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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. 3. It's why it was important not to for Eichel
  2. No, there's been rumors that they didn't address internally. It was just a, "well we lost the coin flip and that's why we lost" attitude. America, where we subsidize billionaires but tell the poor that it's their fault the 5 jobs they work don't cover the cost of living.
  3. So you think they'll trade tuch, tage, dahlin, okposo, and upl? Idk, I doubt it.
  4. Kozak with 2 goals, might have something with him.
  5. We talk a lot about "learning to win" and during the 6 game losing streak the teams leaders called out exactly why they were not winning. Execution, effort, level of play. The Toronto game they put that all together and the Minnesota game they did it again, ever though at times they were outplayed. I don't like blaming effort because it becomes this scapegoat for everything. Oh if they had tried harder they would win. However, I think we're getting close to having enough talent where yes, playing at 80-100% effort is going to make you competitive most nights. That fearless attacking style is awesome and I'm really hoping with reinforcements coming (Power, Quinn, JJ, Levi/Portillo), this team is finally going to have the talent for the effort to matter.
  6. Idk if he's well overpaid anymore, he might be but with the price of players going up and his resurrection, this year at least he's earning his contract.
  7. Nope, unless I get Montréal's 2023 first unprotected
  8. Eakin played 10 min last night so Granato is hopefully over this crap and after the deadline if Eakin is here, healthy scratch him
  9. Mittelstadt had some moments last night and I had forgotten how good his hands are. I still think he's not quite 100% but he looks worlds better than last week.
  10. Eakin being played over Jankowski is criminal at this point. He turns pucks over, skates into coverage, make just shockingly bad decisions, isn't terribly fast, and winning 5 extra faceoffs a year doesn't make him worth watching your team get stuck in your own end every shift he plays.
  11. I find it exceedingly worrisome that the Bills coaches haven't addressed it
  12. It isn't just about teams with high cap that want to dump, teams with high cap who want to add are the key here. For example if the Sabres retain 50% and take a bad contract for next season, can they get a 2022 2nd? Can they get a Peterka level prospect?
  13. And by not retaining on Eichel, the Sabres have all their retain spots open. https://www.capfriendly.com/
  14. Eakin shouldn't play another second. He made 1 play all night that wasn't complete *****.
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