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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Less talent and we're tanking according to you but also Granato is to blame. Just amazing mental gymnastics to hate everything this team does regardless of anything else.
  2. Bye! Don't let the door hit you and all that. Sorry, but I don't have time for your outrage theater. Right up until the next win when everyone will be all "this team has potential!" again. I said a flip, flop, a flippity flop. I said a flip flop flippity flop.
  3. You're amazing. In one thread you say the Sabres are less talented because Sam and Jack are gone and in this thread you crap on the coach for not polishing this turd better. Just say "I hate this team" and move on if everything about them you hate.
  4. I don't think anyone will save this team next year. They won't make playoffs without Vezina level goaltending but I do think they have more overall talent as a team and in the wings than at any time since 2006. That doesn't mean it all translates but it's a lot more than what this team has in 2018 after ror got traded.
  5. All I can think of is that line from jaws when they are staring at the billboard and he says "you see this, those proportions are correct"
  6. Lol. I love this line "get a real coach. Granato has coached at all levels from juniors to the nhl during a 20 year career but please, go on.
  7. Rasmus Dahlin is more talented than both. Cozens and Krebs have a lot of work to do this offseason.
  8. Against an opponent that's faster, better, stronger. Learning experience for the young players. The legs feed the wolf gentlemen.
  9. And there we have the difference, Florida is a cup contender and we aren't even a playoff contender yet.
  10. He's been very disappointing to me. I think he has a lot of work to do 5v5
  11. For as much grief as Dahlin gets for bad passes, it's stunning Krebs gets almost none. Sure the one that connect are great but Krebs skates towards the goal and tosses the puck to the middle. That's his go to thing.
  12. Ristolainen wouldn't be anywhere near my team. Tallinder would though.
  13. Ik it's not, I'm just saying and have been saying it's hard to find the deal he wants and Reinhart was his example.
  14. Idk if this needs a thread but Krebs isn't quite cutting it
  15. Anyways, back to the gdt. Florida was where Buffalo is about 3 years ago or so, they drafted and augmented the team well to get to this stage.
  16. You actually fail to get my point, I don't think it's responsible to trade what it costs for a Reinhart at this stage of the rebuild. Now if something pops free this summer for a 2nd or similar price, sure. No problem at that price point.
  17. So you're not interested in a real conversation. Got it.
  18. Can you not imagine that Granato has a 20yr coaching resume and that ufa might know him?
  19. The Sabres have more talent now, not less. They aren't finishing last and finishing last isn't the same thing as tanking.
  20. I expect Florida to win as we'll be tired and they can roll 4 lines. I'll bet Eakin ends today -2 Reinhart hat trick.
  21. Lmfao. They aren't last now. Especially when teams will actually tank. Tanking isn't just... casually finishing last. Tanking is trying to ensure you finish last so again @Buffalonill are we trading all those players to ensure we finish last aka are we going to gut our team of talent to tank in the standings?
  22. Discussed in Multiple other threads. In fact this is your go to post more or less. We get it, you want to trade Levi and a 1st for a player like Reinhart while totally ignoring where Florida was as a team and where Buffalo is.
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