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Everything posted by SDS

  1. oh man... my desk was rolling and swaying. I ran so fast out of this building - I jumped down two floors in 4 steps.
  2. I think that is if you're naked... :blush:
  3. SDS


    Hey man, do you want to do a little more formal write up for the site, so I can post this as a resource for everyone?
  4. Other than the very occasional beer, I rarely drink outside of social situations. By the time I found a drink I liked I'd forget it by the next time it was appropriate to have to again.
  5. Am I the only one who doesn't drink alcohol every week? :unsure:
  6. I'm hoping no one thought I was serious... I would think "pineapple" anything would give that away. ;)
  7. So, what's y'all favorite flavor of Smirnoff Ice? The pineapple is righteous....
  8. Reason enough to complain right there... ;)
  9. yeah, that mailbox isn't setup. Right now, I have no idea. I'll what what I find.
  10. check your spam folder. I do not see any email errors and nothing bounced back, so they are going somewhere.
  11. Is your email address correct?
  12. I don't know why yours was turned off. It claimed you had the ability to turn it back on, but I couldn't find that setting. I turned it on.
  13. There is nothing I can do about your lack of social skills at this point in your life. What I can bring to your attention, and you have apparently missed, is that this thread has 5,000 light-hearted posts (that occasionally veer into the personal space at the poster's discretion). It is NOT here for your political pontification as you have tried to interject again and again here at Sabrespace. Talk politics somewhere else.
  14. I was just about to require that the Mercury owner reveal themselves so they could be booted...
  15. Asking is one thing - it is the auto gum-in-the-bag reflex from the cashiers that I dislike. I mean, if I carry a loaf of bread in my hand or I carry a bag with a loaf of bread in it - what is the difference? :unsure:
  16. I wish more places would do that. Why generate trash for something you can hold in your hand? I refuse bags as often as I can.
  17. Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond
  18. I'll take them... but why can't you mail them?
  19. Sad to hear about your herpes bro...
  20. basically, of all the choices he had - he chose the worst one. He should have eaten it if he didn't think he had a good play.
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