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  2. For those who've ever drank or hung out on Allen Street, the Old Pink burned down this morning. The building was demolished this afternoon. A truly eclectic dive bar with a really solid steak Sammy and fried bologna, it was certainly a dive but it was memorable.
  3. Yeah...27 year old with a 20+ percent shooting output gives me pause. Bottom 6 player, great! But if the speculation out there is top 6 money....I'll pass
  4. I wouldn't mind if they increased it to 9 rounds if they raised the minimum draft age. Teams would have a much better handle on what they are getting by doing so. Maybe more franchises would feel more patient with prospects and not being them up until they are 22-23 without worrying about premature bust labels.
  5. "Blackcat is bad luck... bad guys wear black... must have been a White guy who started all that..."
  6. Oh I don't think so. I think this would definitely result in more players choosing teams closer to where they grew up, the teams they supported as kids, and locations like Buffalo would get the leftovers who think they could land a spot. Leafs, Bruins, maybe Montreal for French guys, big American cities and so forth would all benefit. I hate the idea. Used to be more than 7 rounds. Used to be 20 years olds. Things never go back, but I wish it would.
  7. Just wait til Gen Z takes over the workforce and those numbers will plummet. Working hard to them means having to get off their phones for 15 minutes an hour and actually do what they are being paid to do.
  8. Today
  9. https://www.buffalohockeybeat.com/if-sabres-dont-trade-11th-pick-berkly-catton-could-be-strong-draft-choice/
  10. I think 1 is moved; barring a strange falling of the board
  11. Well, there are certainly priorities that are wrong such as fame or underhanded bribery.
  12. https://www.capfriendly.com/armchair-gm/team/5239647 A simple solution that at least better rounds out the lineup
  13. Saranac has great memories for me. A long time ago. Lake Placid and Tupper Lake as well.
  14. Yesterday
  15. Weird that you get to decide which priorities are "wrong".
  16. https://www.audacy.com/wgr550/authors/schopp-and-bulldog Within this WGR link is a 23 min segment with Tony Ferrari on the Schoop and the Bulldog Show talking about the draft. He talks about who he thinks Buffalo might draft and about the draft class. At the end of the interview Benson's name was brought up. He gave a glowingly assessment of him.
  17. I vote Waneta Lake, which is a small lake just south of Keuka. Kind of in between Keuka & Seneca. My family has a spot there. It is very shallow so it warms up quickly. That is great because it is “adult warm” as early aa Memorial Day…even if the water gets a bit weedy. It’s quiet and mostly undeveloped compared to the big brother finger lakes. The fishing is great (Muskie, Large & Small mouth bass, and lots more) and most of the residents are old, quiet and polite. Waneta’s (and neighbor lake Lamoka) biggest problem is harmful algae bloom (HAB) which started happening here in 2022. And HABs are becoming a problem in the finger lakes. The DEC has their work cut out for them to figure out how to combat it.
  18. And then watch as no one moves their pick.
  19. Wouldn’t be shocked if Ottawa is willing to move their pick too. Might make it harder to move 11 if there are higher picks available. Has to be a fit both ways though.
  20. I don’t even know what direction Columbus want to go. A vet coach, a development coach. They have the Laine mess to try and figure out. A lot on Waddell’s plate.
  21. I think it's safe to say we aren't the only team that thinks it's time to make a big step forward (or at least try to).
  22. Waddell gets to pick his own guy and likely has somebody already in mind. Probably also means a change in direction and/or style of play. Some guys get to work right away.
  23. So that is now Montreal at #5, Utah at #6, NJ at #10 and Buffalo at # 11 all stating their picks are in play. I can’t remember a draft like this with so much flux after the first pick and so many top 12 teams willing to move picks.
  24. I think in many ways it probably is comparable to Edmonton. About the same size and winter sucks (they have more cold, you have more snow and I would guess wind chill and that lake induced dampness that makes it feel colder than it is). There are bad areas and run down parts but also nice areas and some high end burbs. Both cities a little lacking in culture and entertainment compared to some places. In no way am I shitting on Buffalo, just saying "affordability" is a double edged sword. Understandable as a settle for this could be worse kind of choice if you can't afford the better one, but in no way does it make it desirable.
  25. I have had changing views over the years as to what's wrong and who has to go etc. but when I look at how almost all of the players we remove do well/better in their new locations I think it means that our biggest problems have been bad coaching and a crappy team culture that goes partly with that. Players who come here generally do worse than they did before and players who leave do better. This screams bad team culture. The style and ever changing plans with too much individual play and poor team defense scream bad coaching. Not getting the most out of what players offer as well (eg. Montour). So if they pick a good captain and Ruff is still a good coach, MAYBE it changes? idk, one can hope.
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