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Everything posted by PASabreFan

  1. There was and probably still is a consensus that losing and not replacing Quinn doomed the season. I'm not talking about liking Quinn. I'm talking about the consistent overrating of unproven players and holding them up as saviors. See Cozens, Power, Levi, early Dahlin et. al.
  2. It really is head scratching. If Terry's not up for the financial stress of owning the Sabres, why not just sell and make a very very tidy profit on the return? If he's a real fan he has to know how much he has screwed things up. For thr love of something you love let someone else take over. It's bizarre.
  3. I bet the new COO is going to have something to say about DG.
  4. So tonight we want Wings, Caps, Isles. Who else?
  5. Is a fine meant to deter future infractions? Is 5k a relic of the 60s when players roofed over the summer to make ends meet?
  6. I'm being a jerk. I've been overruled so many times by people who see something totally out of wack with reality. I just wanted to try it on for size. It was a bad hit.
  7. This didn't age well. Come on now. It's pro sports. Everyone knows how it works. You're hired to be fired. And you make a lot of money to ease the pain of the humiliation. Fans want hope. Changing the regime is fun, good and healthy. Terry should clean house again.
  8. What hit? Crookshaw fell down without even being touched. Am I doing this right?
  9. I hate that a lot of the fanbase has been brainwashed. I can almost see a marketing strategy here beyond selling hope for the distant future. Go watch Peterka and Quinn in some of the team's videos.
  10. Why should he? The franchise isn't committed to winning. Buffalo is where you go to cash checks before retirement or to spend some easy time before moving on. Or to polish your game for an NHL career in greener pastures. It says something about Alex's character, but I don't blame him one bit. Why risk it? Why bother?
  11. Who the hell is Jack Quinn? Can we please stop?
  12. I think a lot of people fail to appreciate the deviousness of Cliff Benson.
  13. Hey ey ey ey, let's stop questioning Terry's motivation.
  14. I mean any place is a good place to see it as long as you're in the zone and you can see the sun.
  15. Just an awesome result. Anything that provides clarity is a good thing. Don was outed again. Come on Terry, you're into that sort of thing. Fire him.
  16. I appreciate that you started the thread. I just have this reflexive disdain for sports gambling. It's not like my dad gambled away the xmas money or anything. Must be my Panglossian tendencies.
  17. I recall Brawndo's take that Terry would be taking the metaphorical gloves off after this season.
  18. You've triggered me. I just don't know if I have the strength to explain why. In a nutshell can we focus on developing a team instead of discrete individuals? Can we get a coach whose chops aren't development and knows how to win enough games to make the freakin NHL playoffs? I don't care what's best for Jack Quinn or Devon Levi.
  19. It's really not that complicated. Why is KA's plan so long and torturous? If it's really his choice among so many other plans, he should be fired. Of course it's not his choice. Nothing changes unless Terry changes or sells the team.
  20. Just a personal preference but I'd like to see betting marketing material kept off this site.
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