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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. TY for info... I need a need a new pair too.
  2. Yeh I agree some of the restrictions are dumb... though kinda get the camping thing... it should be defined better. No large scale camping... one tent. RV parks meh... problem we see along the the lower ny camp grounds is large family groups getting together at camp ground and they are hard to police... plus state is trying to save revenue not having to police so it sort of makes sense. Your idea of camping and mine is not what others think it is.
  3. I get it and that is fine as long as folks practicing social distancing... this virus is so contagious and can be deadly.
  4. I don't think it is quite accurate... I thought I read there were a couple of deaths under 18, but yeah not many. However, and here is the caveat... we are starting to see more and more young people getting admitted into the Hospital I work at in New Rochelle. My wife warned we might see a post Easter bump and I think we are starting to see it and it is mostly young people in their 30s. The older folks have either died or somehow managed to survive and been discharged. It will be interesting see going forward what that statistics show in the next few weeks.
  5. True but as is turns out, given how many of those guys played a long time in the NHL, that was one talented hockey team...
  6. Talked to my boss... the photographer and the writer were war correspondents... they just happened to be there when this code was called... and the writers response was he'd never seen anything like it. My response is we see it often.. at least once a day and as Dr. Leno says often recently up to six ER deaths in one day happen. A lot like MASH the TV show only this is real.
  7. Another set of pics from my hospital: Check out this gallery from lohud: St. Joseph's Yonkers ER staff saving lives in COVID-19 hotspot https://www.lohud.com/picture-gallery/news/coronavirus/2020/04/22/st-joseph-yonkers-er-staff-covid-19-hotspot/3003141001/
  8. My hospital in Yonkers AP story just hit the wire: https://apnews.com/e8cc5f5b3b62b22df348ab2a249896ee
  9. We can still use docs and nurses downstate, lots of healthworkers out sick. Also places like FLA, GA and Tx gonna get hit in next couple weeks.
  10. Pretty sure I posted this earlier... see Woody's response... couple pages back.
  11. l learn to be a ventriloquist, seriously try not to move your jaws so much
  12. Depends on how close you are to others... and how much they are talking as well... closer you are the less talking.
  13. Did not know that... Brattleboro with its cheese factory Ive spent more time in an has a kitchy touristy kinda walking vibe. Also love Sam's sporting goods... good clothes and lots of fishing equipment.
  14. Been a few years since going there maybe 5 years ok 11 if you say so.
  15. Keene and Brattleboro are neat granoly towns
  16. Actually may have been a bit of good luck... Cozens on board next year maybe a 2C and a maturing goaltender situation plus decent top 10 in draft without having actually acknowledge crap season... its a doo over!
  17. You clean your hands first, then cup mask to your face and put bottom strap then top strap over your head. Repeat opposite wash hand first... then take straps off cupping outside of mask. Put in paper bag to preserve it for next use. outside is ok to touch once hands clean. Never touch inside
  18. So it will keep you from infecting others as long as you use standard precautions - and they do. Washing hands, cleaning surfaces before and after use. To protect you it will depend on the fit and not touching the inside of the mask. Large masks dont fit me too big under my chin..,nor small because they slide to easy up my chin. Medium do fit snug all the way around with no gaps. Ive been tested though for the mask with a hood and sugary smell put in under hood. So really depends on mask size and fit
  19. https://www.cureus.com/articles/29004-acetazolamide-nifedipine-and-phosphodiesterase-inhibitors-rationale-for-their-utilization-as-adjunctive-countermeasures-in-the-treatment-of-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19 Interesting article comparing altitude sickness and covid... for Docs here that can make more sense of it than me.
  20. Ours are letting only so many people at one time... have to wait outside... got toilet paper today whoo hooo... BTW test came back negative again so who know what I had... Go back to work Sunday night and gonna sleep in my own bed tonight... no temp for 5 days... but oof my special needs 13 year old is bouncing off the walls... cant wait til weather warms up and run him..,
  21. Maybe for kids only but my wife and I make too much... so probably not.
  22. Makes no sense to me as well those who lower their mask below their nose... what is the point?!
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