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Leafs Defeat Carolina

Dave Dryden

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But it's sad that we have to rely on outside help to get it done. Reminds me of the old saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."


:sick: :bag:

Everyone needs help. We still need to win, but Carolina now can only reach 96 points, if they win all 11 of their remaining games.

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Everyone needs help. We still need to win, but Carolina now can only reach 96 points, if they win all 11 of their remaining games.

There's no way that's going to happen.


The Tropical Waves better get ready to tee off at some of the local links around Raleigh and pour themselves some tall glasses of sweet tea come mid-April.

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quote name='DeLuca67' timestamp='1300327367' post='264569']

As the man says, "There's just no place on the Sabres for a 50 goal scorer." Or, a 30 goal scorer.

What? We should have an entire team of 50 goal scorers. The problem is Darcy does not have the guts to get them.

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As the man says, "There's just no place on the Sabres for a 50 goal scorer." Or, a 30 goal scorer.

What? We should have an entire team of 50 goal scorers. The problem is Darcy does not have the guts to get them.

I guess we will all see this off-season. Is Regier GM enough to go big game hunting on Pegila's dime or is he going to continue to stand by the petting zoo and try to attract the older smaller harmless animals as he normally does in free agency.

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I guess we will all see this off-season. Is Regier GM enough to go big game hunting on Pegila's dime or is he going to continue to stand by the petting zoo and try to attract the older smaller harmless animals as he normally does in free agency.

Well I insist on a team of 50 goal scorers. Anything less is a sell-out and unacceptable. With a team of all 50 goal scorers, you maximize the chances of getting the only thing that matters--the CUP!

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As the man says, "There's just no place on the Sabres for a 50 goal scorer." Or, a 30 goal scorer.

On the Devils, where they actually make him cross the red line once in a while, he is a 26 goal scorer to this point. Although a ridiculously highly paid one.


Just sayin'...

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On the Devils, where they actually make him cross the red line once in a while, he is a 26 goal scorer to this point. Although a ridiculously highly paid one.


Just sayin'...

Kovalchuk cap hit - $6.67mil

Vanek cap hit - $7.14mil

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Kovalchuk cap hit - $6.67mil

Vanek cap hit - $7.14mil

Vanek will still be in his prime when he completes his contract, and the sabres didn't negotiate that contract, Edmonton did.


What happens when kovie pulls a Redden/Yashin, or just decides to retire after 6 or 7 years. He could be taking a bite of their cap for another decade with his crazy deal. DiPietro should have taught the entire league the danger of multiple decade contracts.


Oh, and If Vanek only scores 26 he will be overpaid, too.

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