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Sabres public relations? Daughter is seeking autographs


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My daughter collects autographs and mails cards to the Bills. They do a awesome job on signing them and returning them and some of the players add letters and also 8 x 10 pics too.


She wants to do the same for the Sabres, does anyone out there know if they have a public relations or a booster who handles this kind of things?


Thanks a million

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About six years ago my daughter had no luck writing to the Sabre organization. She sent the fan letter direct to the offices and received absolutely no reply. :cry:


You would think that they would have someone in place to send out something, form letter, cheap pic...something to the little kids that write to the team and get so excited waiting for a reply.


That was years ago, though. I hope things are better in that regard now. Good luck.


On a better note...She wrote Pommers a personal fan letter at the same time (creepily enough we had his home address and she sent it there) and enclosed a picture of herself in her jersey standing next to a poster of him. He wrote back a sweet handwritten note and returned the pic signed "To my #1 fan", and his signature. Classy guy.

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About six years ago my daughter had no luck writing to the Sabre organization. She sent the fan letter direct to the offices and received absolutely no reply. :cry:


You would think that they would have someone in place to send out something, form letter, cheap pic...something to the little kids that write to the team and get so excited waiting for a reply.


That was years ago, though. I hope things are better in that regard now. Good luck.


On a better note...She wrote Pommers a personal fan letter at the same time (creepily enough we had his home address and she sent it there) and enclosed a picture of herself in her jersey standing next to a poster of him. He wrote back a sweet handwritten note and returned the pic signed "To my #1 fan", and his signature. Classy guy.


One thing to keep in mind after reading your story and 2forTripping's is the ownership change. They could potentially have a far different approach to these kind of things. It does seem like a bit of a long shot though, but it's worth a shot.

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My daughter collects autographs and mails cards to the Bills. They do a awesome job on signing them and returning them and some of the players add letters and also 8 x 10 pics too.


She wants to do the same for the Sabres, does anyone out there know if they have a public relations or a booster who handles this kind of things?


Thanks a million


Just send requests to the arena, addressed as c/o the players name.


Almost all of the players will respond. Players like Vanek and Miller could take more than a year due to the amount of mail they receive. Players like Kassian and McNabb will have turnarounds of only 1-2 weeks.


There are a good number of players that just collect all the mail and bring it home and respond in the offseason.


Most effective, is just sending the mail directly to players homes, most of which you can hunt down by searching online.


Always make sure to include a SASE.


If you need any help with specific players, feel free to PM me. I have a lengthy list of many NHL player addresses, as I am an avid autograph hound via mail.

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The losers who hang out behind the Arena after practices/games looking to get anything and everything signed in order to make a quick buck have ruined chances for the average fan. IMO, this is the reason most players won't even bother stopping as they leave the arena.

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The losers who hang out behind the Arena after practices/games looking to get anything and everything signed in order to make a quick buck have ruined chances for the average fan. IMO, this is the reason most players won't even bother stopping as they leave the arena.


A few summers ago when summer camp started I saw a guy cut off a little girl in a wheel chair in an attempt to get Sidney Crosby's autograph. Crosby had them wheel the girl in and he spent a few minutes talking to her and signing her various items before jumping into his Range Rover and taking off.

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The losers who hang out behind the Arena after practices/games looking to get anything and everything signed in order to make a quick buck have ruined chances for the average fan. IMO, this is the reason most players won't even bother stopping as they leave the arena.


You should see the situation outside the opponent's hotel on the evening before a game and on the morning of.

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