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Everything posted by 7+6=13

  1. We didn't sign Pommers - we traded to get rid of Ennis with the opportunity to also get a defenseman in Scandella. You want Ennis back?
  2. I get it man but we're in this predicament as fans because this team stinks and they haven't earned our cheer. They've forced us (ok me) to be selfish. You've put me through this season now I damn sure don't need you to make it worse by taking percentage from me. I know you know but rooting to win has no effect on the ice. I'm rooting for me now and my teams future interests before a handful of players playing better so they can stay in the NHL on another team.
  3. Must be the market isn't leaning towards their ask - so may need the teams that lose out on Nash to adjust. Could be that we're just threatening to allow Nash to go first - and say hey you want to pay what's being rumored for Nash or give us blank which is likely a better deal for Kane.
  4. I apologize for not seeing your response in the other thread and I respect the thoughts you have. It's not like it's fun for me or something I wished for. It's a consolation prize for an awfully disappointing season. I thought we'd knock on the playoff door and was shocked at the atrocious start that subsequently continued to date. So now my thoughts have to switch to what's the next best thing for the club. We're fortunate that we're not bound contractually to this current team - we have plenty of cap space and we're about to get a very nice first round pick. I don't like it either. It's repulsive the effort this team gives but I just don't care about messages at this point. This team deserves the turnover it's about to experience and any message will be leaving in said players.
  5. Of course but what's the difference? Sell him low weeks ago or wait until a team gets smitten near the deadline? The only thing that could happen between dumping him then or if we don't get good offers by the deadline is an injury. Seems Kane and the Sabres are doing everything to ensure that doesn't happen.
  6. If Kane isn't being offered for something significant for the future Sabres then why deal him - just because fans are scared of every possible negative thing? What if he gets injured and we get nothing? Then who cares - if we weren't getting something strong in return. It's best to wait until a team gets emotional about the playoffs. Why in the hell would you want the "worst team or might soon be" to finish strong? That's just not smart. Sell sell sell and lets give ourselves every single percentage to make our team better down the line. We don't have to admit to being in full blown rebuild mode for it to be true.
  7. The current players under contract next year and the 2019 season are already conducive to this happening.
  8. For the skilled offensive players - it's definitely harder. You don't get a chance to skate anymore. They grab, lean, hold, push and whack and very little gets called - it's allowed.
  9. He'd still be great but the way you're allowed to lean on offensive players today, he'd have to be willing to be more physical. It's tough treading out there now.
  10. Can you give some examples of players you're talking about hoping they work themselves into the core?
  11. We have 12 players with contracts for next year: Larsson, ERod, O'Reilly, Girgs, Eichel, Okposo, Pommers, Bogo, Risto, Scandella, Beaulieu and Mcabe. We have 6 players with contracts in 2019: O'Reilly, Eichel, Okposo, Risto, Bogo and Scandella. This team in 2 years time will go through a major overhaul. I just don't see the significance of how winning this season carries over to what is going to be a likely 70% turnover on who's on the team. We will likely be terrible for a couple more years because learning to play together is going to go from - learning the system to completely different players very very soon. It'll be a learning to play with someone you haven't played with all over again - just as it is now. Except now doesn't matter, IMO. Right now it is about acquiring assets so that when that time comes our young rochester and abroad players are coming to the Sabres in real numbers. This is the draft that's critical to getting a player ready for the NHL in a couple years. The timing should be perfect as I expect us to be on the rise when this years player is ready.
  12. Why? There's absolutely no evidence this is true. Teams don't know crap. You tell them you're getting calls from 4 of their competitors that want Kane and you're not offering as much as they are. Then see how it plays and take the highest offer. This can't happen until the deadline pushing the urgency on the "teams" from the other end.
  13. You can't trade players for food made in the same city.
  14. As apposed to having Ennis at 4.6 Mil instead of Pominville?
  15. So successful teams either what have players that all like to party or none like to party? There can't be some that do and some that don't and still play good hockey? This is crazy, imo.
  16. I saw Trade: Lehner on the main page and freaked out. Got me!
  17. So the FO should keep Kane, Lehner, or anyone else they would trade for future considerations?
  18. It was meant to be so desired affect accomplished. There was a larger point in there though too.
  19. I'll acquiesce on that. So it can go both ways. I see your point - today I can't get you to see mine. Wish I could have articulated it in a better way. You're one of my favorite posters and I agree with you like 90% of the time. Today we don't, so what, right?
  20. Me, then we wouldn't have had to get lucky getting our 8th pick when JBot had him slated 3rd.
  21. I get it but they are. I didn't want this but we're here. Shoot I probably voted in the top 20% for the "how many points will the Sabres have in October". I thought they'd come out hot - mirroring how Jack came out like a cannon after returning from injury. I was stunned the first few Months. I've since caught my breath and thought what's the positive? For me it's Jack getting points and getting the best pick we can. It's the only thing to me worth going through this shockingly awful season in which I thought my team would knock on the playoff door.
  22. Perfectly said. My opinion is, I would rather they lose the extra 5 games and give me the 8%. See erick72 - you don't have to attach the persons love for the team to reach a simple opinion on what you think is best for the team.
  23. Don't spin things by saying "fans who cannot enjoy a win". I've watched almost every game. I just like watching them play and if we lose, I try to find some positive, i.e. Jack got a point, etc. What if you hoping for wins - and wins hurt the team long term? Will you admit you are a hypocrite as you camouflage selfishness by wearing a cloak of "fan"? After all, it's all about you, right?
  24. Obviously fans hoping or not hoping for wins or losses is meaningless. The debate isn't what we want the players to do. They should go out and play to win. The discussion is simple - either wins help this team down the road more or losses help more with the probability of a better draft pick.
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