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Bruins/Canadiens slugfest. 157 PIMs

Claude Balls

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The Boston Bruins are back to playing old school hockey. They did it against Dallas the other night and then absolutely pounded the Canadiens into submission tonight. They are built for the playoffs, big, strong and tough. The Canadiens couldn't come close to them in the toughness department and just got destroyed. Buffalo would get absolutely pounded by the Bruins as well if it came down to playing a physical game. I hope Pegula was watching this game tonight. The Bruins looked just like the old Flyers teams the Broad Street Bullies. It was SRO in the penalty boxes at one point during the game. Even our old friend Jaro Spacek got his ass handed to him.

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The Boston Bruins are back to playing old school hockey. They did it against Dallas the other night and then absolutely pounded the Canadiens into submission tonight. They are built for the playoffs, big, strong and tough. The Canadiens couldn't come close to them in the toughness department and just got destroyed. Buffalo would get absolutely pounded by the Bruins as well if it came down to playing a physical game. I hope Pegula was watching this game tonight. The Bruins looked just like the old Flyers teams the Broad Street Bullies. It was SRO in the penalty boxes at one point during the game. Even our old friend Jaro Spacek got his ass handed to him.

I agree and there are some on this board that actually believe we'd beat this bruins team in a 7 game series. Crazy. It would be men against boys.

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I was laughing at the NHL during this game. Five minutes after a fight and the fans are still standing clapping cheering etc while the refs and players are scooping up the gloves and sticks.

No sir we dont want this in our game. Thats excitement and we wont have any of that if we can help it.


To the anti fighting crowd, put your pacifiers in and watch euro hockey.

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I was laughing at the NHL during this game. Five minutes after a fight and the fans are still standing clapping cheering etc while the refs and players are scooping up the gloves and sticks.

No sir we dont want this in our game. Thats excitement and we wont have any of that if we can help it.


To the anti fighting crowd, put your pacifiers in and watch euro hockey.

As much as I enjoyed last night, and I really did, let's not pretend there isn't plenty of hypocrisy to go around. To the pro-fighting crowd (both players and fans) that say,"Don't worry. There's a code." How about that part of "The Code" where fighters only fight fighters?


It's fun, but still kinda silly.

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I was laughing at the NHL during this game. Five minutes after a fight and the fans are still standing clapping cheering etc while the refs and players are scooping up the gloves and sticks.

No sir we dont want this in our game. Thats excitement and we wont have any of that if we can help it.


To the anti fighting crowd, put your pacifiers in and watch euro hockey.


You've never met the typical Boston resident, have you?

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I was laughing at the NHL during this game. Five minutes after a fight and the fans are still standing clapping cheering etc while the refs and players are scooping up the gloves and sticks.

No sir we dont want this in our game. Thats excitement and we wont have any of that if we can help it.


To the anti fighting crowd, put your pacifiers in and watch euro hockey.


I couldnt have said it any better :thumbsup:


This is what seperates us from the MLB, NBA, soccer etc... THIS IS A REAL MAN'S SPORT, when we get frustrated we do something about it when the teams are losing like the habs were last night they tried to make a statement to save face (even though they got absolutely F***ED up beyond belief), they still stood up for themselves...



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Just one point.


This game was over when the gloves came off. The need to fight in this league is somehow

propotional to disparity of the score.


Montreal has got to be the smallest team in the league. That being said, they didn't

back down. Boychuk vs. Spacek should not happen.


Absolutely valid point, however hats off to spacek to trying to be a leader and make a statement and be a man and stand up for his team

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Spacek looked like he was getting beat up in the lunch room. I guess Boychuk really wanted that pudding cup. Same with Pyatt. Maybe the Habs should practice fighting if they're gonna try to do that.


Agreed, not built for that, built kinda like we were built right after the lockout, which wont work at all this year

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