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Everything posted by SDS

  1. SDS

    XM vs. Sirius?

    For me, I couldn't care less...
  2. If you find "evil" to be more satisfying than "crazy" I suppose that is your choice. I'm not necessarily sure how you separate the two.
  3. I believe that for almost anywhere. I think school choice matters more in the quality of classmates/people and extra-curricular stuff.
  4. So it sounds like he killed his father and then went and killed his mother in school. Clearly, that will lead into all sorts of theories.
  5. Because most likely the individual was clinically "crazy". When your mind is effed up there is no motive, nor reason, that a traditionally sound mind would find understandable.
  6. Aside question: Would you classify RIT as awesome? I went to UR, so I have my biases. :nana: My nephew interviewed at both places yesterday. It has been hard to talk up RIT for obvious reasons. :)
  7. We move our elf (which we have had for a long time) each night, but we do not stage the scenes that others are doing. It seems as though they have missed the entire point of it.
  8. I've used TomTom for nav, but I used google for just getting a map. I haven't had any issues with Apple's map app. I guess I'm just lucky. This poster. ^^^^^
  9. Ignore the ###### at your own peril. :)
  10. I hope you are using the term "good" loosely...
  11. Geez, I could have written this myself. http://business.time.com/2012/06/11/can-you-sue-a-store-for-having-too-many-sales/ More discussion on the lawsuit: http://www.askandyaboutclothes.com/forum/showthread.php?117954-Jos.-A.-Bank-customers-file-suit-claiming-deceptive-marketing
  12. Sorry man. :blush: Here is another back of the envelope calculation. I just read on those forums I referenced that the Men's Wearhouse pays roughly $125 for a suit they sell for $400 (which is made for about $60-65 in China). They sell one suit and that makes them $275. Now, slap a $750 price tag on the same suit, but run a sale that is buy one get two free. Now, you have $375 in product costs, but you just made $375 in profit and you got people fist pumping the great deal they got. So, while they made less per suit, they stole a sale from MW and made more on volume. I also realize this contradicts my earlier statement being that each suit is really only a $250 one. My only point is their sales are bogus - you pay what you pay and their sales are so frequent that no one really ever buys anything outside of those sales, so in effect, those are the regular prices.
  13. BTW, if you like your sweaters for the price you paid - that is all that matters. I'm just openly discussing their pricing strategies and putting some rationalization behind it all.
  14. It's simple math, simple economics. Unless they are loss leaders or are clearing out limited unmovable inventory, then they are still making a decent profit on these 3 for 1 sales. So, either those $300 sweaters are just as overpriced as JAB's or JAB's product is a lesser quality. Ain't nothing for free in this life. There is a reason you got a "deal" and I doubt it is due to JAB's charitable ways.
  15. FWIW, I think every guy should take some time at some point in his life to just learn about clothes. How clothes/shoes are made, quality issues, fabrics, the whole nine yards. We wear clothes every day of our lives and it often involves a non-trivial investment. Education is a good thing, even if it isn’t perceived to be the most masculine of subjects. For anyone interested in learning about anything regarding men’s clothes – just go here: http://www.askandyaboutclothes.com Their forums are great and are filled with people as knowledgeable in their area of expertise/hobby as anywhere. Pretty much any question you would ever want to ask has already been asked and answered. Topics from JCPenney shirts to the finest custom made Italian suits are covered. If you don’t know the difference between a full and half canvased suit – read this: http://www.askandyab...-etc.-explained My last comment has to do with Jos.A. Bank. I detest that business. Here in DC, they BLUDGEON us with their obnoxious over the top commercials for their weekly sales. Buy ONE pair of socks – get a JAB franchise FREE! I personally hate their business model as a consumer. Just price the suits correctly in the 1st place. No one is getting three $750 suits for just $750. They would go out of business. They have this sale, or similar ones, ALL THE TIME. In fact, the sale prices are clearly their “regular” prices they happen so often. So, instead of buying one $250 suit – they get you to buy three $250 suits for $750. JAB is more like Costco than Brooks Brothers. (Note, I’m not commenting on quality, just their business model.)
  16. Montador had to leave because he tripped on a rug and fell flat on his back - hitting his noggin'.
  17. SDS

    XM vs. Sirius?

    I'm in the car 2.5-3 hours every day. You can only listen to so much local radio and quite frankly, loading up my phone with stuff takes work that will never get done. I've tried and it works for the one time I try.
  18. SDS

    OT: Hobbies

    we have both. FIFA is on xbox. I would say the older ones would want xbox games.
  19. SDS

    XM vs. Sirius?

    any reason to choose one over the the other? I'm buying a portable unit for my car. Could use a recommendation on that as well.
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