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Everything posted by CallawaySabres

  1. Bring in a vet coach with proven track record who has similar offensive philosophy to what we are seeing now.
  2. I never thought I would live to see Another day where the sabres played a full 60 minutes against a good team and actually won again.
  3. I am actually on the way to the airport my kid for vacation and tried to pull the old Flight cancelled for vacation. I then look at this and fell for it 5 minutes after doing it myself.
  4. The Cozens injury wasn't adding insult to injury Marty, it was adding injury to insult...
  5. I can't believe I actually started feeling bad for the players after 3 nothing and i really wanted the nightmare end for them. I have no sympathy for these people anymore
  6. I should have never told my kids to turn on the TV, I am such an idiot.
  7. I forgot how fun this can be. All I wish for now is for Eichel to hold on for 1 more year. Just give it 1 more Jack
  8. My family is an original season ticket holder from day 1 with the Bills I have had season tickets to the Sabres half my life 2-14 seasons with the Bills and attending Sabres games during the tank years dis collective piece of crap dat shows up on the ice each night is the ONLY team I have ever been embarrassed of my entire life. dis team makes me dislike watching hockey and I was one of the biggest fans there was. What can the average fan be thinking? How dis organization can even advertise having fans in the building makes me sick to my stomach. Go fck yourselves to anyone associated with dis team from the top to the bottom......
  9. Goaltending the issue? These idiots can't even generate a goal. This is just such a waste and I'm done complaining. Have a great Summer all and hopefully life gets back to normal soon.
  10. I would pay so much money to see Eichel benched.....I think he is my most disliked player in Buffalo history
  11. 1-0 Isle Hutton plays great and Sabes ALMOST get one as Eichel and Skinner go in on a 2 on 0 and Eichel passes it while Skinner hits the post.
  12. Wow, another one of these? After such an inspiring performance last night, I can't imagine they could replicate the effort 2 nights in a row. Hopefully Ralph gave them the morning off and he can continue coaching again tomorrow.....
  13. The problem is not only a lack of a second line Center, our first line Center savior has all but checked out and seems to be waiting for management and ownership to send him off to a city where he will thrive..
  14. At least RJ got paid to watch garbage, how about the suckers like me that actually paid $ the last decade to watch this crap....
  15. Paying 9 million dollars to Jeff Skinner and hiring a soccer coach to lead your team was the real Turning Point.
  16. This officially goes down as my most hated Buffalo team in the history of the city.
  17. The good news is that next year we can take all those wasted millions on Hall and and use it to pay all the wasted millions towards Skinner. This whole organization is just a shell of a team that crumbles at the tiniest sign of adversity. My God I can't stand Eichel. I would trade him in a heartbeat for at least 50 players in this league....straight up
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