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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Gutted out a good win. Its about time. Aside from his goal really not impressed with Stall. Noticed what look like lazy clearing attempts that turn into giveaways. Maybe he is at the end of a long shift. Seems to happen often. Dahlin looks good down low creating chaos. Someone threw it out there that maybe he should play forward. Not sure about that but he looks comfortable in the offensive end.
  2. Liking Dahlins game so far. Maybe one of his better efforts.
  3. If we ever get back to the playoffs we absolutely need grit. Look at the last four teams standing this last season. All were more than capable of playing a heavy in your face game.
  4. Ralph is out of touch. Throwing the rook out on the shootout when we absolutely needed the win was odd as well.
  5. Did something just go down between the jets and bluejackets ?
  6. I still don’t see any players with that win at all cost attitude. We’ve had that before when we were successful and now not so much. You need 2 or 3 of those types in your lineup. Guys who live and breath winning. Hate losing. Not the take my toys and go home types which I believe we may have. Its the culture. They bring guys in and they tip toe into the room to try and fit in. They need to bring a couple guys in to topple the existing power structure within that room. Egos may get bruised but it has to happen. Ralph can take his lavender scented candles and ***** off.
  7. Its time for results Ralphy boy. You’ve got 2 points. And according to you thats from playing the ‘right’ way. I’d hate to see results from playing the ‘wrong’ way. 😉
  8. 2 points. Its early sure but we always seem to find ourselves at the bottom of the league. We had better feast on a depleted Caps team.
  9. Sorry to hear this terrible news. Condolences to Linus and family.
  10. So what they’re saying is no hookers and blow ? What a buzzkill.
  11. In the first game against Philly quite literally every bounce went our way. I think we gone done used up our allotment of bounces for the year. Anyhoo I’ll show myself out.
  12. Layed an egg. Oh well. Good effort the Flyers were more determined and had something to prove after last nights showing. C’est la vie.
  13. It was intentional and dirty. Not sure who was on the ice at the time but a scrum and a facewash would have sufficed. It was nice to score on the powerplay when it was already 5-1 just to rub salt in Phillies wound. Thats where this lineup should make teams pay.
  14. First real test of the season with the new back to back schedule. They played a better second of the back to backs against the Caps but they never Whooped them in game one. Flyers might even throw gritty into the lineup. Go Sabres !
  15. Missed the second but wow what a result. Full marks for effort and the PP was moving the puck around nicely. Too bad they couldn’t get Jabba the Shut out.
  16. So what you’re saying is we have no chance😳. Aright. I can get behind that.
  17. They let Milbury go and hire old leatherface. They just gave me another reason not to watch.
  18. He hasn’t been completely beaten down by losing yet but give it time. Patience grasshopper.
  19. The problem with some coaches is they are stubborn or simply glued to their system. They lack an ability to adjust mid-game if the opponents strategy requires it. I hope this isn’t Ralphs issue. Last year with some of his player usage it appeared to be.
  20. I thought these guys would go through a wall for Ralph? That one reminded me of the scrimmage at camp. Made me want to ralph🤮. Ramp it up boys!
  21. Put this in the gameday thread. Prolly belongs here. Watched the Washington game on nhl.tv and it was shite. Looped the entire game every 10 seconds or so. Sometimes went blurry. If thats what I can look forward to I’ve been jobbed of my money. The people who run nhl.tv should be embarrassed. Chromecast from my phone to the tv. The game on the phone ended a full 5 minutes before the game on my tv did. Could it be something I’m doing ? I’m of the opinion that its not. Never had that problem using chromecast ever.
  22. Early prediction. Sabres will go 0 for 4 to start the season and play catch up all season long.
  23. But Ralph you’re paid to coach. I watched that one on NHL.tv and that was just a terrible broadcast. Looping continually the entire game. If thats what I have to look forward to ? . Chromecast to my tv and the game ended on my phone a full 5 minutes before it ended on my tv ? Wtf
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