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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. Unless another viable goalie shakes loose before the season begins, I think some combo of UPL, Anderson and Dell is what we go with. But I think UPL will be given the chance to stick.
  2. They have some good goaltending prospects but no one obviously ready to step in now. My guess is UPL will be the starter with Anderson as the 1-B and mentor. The Sabres will just have to score more.
  3. Anderson can play a few games without UPL looking over his shoulder. He wasn't, but that could have been due to injury. Aside from his first game in Buffalo, he looked pretty good.
  4. He might be here to ease UPL into the NHL. Vet presence and all that.
  5. Futurama Jack, with his head in a jar on a robot skater body.
  6. They want to stick a metal or plastic thing in his neck, wait 6 weeks, then let him get driven head first into the boards?? It seems ludicrous. Especially when you compare the 6-9 month healing time these other surgeons recommend.
  7. Listen to Hour One of the Instigators today. Petey runs through the opinions of other neurosurgeons on the topic of ADR vs Fusion for athletes in high-impact sports. Let's just say Dr. Prusmack's take isn't the only one. Something I wish journalists like Elliotte Freidman would consider. Fast forward to the 11 minute mark: https://www.audacy.com/wgr550/podcasts/the-instigators-20259
  8. No, but how do you give your talented players like Mittelstadt and Dahlin a chance? By having your less talented players bust tail forcing turnovers. Are we rooting for this?
  9. Only to fans. There's "won't allow players to get medical treatment." Then there's "won't let players dictate to their team's medical staff." To say the Sabres are denying medical care to Jack Eichel is to completely misrepresent what's going on. I doubt any NHL team would appreciate how Eichel is handing his neck issue. You know we harp on the Sabres for "caving" on trades, yet here we are doing the exact same thing.
  10. Pretty much what Granato was shooting for last year. When you have youth, you might lack talent and experience but you do have endurance and speed. Put it to use by pressuring your opponent non-stop. They'll get burned but they'll also get plenty of scoring chances. Watch the last 20 games.
  11. The Eichel camp put out the charm offensive with that news dump Friday and the "coincidental" Dr. Prusmak interview by Elliotte Freidman. They are garnering sympathy among fans with hope of pressuring the rookie GM to take whatever deal is offered. Frankly I'm disappointed in Freidman for being a pawn here. He owes it to everyone to get the Sabres side out there too.
  12. Artificial disc replacement has not been done much in the US, mostly in Europe. Some athletes in high collision sports have had the procedure. No one in the NHL has had it. It's a procedure not without risk. It's also not known what happens a few months after the surgery and Jack gets his head driven into the boards. I have Conformis knee implants. Two of them. I can walk with less pain than before. I can even skate and play low level hockey. But I can't run or jog with them. My goaltending career is definitely over. I've taken bike rides and had my knees blow up. My point is artificial things aren't as good as your original equipment. So can an artificial disc act and feel as good as what you were born with? The whole surgery discussion revolves around risk and who assumes it. Jack wants the Sabres to give him permission to get this surgery. The Sabres will be liable for Jack's contract should Jack not be able to play. According to Craig Rivet on the Instigators this morning, the Sabres have an insurance policy on players in case of catastrophic injury. That policy would be no longer cover the Sabres in Jack's case because this surgery is considered experimental. So if you're in Adams' shoes, what's your call? It's likely Jack comes out of this okay but it's not guaranteed. Your staff doctors are telling you rest and rehab is preferred, and if surgery is needed, do a traditional fusion. All this for a player that hates your team and wants out...even though his antics are making that harder.
  13. Have to go to New Haven to see King Crimson on September 5 due to other obligations. But I won't miss what is likely their last US tour. Seeing Alice Cooper in NH on September 18. Also just scored tickets to see Sparks in Boston in 2022. I was in Chicago a week before Lollapalooza and saw the preparations. Glad I wasn't there. What a zoo. Didn't know 90% of the acts.
  14. And then there's the Sanity Clause. Wait, you can't fool me. There ain't no Sanity Clause.
  15. Actually they do influence the owners greatly. The Cowboys and Patriots are the biggest money makers in the league, so the other owners often follow their recommendations. They both have made no secret of their disappointment in Buffalo's situation. In fact it was reported that the Pegula's pretty much had to swear a new stadium would be addressed before they won approval as the new Bills owners. I don't doubt some sort of deal for a stadium will happen, though who knows how Governor Cuomo's peccadillos will hamper things. I assume the Lt. Gov Kathy Hochul shares the same desire to keep the Bills in WNY. All I'm saying is local fans can never take for granted our place at the big league table. Buffalo really has no business in the NFL now. It's grandfathered from our days 70 years ago when this was considered a major American city.
  16. Jack wants approval from the Sabres so he doesn't risk his $80MM contract.
  17. They happen to be the two most influential owners and essentially run the league through Roger Goodell.
  18. Whatever it is, Buffalo will always be the poor sister among the 32, and Kraft and Jones will always cast a jaundiced eye at the Bills.
  19. Around that. But 30% at New England is likely double or more than Buffalo.
  20. You do know that visiting teams get a cut of gate revenue, right? So cheap tickets in Buffalo reduce that revenue by 20%. Should it be a big deal? No, But is it? Yes.
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