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Job Performance Poll: Owner Terry Pegula


Job Performance Poll: Owner Terry Pegula  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. On a scale from 1 to 10, rate the CURRENT AND PAST PERFORMANCE of Terry Pegula as the Owner of the Buffalo Sabres:

  2. 2. On a scale from 1 to 10, rate the EXPECTED FUTURE PERFORMANCE of Terry Pegula as the Owner of the Buffalo Sabres:

  3. 3. On a scale from 1 to 10, rate the RESPONSIBILITY of Terry Pegula as the Owner of the Buffalo Sabres FOR THE CURRENT WIN/LOSS RECORD OF THE TEAM:

    • 1 - Not Responsible at All for the Current Win/Loss Record of the Team
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5 - Somewhat Repsonsible for the Current Win/Loss Record of the Team
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9
    • 10 - Entirely Responsible for the Current Win/Loss Record of the Team

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I gave Terry high marks as owner (8). He has attempted to do much for the city of Buffalo and the fans which you really can't fault the guy for. We all know an owner could be much worse. I lay some of the blame for the current record at his feet because he retained Regier which I was pretty vocal about when he came in. Still don't like that decision but we are where we are and apparently things would have to get reallll bad before that would change. Its his toy.

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past performance i give him high marks. he came in and gave the team some luster and made it clear that he is here to win not make a profit. his expanding the coaching and scouting departments has already made a difference and revamping the lockerroom will continue to make a bigger and bigger impression on his players and by extension players around the league.


current/future I give him a 10. the things he has done already are only going to continue to pay off and the things he is doing (harborcenter) should improve the team within the community and within the league.


I completely and totally hold him responsible for the record of this team. end of the day he is the one that can decide who works for him and who makes decisions. He may or may not meddle I don't care about that. When sabres nation is getting tucked into bed and having dreams of hockeyheaven, What they dream is the result of TPeg's decisions. He decided to keep Ruff and Regier and most of the roster he bought. Was it right? was it wrong? Doesn't matter, It didn't work. So I give him a 10, he is responsible for this. But I will say this, when this team starts winning and when that final horn goes and we end the postseason with a win and when captain<insert flavor of the week> hoists that cup over his head TPegs will 100% still be a 10 on the responsible for this roster to me.

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Keeping DR makes everything else a mute point. I can't see him being as successful as he is if he ran his businesses like he runs his hockey team. Do you think he would keep an employee in his gas business that was running it into the ground?


In real business success of based on profit. In sports its based on wind and losses. Can't see a guy who lost you millions in your business getting the same chance that a guy who has gutted your team to this level has been given. That in itself tells me he looks at this team as a new toy.


Run it like a business TP. Don't fall in love with your employees. Your fans are your shareholders. They are demanding change. LISTEN TO THEM!!!

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I gave Terry high marks as owner (8). He has attempted to do much for the city of Buffalo and the fans which you really can't fault the guy for. We all know an owner could be much worse. I lay some of the blame for the current record at his feet because he retained Regier which I was pretty vocal about when he came in. Still don't like that decision but we are where we are and apparently things would have to get reallll bad before that would change. Its his toy.


I don't want to split hairs, but I read the poll as being TP's performance as OWNER of the SABRES, NOT a businessman trying to make civic improvements in the City of Buffalo. I commend him for HarborPlace et al., but as the owner of the team, his performance has been sub-par. The team is (still) in a slow death spiral which shows no sign of ending soon. I never expected an immediate turnaround when Pegula bought the team, but he hasn't even reached my meager expectations. (In fact, one could argue that the current condition of the Sabres' franchise is making the city look WORSE, not better. Pegula could build a few more hotels, a children's hospital and a home for unwed trolls, but what people across the country are seeing is the p!ss-poor team he has put out there on the ice. Last night's game was painful to watch; fortunately, I dozed off at the beginning of period 2 and woke up with just over a minute left in the game.I can only imagine what hockey fans in other NHL cities thought about the team.)

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If his goal is to build a winning team, his actions have been DIAMETRICALLY opposed to his stated goals. He's retained a listless GM who has no sense of personal accountability for the failings of his team, 17 years of failure and counting, and Pegula has overly involved himself in personnel decisions. As a result, the Sabres have a huge payroll, and little to show for it. A good owner gets the best manager he can, gives that manager a budget to work with, and lets him make the decisions, and rarely involves himself, except when the MANAGER asks for support.

