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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. It's 3am and I'm hammered in Palawan Phillipines.. I have to wake up in 2 hours to cstxh a flight home.. Mf it.... I'm gonna meke it. Don't wanna leaveeee
  2. I just came up from 102 ft, at one point I had a seahorse come to my finger. My complaint, seas are getting rough and the Dramamine hasn't kicked in yet.
  3. I just finished my 3rd dive out in the Sulu sea today... I was looking for Thresher Sharks and Cuddlefish.... What I found was much less impressive... At the bottom of the Ocean, were your 2023-2024 Buffalo Sabres, They were stuck in the sand, and Donny Meatballs was failing to swim against the current.
  4. Water here in Phillipines around 80 degrees, I only wear a 3mm wetsuit for skin protection but its certainly not necessary
  5. I don't have much time, got to seoul and now on the next leg to Cebu... I'm exhausted, can't sleep in planes... Terry gone yet?
  6. Taking off to Korea, I await my wifi to rejoin this conversation in 15 hours 😘 Before I take off... F U Terry and KO.
  7. And now I have a new pose to replicate when I'm home.
  8. I think they're in the top couple for me... Those Krueger years, especially when Jack was getting annoyed; those are hard to top. I really do dislike this team a lot though.
  9. Oh it's stupid. It's more about the mentality of this than the actual salute. Jesus, I get cursed at work daily,I don't stop practicing medicine because of it.
  10. Last game overseas, I met LTS in Sweden and we saw Kucherov cheap shot our guy (Sobotka maybe) with no retribution and we folded and lost both of those.
  11. This and the ducking media after games with a poor showing really do tell a tale. I get that the media isn't going to highlight anything groundbreaking, but you get paid millions, sit there and answer some questions. Your 2023-2024 Buffalo Sabres are a team of woke boys... Not men.
  12. They need to save their strength, lifting those heavy sticks in front of 800 fans is tough work. I've said it before, this is one of the most unlikeable overall squads I've seen. They just don't have a whole lot of anything, just bleh.
  13. I'll admit, I popped this on my phone with about 6 minutes left in the game... Up until they tied it, it wasn't looking very good.. Sloppy passes, no one at the net, can't keep it in at the blue line. I don't know what the rest of the game looked like. In OT, they were fine... I also hate 3 on 3 and find it hard to judge anything in OT fairly (except maybe bad coaching) Make no mistake, they won and it was kind of exciting, but this is a bad team. Nothing about this win made me feel good or like we turned any sort of corner.
  14. At the airport, got a lot of flying ahead of me. Scuba trip to the Philippines, Visayas and Tubbataha areas. Hoping to get up close and personal with some thresher and whale sharks in the great open blue. This is my first long trip in quite some time and oddly enough I'm a bit nervous for it. Medically I'm nowhere near 100%, but F it, live once and live hard.
  15. Got 20 runs in yesterday and the snow was not half bad. Enjoy it! Finishing packing up today for my flight to the Phillipines early Sunday morning. Gonna get my scuba diving back on, it's been too long.
  16. I was gonna sayyyyy You tube how to fix it yourself, I've learned a bunch that way.
  17. We are just so so so bad... We have a GM that's incapable of doing the job. I mean at least try to make a move... Go down swinging Bye bye coach and assistants, big trade, even if it appears you lose it, just something to show you have a pulse. Terry should go to his yacht and F right off
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