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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. He really is made for radio. He's actually pretty good on the radio.
  2. Too much flappin' by the PBP, as well. Just call the game.
  3. NHL.TV doesn't exist anymore. All I have is ESPN+. The interface isn't the greatest, nor the archiving. Still doesn't keep me from watching between 1 and 3 games a night, Sabres or not, as well as In The Crease with my coffee every morning.
  4. Does he have to? I really thought we were going to get a break after Risto left the team. There isn’t a single person on the the board that doesn’t know what Eakin is. I’m not even sure who LGR is yelling at.
  5. Leave the room. No speaker in public,… punishable by death. I have a friend who does this (answers, hits the speaker button, then throws the phone on the table) and I want to kill him every time. Look, dude, they called you not me. I don't want to talk to this *****in person. Maddening.
  6. I think I disagree. Only because he's a defenseman. Because they take longer to develop, you can get them for cheaper on their next deal because they haven't become who they are going to become yet. Burn that year.
  7. I also thought what SDS thought when reading your post. This post makes me happy.
  8. Ah, so you stopped drinking water as well? That makes sense, but,… why? It’s just a blood draw. You’re not trying to make weight. Did they have to squeeze your arm like a tube of toothpaste to get the blood into the vial?
  9. If it helps, he said they accidentally iced the puck while on a power play.
  10. And yet, in his own letter to his younger self, he says that his decision to run Mel Bridgman in the finals was what set the tone to allow him to win four Stanley Cups. Ironic, no?
  11. Definitely not saying that. I just think that Bryson’s play has been a net positive recently.
  12. I was just going to respond. I don’t understand people wanting to replace Bryson. He’s not perfect. Nobody is, but he makes so many plays that go unnoticed because of how cleanly they happen. Someone described it perfectly a few games ago, “you have puck, I’m taking it.” And you are right about Tuch in the offensive zone. He is frustrating sometimes. Where other guys lose the puck because they try to stick handle too much (Cozens), Tuch just flings it to no one for no reason sometimes.
  13. Not for nothin', but Victor collecting that pass was no small feat either.
  14. I watched it. It was up for a while. I even posted in that GDT that it was available. Does ESPN+ even have a season archive. That was a weird explanation. Dahlin was trying to buy a call, though, as he should. Wow. It will be interesting to see these to teams again with Carolina getting the last change. I think that was enough to tip it in our favor. I soooooo want this to be the hockey we get to see in October. Man, is it a joy to watch.
  15. Dang. I was hoping we got another one before Carolina woke back up.
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