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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. 8 years 11 mil avg announced multiple sources on facebook including Sabres
  2. Let's hope so... yeh I get it Sabres have been evaluating a lot... now they need to lock in D zone play or itll more wash rinse repeat... Leaves south...
  3. Weird draft for me drafting right in the middle
  4. Finally using 64G of RAM or more helps a lot especially if running games and programs that require their use otherwise your pcu will swap space off your hard drive slowing everything down. Datamem.com is a good place to order RAM and solid state drives.
  5. Yes you got in the weeds.... When we built my sons in 2022 AMD was the fastest... now intel has caught back up... AMD motherboards and chips have a rep of being more stable but Intel can often be more dynamic... I find microcenter has really good write ups on both in terms of specs... also cnet has some good reviews of latest components... high end vid cards for gaming tend to be really important and refresh rates for monitors are as well 133hz or higher.
  6. I dont like curved screens because of weird depth perception... some people like them... all in the preference I guess.
  7. https://www.nhl.com/sabres/news/buffalo-sabres-practice-updates-buffalo-bills-trip-josh-allen-alex-tuch?fbclid=IwAR09FOME43JUZxmvG6IOhKuZW-6tzNqBe920nL9ehbhOF4sTPtuBtg5Ets8_aem_AWGAssKU07IGiqqDdpNBYC9n_eqXTAmNg5qCWqlvnYEQ2EHKA1V3TThfLlSh2qVJHHo&mibextid=Zxz2cZ Interesting to see Alex Tuch's reaction in this interview... gotta love Tuch...
  8. Built a few, take your time... mostly click in place and plug ins... have a very clean space...
  9. Itll be interesting, he certainly has worked his arse off... not sure if he fully ready for an NHL season but 9 games should gives us a sense...
  10. It is just gonna take awhile of show me... football season hurts too, but I fully expect it to turn this season.
  11. Agree with him sticking with it, but still need to see adjustments and these guys aren't going full bore yet, especially vets... Benson just needs some strength maybe a little leg weight... yes you can see the talent and hands
  12. Took me 2 hours 20 min to get to work just north of nyc because of rain flooding and road closures... what an fin pain.
  13. Benson on side boards needs more strength... saw him get knocked off his pegs too often... great hands but could also use some more speed which may come as he matures and gains weight.
  14. Decent effort given how many kids played and Comrie looked very good... a bit disjointed as DG was playing with line combos... Benson needs to gain some strength and speed. Saw him get jammed along sideboards too much..
  15. Visiting my Dad and returning from a 3 hour tour.
  16. I love Zegras, he grew up near where we live and my brother in law plays golf with his Dad... by all accounts ive heard he is a great guy... but yeh gonna cost too much... sure hot dog on the ice and in front of the camera but good teammate as well...
  17. Ah was referring to Joe Podgorski the principal in my day
  18. I went there, don't remember him... graduated in '82... we had Dr Seller, what year did you graduate?... ps Joe Pod was at our '40 HS Reunion last year. He is in his '90s and doing well!
  19. Rt shoulder 1st 30 secs of the game against Pit who came out hitting... same one that gave him trouble last year ??? Hopefully just scar tissue and hit scared him.
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