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tom webster

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Everything posted by tom webster

  1. Also, the end of Rick Martin. Rightly or not, Scotty never forgave Rico for that islander series and placed a lot of blame on him.
  2. That 1980 team. The real one that got away.
  3. Building a team isn’t just getting the twelve best people. There needs to be a synergy and you need pieces that fit. I think Krebs and Mitts could work short term with Tage and Dylan but eventually they will have to choose, again my opinion. I think Asplund, or someone more of a defense first guy is likely the fourth guy.
  4. I think a lot of what happens both short term and long term revolves around VO and Mitts. I’m not sure Mitts and Krebs can be two of their four centers. In my opinion, they are too similar. With VO, he reminds me a lot of Vinnie Prospal. They excel on top two lines but may leave you wanting more. VO may be better so I’d give him more time if they can sign him to right deal.
  5. I, too, remember someone talking about that but I’d have to ask around to jog my memory. I’m getting old.
  6. I would be surprised if Adams personally did any of this. I would also be surprised if some member of the scouting staff didn’t.
  7. He keeps saying that but I really hope it’s just GM speak. Building a contender is about creating internal competition. You acquire talent and make the players compete for playing time. You have them nothing. I’m really hoping that when Sabre brass talks to Bills brass, that is the point BB stresses.
  8. What you also aren’t factoring into the equation are two facts; 1) the likely explosion of the cap in two or three years. Any players signed to long term deals before then will become bargains and the self imposed cap crunch will be gone. The time to strike is now for teams with space and the desire and wherewithal to pull it off. 2) the notion that smart teams haven’t found a way to manipulate the cap when needed. All this need for cheap players is still a concept I’m waiting to bear some fruit.
  9. If you understand your trajectory and you pick the right player, the player you sign will impact your team in return for four late first round picks that likely won’t. At some point as you build your team you arrive to a point where your need to stock your prospect pool lessens temporarily.
  10. I don’t expect the Sabres to do anything significant with RFA’s but there are definitely players available that will help them faster then any 2023 draftee not including the next great one.
  11. Exactly. Three would be a development. Not if you can identify that one player that can complete your line up.
  12. Vancouver reacquired their 3rd, some believe just for this purpose.
  13. I, along with people I trust, believe this will be the summer of the offer sheets. Another year of a flat cap, some teams believing they are close or under pressure to improve. Other teams tight against the cap. This off season and the next may be the last before the cap starts to explode. Three years max barring any cataclysmic health shutdowns. Now may be the time to pounce. Will the Sabres be at the forefront or once again be behind the curve. The one negative? A crazy talented 2023 draft. Thoughts?
  14. I love people making judgements after two games. I’m glad for the people of Rochester and for the players that seem to be having a ball but while R2 may be having a great start do we know if he’s Jason Pominville or Jody Gage? Is Quinn going to be a playoff bust because he hasn’t scored yet. Most importantly, does it mean anything to the long term Sabre prospects for success? Who really knows? At least it’s a lot more fun this year.
  15. You realize you are opening up a while can of worms that I learned a long time ago not to broach.
  16. They are not trading Asplund unless it’s an unbelievable offer.
  17. A more interesting question would be if Las Vegas wins the lottery and moves to 6, would they decline the pick.
  18. While I agree that KA may not be the guy to ask about the condition of the arena, he is the only guys representing the franchise at the moment. They made a big deal about how arena improvements made at the beginning of the Pegula era were in part designed to lure players to “Hockey Heaven.” Numerous Bills players have referred to facilities as being part of what brought them to Buffalo. Having a world class arena falls under the scope of “wanting players who want to be here goes hand in hand with showing the players they are wanted and respected.”
  19. I keep reading this, or a similar version of this, and while I understand the excitement, you can’t go into next year expecting people like Mitts, Cousins and JJ to make a seamless step to their next progression. You have to be aggressive and look for the right piece or two to add. If Casey has a Tage like breakthrough, tremendous but they have the flexibility and the means, and I believe the desire, to add a significant piece at forward as well as a RHD to pair with Power and a legitimate number one goaltender
  20. Not by much. Anyway, he’s top four potential by most accounts. He may end up being swapped out for a RHD , might be Buffalo’s or somebody’s third pairing guy, no one really knows but the people whose opinion I trust most on the matter consider him a top prospect and I guarantee you that if Buffalo offered him or Bryson, the offers for Johnson would be much higher.
  21. Ppg might be just a shade better than plus/minus when it comes to evaluating him.
  22. You are really undervaluing Johnson, and I like Bryson.
  23. The development of Mule, Fitzgerald, Quinn and Peterka along with potential surprise of Biro makes this a good season for the Rochester staff, their record not withstanding.
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