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I don't want to split hairs, but I read the poll as being TP's performance as OWNER of the SABRES, NOT a businessman trying to make civic improvements in the City of Buffalo. I commend him for HarborPlace et al., but as the owner of the team, his performance has been sub-par. The team is (still) in a slow death spiral which shows no sign of ending soon. I never expected an immediate turnaround when Pegula bought the team, but he hasn't even reached my meager expectations. (In fact, one could argue that the current condition of the Sabres' franchise is making the city look WORSE, not better. Pegula could build a few more hotels, a children's hospital and a home for unwed trolls, but what people across the country are seeing is the p!ss-poor team he has put out there on the ice. Last night's game was painful to watch; fortunately, I dozed off at the beginning of period 2 and woke up with just over a minute left in the game.I can only imagine what hockey fans in other NHL cities thought about the team.)


I see what you're saying there. But I didn't say anything about civic improvements. I suppose giving him high marks was a stretch. I meant in regards to the hockey team, rink improvements, dressing room, overall fan experience stuff, trying to make it a destination for players( which has failed) etc. Lets face it. He could be an absentee owner living in Florida and putting absolutely nothing into the Sabres and in effect the city of Buffalo. But I agree he hasn't really succeeded in making this team better at all. Retaining Regier which is 100% his fault is the crux of things in that respect.

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I see what you're saying there. But I didn't say anything about civic improvements. I suppose giving him high marks was a stretch. I meant in regards to the hockey team, rink improvements, dressing room, overall fan experience stuff, trying to make it a destination for players( which has failed) etc. Lets face it. He could be an absentee owner living in Florida and putting absolutely nothing into the Sabres and in effect the city of Buffalo. But I agree he hasn't really succeeded in making this team better at all. Retaining Regier which is 100% his fault is the crux of things in that respect.


Can we put this dressing room thing to bed already. if after 3 years this is still one of his benchmarks we are in deep ######. Oh wait we are.

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I like everything Pegula has done...except keep Regier, which is a pretty significant knock against him. I still have faith he'll get it right in the long run, but it's definitely taking longer than I'd like.


"Getting it right" is going to entail more than replacing Regier. He can't replace Regier with another Regier. That's the rub.

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I have zero faith on Pegula. His handling of the Ruff firing and this Regier issue is borderline clownish. He might be a fan, but he is way in over his head as an owner. I voted poor all around.


In some ways, he makes me miss Golisano. Yeah, I said it.

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I have zero faith on Pegula. His handling of the Ruff firing and this Regier issue is borderline clownish. He might be a fan, but he is way in over his head as an owner. I voted poor all around.


In some ways, he makes me miss Golisano. Yeah, I said it.


Tom didn't know a puck from a Rosina meatball, just that both aren't meant to go in the mouth. And he knew it.

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Name me one other owner in sports that allows the same GM 17 years to run a team that has these results? Would Detroit, Chicago, L.A., Vancouver, Boston, Pittsburgh, NJ, or Montreal (just naming 8 of the more successful teams) have ownership that tolerated this. NO!!!! For that matter alone he is a JOKE!!!! In my eyes he lost all credibility by not cleaning house when he took over. He promised multiple cups and then retained the same clown that hasn't won ###### in 17 years.


The most amazing part is he has been the GM for three different owners. By far, the most amazing feat in all of GM history. How has an owner do you not make a change? Would any of you go and spend all that money and not put your own stamp on it? Crazy.

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Name me one other owner in sports that allows the same GM 17 years to run a team that has these results? Would Detroit, Chicago, L.A., Vancouver, Boston, Pittsburgh, NJ, or Montreal (just naming 8 of the more successful teams) have ownership that tolerated this. NO!!!! For that matter alone he is a JOKE!!!! In my eyes he lost all credibility by not cleaning house when he took over. He promised multiple cups and then retained the same clown that hasn't won ###### in 17 years.


The most amazing part is he has been the GM for three different owners. By far, the most amazing feat in all of GM history. How has an owner do you not make a change? Would any of you go and spend all that money and not put your own stamp on it? Crazy.


OK, Darcy has one year seniority.


Nashville Predators

Washington Capitals

Larry Pleau of St Loius was GM since 97 until he was recently moved into a head scouting role (retirement gig)


Other sports

SF Giants, same GM since since 96

Oakland A's since 97

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OK, Darcy has one year seniority.


Nashville Predators

Washington Capitals

Larry Pleau of St Loius was GM since 97 until he was recently moved into a head scouting role (retirement gig)


Other sports

SF Giants, same GM since since 96

Oakland A's since 97



At least Oakland and SF have championships to show for it.

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