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Everything posted by freester

  1. Botteril should be fired just for drafting Mitts.
  2. Stop blaming the tank. It’s the incompetent GMs that we’ve had and the terrible personnel moves they have made.
  3. His scoring is down because he’s not getting power play time.
  4. We could sure use Nylanders scoring. He tallied 2 goals last pm.
  5. He's a mediocre player who was on the power play because we have so little talent
  6. Those stats are inflated because he got a lot of PP time.
  7. They are getting traded at some point before the trade deadline. They are both UFA and won't be resigned
  8. Bogo and Scandella will be traded soon for draft picks. Hopefully 2nd round pick for each.
  9. The painful truth is that Josh Allen is no better than Tyrod. Beane deserves some blame. He has traded up 4 times with mediocre results(Allen, Ford, Tremaine Edmunds and Knox) Mcdermott traded up for Zay and Dion Dawkins.
  10. It's all about talent and we are sadly deficient. I think RK is a fine coach but personnel is lacking.
  11. We have a lot of bad contracts Okposo, Bogo,Scandella and Sheary
  12. Botteril should not do this for a rental
  13. VO does not belong in top 6. He should be on 3rd line
  14. Acquiring Vesey was a garbage move. He’s a 4th line player and we have plenty of those. We still only have 4 top 6 forwards. Until that changes we aren’t making the playoffs.
  15. They have Barry Trotz who is an amazing coach
  16. We are getting our best defenseman back tomorrow night and I think we will have a strong bounce back game.
  17. We got blown out by the best team in the league on the road. Relax we are much improved and very young and have a chance to make the playoffs.
  18. Do not expect Cozens to be an impact player next year. He will be a 3rd liner
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