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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Well that was absolutely turdable to watch. The Kraken make the Sabres look like a brand new franchise. Every game it becomes harder to find a nugget of positive to take away. Nada. Nope. I got nothin.
  2. KA is collecting marbles so his marble bag gets fuller. I get it that we need depth and the more promising prospects we collect the better the odds we’ll improve the big club yada yada yada. But it sure would be nice for the shiny new toys to learn in a winning environment and not get used to losing. Competent goaltending would go a long way to helping make that happen.
  3. It irritated me as well. Losing should never be tolerated. Who knows maybe someone farted ? Damn I hate this lose n learn mantra that this team is going with. Feels too much like a tank. And with the lowest common denominator goaltending it feels even more like a set up to fail situation. I get the development aspect to what KA is touting but I think the development happens faster with competent goaltending and the occasional win.
  4. Earlier I said beat them at their own game. Come on Girgs I didn’t mean literally. Well, thats 2 hours I won’t get back. Not much to be excited about with KAs roster. Suffering you betcha.
  5. Shut up Rob Ray. I don’t want to hear its a very good game for the Sabres when they lose 7-4. Granted there were some good things happened within the game and it is apparently a learning season in meatballs words but, they lost 7-4. The heartbreak kids just can’t seem to find their groove. Oh well, on to the next one.
  6. Tell me you’re not Joki ng ? Thats great news.
  7. Teams not even in this game. Well their heads are certainly not in it. Did they all come down with mono ? My gawd they look bad. Anyhoo. Not seeing much effort.
  8. Sounds kind of like the parent club. Coincidence ?
  9. ...he’s a smoker he’s a midnight Toker. Great game by Toker. These boys got heart. I think that culture change KA likes to talk about has shifted this team already. They play for each other. I highly doubt there are any separate factions within the room. That third was a nail biter and we were heavily outshot but honestly I still felt the guys would win. Really enjoyed the effort.
  10. I get what you’re saying. Its harder than it appears to have decent goaltending. But if your priorities are to collect high draft picks then having decent goalies can fall by the wayside. And results like last night are accepted. So losing is accepted. Thats always been hard for me to accept. Well, except during the tank. I supported it. And I got what I deserved. This kind of feels like that. Except I see promise in the farm. But I’d rather win. Even with a ***** roster. I think meatballs wants to win too. A decent goalie could help in that regard. Anyways I’m getting off the soapbox. This is tiring.
  11. Tell you what Curt. You do you. We’re still paying Hodgson are we not? Maybe I’m wrong. And I wasn’t sure on Moulson. So if thats imaginary in your eyes, thats fine. I basically admitted I wasn’t sure in the post.
  12. This is the most entertained I’ve been in a decade. Half the team are jags so you take what you get. I just feel the one position on the team where you can really help reward the hard work and comittment is with decent goaltending. I’m not saying go off of the plan but we’ve seen that even with what the pundits are saying is the worst team in the league we are capable of stringing some wins together. With decent goaltending who knows ? Last night was like a gutpunch with 11 seconds to go. I suppose if the idea is to lose but collect draft capital then we’re doing fine. But I believe the goal should be to always win. Every game. Otherwise as others have said this is nothing more than a tank.
  13. Woo. Thank god for that. The fact remains we have ***** goaltending . To be fair Anderson has been pretty good as our #1 when he’s been available. Toker has been ok in a backup roll. But KA could have done better to shore up the net. Like the rest of Buffalo Sabres hockey our goaltending has been average at best. Maybe thats the most we should expect as Sabres fans.
  14. We’re still paying Cody Hodgson. Matt Moulson. I’m not sure. There could be more. But goaltending is one of if not the most important positions. We go with a guy that was retired and a couple minor league guys as your second and third string. I am bought in on the plan. But I think you make certain exceptions if it moves you in the right direction.
  15. If I was only the gm. But I’m not. Fortunately for me KA will live or die on that sword. I agree with much if not all that KA is doing but the lack of capable goaltending in my mind is one of his biggest failures. With goaltending we win that game last night. Those 2 points towards a playoff spot contribute more growth for the young guys than the usual soundbite of we’ll learn from our mistakes and move on.
  16. How is it wasting picks or assets when goaltending is likely the most important gap to fill when building a team? We traded away most of our high end guys and KA refused to bring in a goaltender. He brought a guy out of retirement.
  17. Thats my point. This team is cheap. We lost Ulmark because we are cheap. Ownership and management could care less if we win so people will not pay to see the game. Why bother ?
  18. O.k. Whatevs. Let me ask you this. What would it cost to have had a decent goaltender in net last night against the Leafs ? This dollarama team would have beat that team thats stretched up against the cap. Instead we go with a third string goalie.
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