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A devotee of William Strunk perhaps?


P.S. I just noticed that when you click on MultiQuote, a thin gold border appears around the button. You were wondering earlier about a plus sign or something.

Yes on Strunk and White and thanks.


ok, multiquote is more obvious. Verbage is changed. I'll keep 2 nd 3 in mind, but don't expect much there.

It's better -- Thanks.


Bug report: I'm unable to see any notable Sabre free agent signings on the new message board. Any idea why? Can this be fixed?

very nice.

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The insert link popup box still goes half off my screen so i can't see what I'm doing with it. No way to move the box either. Since many people have been using the insert link button; is this just me wtith the problem?

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The insert link popup box still goes half off my screen so i can't see what I'm doing with it. No way to move the box either. Since many people have been using the insert link button; is this just me wtith the problem?


are you using IE6?


If so, that is probably the reason... the skin no longer fully supports that piece of crap. It is 8 years old and it really needs to be removed off of every computer if possible.


You can always just paste the full link in the text box. It will auto-format it for you.

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  • 2 months later...

Anyone else having this problem, and if so, how did you fix it?


Everytime I go to insert link, I only see the right half of the window. The left half is truncated off the left side of the screen. I can't grab and move it. I can't change my screen size to make it fit. No matter what screen resolution, I try, it stays half visible, half truncated. It wouldn't be so bad if it was the right half of the window that is missing, but its the left which means I can't see what I'm pasting on the lines.


Any suggestions?

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