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Everything posted by K-9

  1. But you agree with the notion of someone else deciding that he doesn't have enough money? The point is that even though 99% of us may feel the same way as you do about it, we aren't in his skin, we don't know what motivates him, and it's murky when we project our own values on what may. We also don't know what kind of investments he's made over the years that may mitigate not accepting our offer. But after reading Drane's post about the financing required and the question of the local sales tax issue, I agree with your premise that this may not be over indeed. GO SABRES!!!
  2. I'd think that's been rather obvious the entire summer, no? Choosing to stay home doesn't make him any less of a "kick-ass" player or the type to shy away from a new challenge. I don't know how anyone can make that leap in a logical fashion. GO SABRES!!!
  3. Why not just throw up on your TV?
  4. I think that's too easy for anyone not in his shoes to say. It's probably no more complicated than he's a family man who's very well settled and chooses to not UN-settle it. Can't fault him one bit for that. There's the challenges of hockey and then there's life in the real world. I don't blame him one bit for choosing to stay where he feels most comfortable. But as noted above, this may not be over yet. GO SABRES!!!
  5. Interesting intrepretation of "of the people, by the people, for the people."
  6. I'd say it made a rather uneventful summer even more uneventful. GO SABRES!!!
  7. http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextchannel=b328194d3e88d010VgnVCM10000048f3d6a1RCRD&vgnextoid=04a295c4f635f010VgnVCM1000000ecd190aRCRD
  8. Can't agree more. Those days, in the absence of a national tragedy to rally around, are gone I'm afraid. It ain't about politicians bridging gaps, it's about competing special interests at odds over the policies and influence their money buys.
  9. My previous reference to Romo's playoff gaffes aside, if playoffs enter into the discussion at all, then Fergy isn't in the conversation, either. While I think it's fair to say Fergie didn't always have great talent around him, I'm not sure the Cowboys have had anything much more THAN Romo, other than Witten. But it's ALWAYS an unfair exercize to compare QBs across eras. GO BILLS!!!
  10. You aren't suggesting that the Republicans in Congress have been waiting with baited breath to bridge those partisan chasms, are you?
  11. By what measure is he consistently mediocre vs. consistently above average? GO BILLS!!!
  12. Good. Consistently good. Is that better? GO BILLS!!!
  13. While he's had his gaffes in the playoffs, there is no denying that Romo has been a very consistent QB since he was named starter. GO BILLS!!!
  14. And I suppose the strawberries really shouldn't have mattered to Capt. Queeg. You are all being duped into believing that marketing efforts like this aren't supposed to distract you while this team is mired in its gritless, Stayfree existence. GO SABRES!!!
  15. As enticing and generous as your offer is, I'll have to pass. I just can't believe you were sucked into attending any of those games to begin with. I thought you were smarter than that. GO SABRES!!!
  16. All just a big ruse to distract those of us too stupid to realize that we don't have a team capable of contending for the cup on an annual basis. He's not fooling me though. Not for a second. Of course, if we sign Shane Doan then all of his moves to improve the off-ice product, engender good will, and generate revenues through the marketing of various products, are just the things that any good owner who cares about his franchise and fan base would do. GO SABRES!!!
  17. What you are alluding to is the difference between news reporting and op/ed. All of it falls under the media umbrella. I've been lamenting the loss of the Fourth Estate for years. Too many outlets controlled by too few corporations.
  18. Thank-you for that valuable insight. After reading it, I am a little confused as to what all those ad dollars are designed to chase: the independent that really doesn't exist in numbers great enough to seemingly matter or to firm up an already partisan base. What worries me most about fundamentalist Christians in positions of power that shape policies, is that they not only believe the Rapture can/will happen in their lifetimes, but they seem genuinely willing to hasten it. The very real custodial responsibility to the earth seems take a back seat to that thinking.
  19. I see you deleted the post that Eleven responded to but I get the impression it was meant for me. We never got around to discussing those important issues because we never got past our discussion on what you and I believe MattPie was saying. I too, strongly believe that there are far more important and pressing issues in this country than those social issues we talked about. Too bad we can't discuss them. Perhaps if you hadn't turned our discussion into a narrow one about the USA being a Christian nation AND then tried to underscore that by citing the 1st Amendment and the establishment clause, we could have. However, after your disingenuos and condescending response, I feel it's best not to debate those issues with you. It's obvious to me you can only debate those issues with like-minded people. Which kind of defeats the entire purpose.
  20. Does Drane know about this? If not, break it to him very gently. Calm voice, no sudden movements, air scent of a stable, and perhaps some soothing pan flute playing in the background. GO SABRES!!!
  21. Whatever you say, God Warrior.
  22. I can recite the Bill of Rights by memory. I pasted an article for your edification. You choose to respond with condescension. Well done. And then you go on to suggest it's just the rest of us that are stupid? And as for your link, that says all I need to know about what frames this argument for you. I can't debate this issue in good conscience. Onward Christian soldier.
  23. Inane or not, they are important to many people and can't simply be ignored and pooh-poohed by people who think they should be. Let alone be legislated. Here's a little something on the 1st Amendment to refresh your memory: Notice that part about establishing an official religion. Or having a preference. That's just as important as telling someone they can't practice theirs. We are NOT a Christian nation. We are a nation with Christians in it. A HUGE difference. The establisment clause is quite clear. And It's only judicial activism when the decision doesn't fit one's preference. Like it or not, that's OUR system of government in action. One that I don't have to tell you is worth sacrificing for. We can all agree on that.
  24. I say I hope you're right. GO BILLS!!!
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