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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Ps we just fart in my household and as long as we all smell it all is well🤪
  2. Man these night shifts suck specially when then run into day shifts. I am tired of Covid... people please behave... you are killing me and a lot of the rest of the medical staff. I need a vacation like 2 months... but now have nowhere to go... and no one I can visit... grr. I miss playing hockey too.
  3. https://www.nbcboston.com/news/politics/new-hampshire-house-speaker-dick-hinch-died-of-coronavirus-autopsy-finds/2254086/ NH Speaker Dies 1 weak after coming down with Covid...
  4. On the good news front one of my coworkers wife who had covid in March was just tested for antibodies and 9 months later still has them or was reactive to be accurate. Gonna try and get tested because why have vaccine right away if others need it and i still have immunity
  5. Yeh now seeing people positive for both covid and the flu... wtf
  6. Its been interesting and as you all may know I had covid last spring... 11 days of which 4 were scary with symptoms... but I have been thru scarier times working in the US Capitol during 911, getting hit by anthrax, ricin scare, DC sniper and a couple idiots who invaded DC airspace. So I have been trying to keep my co-workers upbeat that there will be and end to this and its coming a lot faster though in many ways its been rougher than those experiences. Be safe take precautions...
  7. We had two nurses a nun volunteer, front desk person and the 8 year old child of an ER tech all pass last spring... a number of others got really sick.
  8. I think we in radiology fall under ER personnel
  9. Ill be in! Gonna be first in line reportedly next week.
  10. Different kind of players... Brown pure speed, route runner...McKenzie is closer if he can keep developing. Davis big possession receiver with great hands and deceptive speed. Bills will need another speedster. I hope they keep both
  11. Prob then, I test neg twice but 2 weeks later after symptoms test positive for anti bodies...
  12. Is she a nurse? PA? Thought you guys were talking about kids... mine do that... lol missed the first post.
  13. We heard that we should be getting it in 2 weeks... believe it when I see it.
  14. cnet doesn't have any great reviews
  15. More people on rebreather masks here... we have whole floors dedicated to them... They people in ICU with covid and are intubated imo stand little chance. I can count on 1 hand the number of folks who have been intubated and have covid that have been discharged since April.
  16. Happy belated... hope your travels resume soon vicariously...
  17. Happy Thanksgiving, my sixteen year old picked out a 22.5 lb turkey... He is 6'3" 220 so it was nothing for him to pick up and frankly he didn't even look. We made him cook it with supervision. Now we will have turkey till x-mas... oof. Now I am at work and can barely keep my eyes open...
  18. Agree with Wyld many factors... indoors, cold, protests on both sides, ignoring safety protocols with increased numbers of people brought together especially indoors... people came back home from vacation areas that were spread out...
  19. During covid... Sharpen your 18 gauge
  20. https://www.wkbw.com/news/coronavirus/cuomo-parts-of-erie-county-are-on-track-to-become-a-red-zone
  21. It depends on the lab and how backed up they are.... it can be fast or take a little while longer. Wouldn't worry unless you are experiencing symptoms. Drink lots of immune boost, zinc, magnesium and D3 vitamins. Exercise a bit... so you can eat plenty over TG... Admitted 5 covid pts today. Looks like a few more.
  22. A note fron NYS regarding school Our school super just sent this out about NYS requirements.
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