. A Russian missile, most likely launched by Russian separatists. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.....................
  7. Agreed. In most cases that seems to be forgotten in the modern world. Which I agree with fully. The question that I haven't heard to much of during this entire affair between Ukraine and Russia is just how much territory are they looking at taking from Ukraine? I'm not particularly familiar with the natural resources in Eastern Ukraine so I'm not fully aware of just how much dirt Putin is looking at scooping up. And then the follow up question, for me at least, is what is left of Ukraine after it's all said and done. Because you just eluded to a very real fact, no one is going to stand up and stop him or the Russians from doing so.
  8. That was supposed to be sarcasm. I fully understand what your saying d4rk. There is little to nothing he can do. I just get a kick out of the reactionists to an incident like this. Honestly, I put the mistake squarely on the airline for allowing the plane in this vicinity if it wasn't off course. But, it doesn't help that it appears as though the separatists are gunning down everything with wings in the area.
  9. I promised I wouldn't post here until the 16 elections, but I am just disgusted at the entire Malaysian airline shot down and Obama's reaction to it. I'd be hopping ######in mad right now. If Putin can't keep his pets on a leash, then send in the 4th ID with the 10th armored to do so and have the 101st and 82nd in Poland as fast reaction forces. Get this situation under control, the Ukrainians are supposed to be our allies, I'd like Obama to start acting like they are instead feeding some ###### lip service to it. And as for the airliner, what the hell were the flight controllers thinking allowing a civilian airliner over a hot zone area where conflict is currently ongoing. Morons. But it's Obama that pisses me off. You want the job of the leader of the free world, then start acting like it, piece of ######. /rant. EDIT: For those that take this seriously, it'S not, I'm merely pointing out there is little Obama can do in this situation.
  10. Ah, well, that clarifies it quite a bit. Thank you shrader. With the comment earlier on his willingness to to sign with Chicago being tied to ice time, would TM snag him and give him a shot at the roster right away, or tell him he could come up as needed?
  11. Thank you for clarifying carpandean. I haven't caught Hayes in action but once viewing a televised game, so I'm not aware of his abilities. But if he's worth it, I'd like to see the Sabres go get him.
  12. Kevin Hayes anyone? Seems he appears hell bent on going to UFA Aug. 15th. Compensation to Chicago is a compensatory 2nd round pick, I'm assuming that's a pick at the end of the round, or is it actually our pick? And if so, is Hayes worth a top end 2nd round pick in this draft? Projects as a power forward, hobey baker finalist. Plays a decent game, adds competition to the PF's we have in the pipe line now, no?
  13. That is an interesting look at the Sabres contract situation to be sure. Moulson and Gionta are the most interesting aspects of this, with the date on Gionta's NMC shifting over to a limited NTC, I have to wonder if Murray wouldn't be looking to move them after the 2/3 season mark as well. Time limit on instilling character and leadership qualities on the kids?
  14. I don't know, why don't you ask him. Stretching it a little to prove what? Hey, check this out, I don't give a ###### ;)
  15. Mr. Pegula has had his honeymoon, spend to try and compete, early stage. Since, he's hired Mr. Murray and the blueprint appears to be taking shape nicely. Murray heaven? No, this is still Hockey Heaven, the road needed more than a few cold patches is all, now that it's getting paved correctly it should make for a smoother ride to competitive games that are fun at FNC. Well done Mr. Pegula, Well done Sir!
  16. Outside of the Weekes tweet, does anyone have confirmation that he's actually been signed?
  17. Thanks X. Looking ahead, I take it many of these prospects will be AHL bound or back to their respective junior clubs. Any chance we see some of them to the ECHL as well? Thanks campy, same question for you I posed to X. Any chance we see some of this talent in the ECHL this coming year?
  18. I agree, that avatar is freaking awesome. Well done IknowPhysics, well done!
  19. public money being misused, stolen and the taxpayers getting robbed blind in the area zero ###### given
  20. I think you missed the point. The dog can ###### in his own yard, my brother has kids that use that front yard area, sit in the grass and play and so on.
  21. Anyone have any insight on the abilities of the invitee Brandon Prophet? Article says 6'2", 200lbs. But other than that, not much. How's his vision on the ice, speed, skating, passing, what does he project to be defensively? Any info appreciated.
  22. Well, there's 3 minutes of my life I won't get back..........................
  23. That is sad really. I enjoyed them. My first memories of hockey are my mother and father taking me to the Aud game after game and cheering them on.
  24. The bolded is ######in funny and true. I own a dog, most of family have one or 2. When they ask me why I don't take him for walks I actually respond with what you just pointed out. I say how the ###### does it make any common sense to take my dog down the street to crap on someone elses yard, even when I pick it up that's just down right ######in rude. My brother also doesn't do it and actually once told a guy on his street that did while his dog was shitting on his lawn how the ###### would he like it if he came down to his place, dropped his draws, layed a turd, then used a bag to pick it up. Keep your ######in dog off my yard ######. We all burst out laughing our ###### off when he did it. But, you are correct, 0 ###### given on those people!
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