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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Well put. When G Dub had his bull horn moment at WTC, all of us would have followed him into hell. A country is a country indeed. These empty suits would be well reminded NEVER to forget that. Perhaps it won't change anything at all. I doubt that it will. But it changed something for me. Just one mind. Just one vote. I remember reading somewhere that all those ones start to add up.
  2. Like I said, Pa. Shameless. In every sense of the word. There are only a finite amount of times where we have the CLEAR choice to take the high road or not. Romney chose not to. For the sake of poitical expediency.
  3. The Middle East may get relegated to one of the top three questions, but it will further underscore just how out of his depth Mitt Romney really is. If I wasn't already convinced of where my vote was going, Romney's shameless display in the wake of the tragedy at the embassy in Lybia etched it in stone.
  4. I have to wonder what your agenda is after doing a little research on 'Stanislav Mishin' and his blog, Mat Rodina. I shouldn't say 'his blog' because Stanislav Mishin apparently doesn't exist. Some speculate it is an ex KGB agent seeking to influence Russian policy. You may be disappointed that he isn't a Russian fundamentalist Christian afterall. But, given your proclivities in that regard, I can understand why it's important for him to be one.
  5. Every pass from JP Losman was a Hail Mary. GO BILLS!!!
  6. Other than knowing it's upside down, I wonder how that man sleeps at night.
  7. Absolutely. The attack had its desired result by the enemy. I just never bought that the attack was motivated by anything more than political gain.
  8. Tragic indeed. http://www.wivb.com/dpp/news/crime/Dareus-brother-killed-in-shooting
  9. Been saying for years that 911 was motivated out of political desires by Al Queda more than anything else.
  10. The Inquisition. Islamic extremism is NOT a religion of peace. Neither is Christian extremism. Nor is ANY extreme of ANY religion. That is a bullsh*t article because it casually links "Islam" with Islamic radicalism. It's a disingenous way of reporting things. And as the article points out, it wasn't a "Christian who shot Theo Van Gogh" I would like to point out that it wasn't a Muslim who killed either John Britton or George Tiller; it was fundamentalist Christians. Then again, we walked with dinosaurs, so WTF do I know.
  11. Prayers go out to the Dareus family today. Marcel's brother was shot and killed. RIP.
  12. Well put. Kind of reminds me of something I heard years ago. "It doesn't matter if you believe in God or not. Just act like you do." Good deeds, regardless of motivation, make the world a better place. GO SABRES!!!
  13. You speak of a custodial responsibility. One of the reasons Teddy Roosevelt was ahead of his time. I don't think any president, especially in today's era of entrenchment, can bring much sway in the direction of protecting our air, water, and soil. Unfortunately, the reverse isn't true. A president can do a lot to f*ck it up. And then you have the wingnuts who believe it just doesn't matter. That the earth and her resources should be used up because the end is coming anyway.
  14. While that was your intention, it certainly wasn't Conn Carroll's. And while the book review in the link was found in a newspaper you'd just as soon use to line a birdcage (assuming you think it's even fit for that purpose), it does a far better job of drawing attention to the book and it's cited quotes and content. You dated a girl who knew Deep Throat? Lucky you.
  15. Thanks for the links. It serves to underscore the difference between a book reviewer focusing on the author and discussing the merits of his work vs. that of an editorial writer looking no further than making political hay out of the subject matter.
  16. I was being a smartass again. While we certainly import 2/3 of our crude oil, nearly all of our gasoline is refined and produced domestically. I have many questions regarding refineries and their production but that's a discussion for another time.
  17. Like Dom Perignon, Guinness, and Filippo Berio Olive Oil? Oh, and we produce nearly ALL of the gasoline we use in this country.
  18. I find this chart interesting on many levels. Particularly from around 1980 to the present. And especially from 2000 to the present. http://inflationdata.com/Inflation/images/charts/Oil/Gasoline_inflation_chart.htm
  19. If one company can sit on that much cash, it really makes me wonder how much money is sitting on the sidelines in total.
  20. Nobody can be that cynical. I'm suggesting that perhaps you don't know or can't appreciate the difference between public relations and marketing. GO SABRES!!!
  21. It makes perfect sense now. Pegula and Co. need to frack more gas, contaminate more water supplies with carcinogens, and drive up child cancer rates to keep those hospital wards full of sick and dying kids. This will guarantee a never ending stream of cheap marketing opportunities to increase ticket sales and sell more third jerseys. All to deflect fan criticism of their gutless and gritless team. But they ain't fooling me for a second. GO SABRES!!!
  22. It's most fun when we have to call one of our own a liar. Like, "Is Newt Gingrich a liar when he said he attended that meeting on Inaugaration Night, 2009 and that he was proud to do so?"
  23. ^This. For all the time and money the Republican machine threw at trying to find something, anything to hang him with, in the end the best they could do was corner him into lying about an extra-marital affair. As ashamed as Clinton should have been, the Republicans in Congress should be that much more embarrassed by their behaviour. Impeached for lying about a b.lowjob. Well done.
  24. I can't argue with any of that. I would just say that what's perceived to be stupid by us may not be stupid to someone else. Especially where family matters are concerned. But that Sept. 15 date sure does loom large in all this. GO SABRES!!!
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