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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Not sure Ralph could squeeze a goal out of him with his high octane offensive juggernaut of a system.
  2. I’ve never liked another team. I’m not sure I could. But man do I need a winning team to root for. Ten years I’ll never get back. Thanks for nothing Terry. Ya smuck.
  3. In the meantime our offence completely dries up and with our mediocre goaltending we miss the playoffs again. Not sure what to say. Hopefully coach finds the balance but for this year its too late. Its a lose lose situation.
  4. True maybe its just Ralphs system but something has taken any semblance of offence away from these formerly offensive players and talented players capable of putting up numbers don’t just lose that ability all at the same time unless coaching.
  5. They’ll never learn. And now they’re getting ready to open up the vault and saddle us with Taylor Hall.
  6. Ray. He’s the only guy I know who talks about how great things are or how great a job everyone is doing as the clock ticks down in the final seconds of a 4-2 loss. He is the definition of a yes man.
  7. I’m going to ease up on my vitriol here. Letting my anger flare towards the team and most notably the coach just isn’t right under these circumstances. A season without covid with these results yer darn tootin I’d bitch loud and proud. But these are unprecedented times and these players have unusual stresses. Hopefully Risto and the rest of the guys can recover both physically and mentally. Thats all.
  8. You and I both. Under Ralph Hall looks totally washed up. Don’t know why anyone would sign this player to an extension at this point. He looks like a shell of his former self.
  9. Ralph couldn’t coach a pride of lions to eat a lame gazelle. Nobody on this team can score in Ralphs system. Oddly enough these games remind me of premier league football where scores are often 1-0 etc. It is absolutely terrible to watch. There’s no getting around that. Once again this team is a laughing stock. When will the Pegulas ever learn ?
  10. At some point we need to see results. Not sure what else to say. We are a tank worthy team getting tank like results. Thats not what this particular coach sold himself to the Pegulas as. Did he misrepresent himself and his abilities ? Is he really this bad ? Is this team really this bad ?
  11. I don’t hate this team but I’m certainly starting to hate these coaches. Can you coach the life out of a team ? Can you throw so much information at players that they forget to do what comes instinctually ? Can you take everything a player learned to love about hockey while growing up and coach it out of them ? Cause I’ll tell you they play like they hate this game. And I certainly can’t find anything enjoyable in what I’m seeing. Our best players can’t score. Our most promising D man looks like he’s afraid to make a mistake. Our franchise player looks disinterested most of the time. Our offseason grab who’s playing for his next contract is pretty much invisible and can’t score. At some point you have to look at systems and how these guys are being prepared. Is the coach putting players in a position to succeed ? Certainly not in Skinners case. And where is GM KAdams ? Anyhoo I’ll let myself out.
  12. I do enjoy Marty. He paid attention when he played. Rob not so much. And I was a huge fan of Rob when he played.
  13. If I have to hear Rays ball washing of this organization one more time I’ll pull an Elvis and shoot the tv. These guys are doing a great job with coaching, scouting, talent evaluation, special teams, player development etc. I’ll say what I said last night. I’m not seeing results Rob. Where is the praise warrented ? None of these players, coaches , talent evaluators are doing a good job Robbie boy cause there are no good results to back up your claims. Show me the frikken money. I need to see results to believe anything that comes out of your mouth. Its all lip service at this point.
  14. Ralph keeps saying the players are playing the right way. That they’re learning the good habits. But they’re not getting results Ralph. So is it the right way or are you wrong in your approach to coaching this particular group of guys. Your best players can’t score at 5 on 5 in your system Ralph. If they keep playing the right way the results will come. I still ain’t seeing any results Ralph. You sure its not the system ?
  15. Doomed. This team is ...all together now. DOOMED . hard enough with a full squad of capable nhlers but with this squad of iregulars , has beens and never beens , I dunno.
  16. 10% of 19 000 people. 1900 ? How many people in a shopping mall ? How many go through Costco on a Saturday ? A Walmart ? Not sure why 1900 socially distanced fans can’t safely watch live hockey. How many were at the super bowl ?
  17. The league really #%€¥ed this covid situation up but I ain’t going to panic. Its par for the course.
  18. Vlad Laine ain’t going to last long in Columbus.
  19. I suppose I likely purchased NHL tv prematurely.😳with players dropping like flys is there any doubt that the season is in jeopardy ?
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