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tom webster

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Everything posted by tom webster

  1. If all these prospects turn out to be what some people think they will be, the Stanley Cup final will be Rochester versus Buffalo in three or four years
  2. It all comes down to the fact that everyone has their own motivations and interests and those constantly change. People tend to think that everyone wants the same things but we all want something different at different stages of our life. When I was 21 I wanted to be in the city, Between 30-55, Grand Island was a great place to raise the family and now at 62, I love East Aurora and being able to walk to any of Barbill, Pasqualesā€™s, Griffonā€™s and Rickā€™s on Main and no freakin open container law.
  3. They have 8 forwards under contract and still have to sign their two most coveted RFAā€™s. They do not have as much room as it would appear.
  4. I disagree. Someone, maybe multiple someoneā€™s, weā€™re discussing offer sheets with his camp. Teams donā€™t choose arbitration lightly.
  5. They chose club elected arbitration with Tkachul because they feared someone was about to drop an offer sheet on him.
  6. Just bumping this to confirm there is interest. I need to know soon the number of tickets and preferred game I will need to secure. Please pm me if serious. No worries if the interest isnā€™t there. Thanks.
  7. I agree. Sometimes that due diligence leads to something.
  8. Iā€™m hoping Mitts makes the jump just as TT did last year. Iā€™m just reading the tea leaves and if the stuff that Iā€™m hearing coupled with the things that weā€™ve seen reputable ā€œinsidersā€ report, I think heā€™s the odd man out.
  9. You keep bringing up Granatoā€™s statement and KAā€™ā€™s statement about building from within. You shouldnā€™t put such absolute trust into their public statements. KA has obviously tried to make moves that run counter to that. In addition, they just drafted 22 guys in the last two years alone. They wonā€™t keep everyone. Finally, they know they owe it to the players to continually try to get better. I am 100% convinced that they are still trying to add and simple math says that if someone comes, someone has to leave.
  10. To be clear, no one has told me heā€™s gone, I just think heā€™s the most likely if they do add someone
  11. This is why I continue to expect Mitts not to be here in October. I continue to hear rumblings that they are looking to add 1, maybe even 2 forwards and they are already over 12. We all know that they will need 14/15 to cover injuries but who are they sitting if they sign a scoring winger and a more defensively inclined center.
  12. People been saying this for years. You can keep the guys you want if you are smart about it. Chicago made some stupid decisions.
  13. I think you flipped your numbers around but the point stands.
  14. You can give me the list of free agents on the last couple of Cup winners if youā€™d like.
  15. Just wondering, what % of free agents end up with the new team happy they made the signing?
  16. I think Iā€™ve made it clear how much I think they are ready for a big splash move but I like these given what they tried and what was ultimately available. Still donā€™t think Mitts is on opening day roster but we will see
  17. The owner dying and Giroux moved there when he was a teenager
  18. They only have $4M with only 19 guys signed and 4 defenseman. They could use the space.
  19. While Kane is a left handed shot, he has always played right wing.
  20. Dorian said the DeBrindicat deal would have still happened without the 7th pick. Chicago fans should be happy Murray said no, otherwise they would have hated trade even more.
  21. Well they could offer over $10M. They just drafted 22 players over two years. We shouldnā€™t need a number 1 for 4 more, should they?
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