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Darcy as big-market GM, flush with cash


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Darcy answered a question about "burning money" the other day that I recalled in the shower a bit ago. Well, my first shower thought was of Wilbur, and how I wish he had been there.


Darcy said "burning money," that is buying out contracts and such, was not an option for him, nor would he want to be part of such a thing (paraphrase). I can understand how it's not a good policy in Sugar Packet Land, but what's he saying -- he wouldn't use that tool if he were GM in a bigger market, with an owner willing to spend to the cap? He wouldn't be active, really active, on July 1?


Would Darcy ever go to LQ and ask for permission to buy out a contract?


Is Darcy's philosophy his own, or born of financial conditions in Buffalo?


Does this guy own a set? Why does he want to stay here? He probably knows by now he's good at putting a reasonable product on the ice under a tight budget, even threatening to contend once every seven years. But does he believe he's a Stanley Cup GM?


What would Darcy look like on Broadway?


Do you think Wilbur can use his paw on me and lick my arm at the same time?

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I think one thing you have to look at for us, is that despite not making the playoffs 5 times in the last 10 years, and only six times in the 20 prior to that, the misses we've had in the last 10 have never really resulted because the Sabres as a team were bottom feeders. When you look at other teams who consistently miss the playoffs, they're sitting at the bottom of the conference for a lengthy amount of time. The Sabres have managed to keep themselves from being the worst of the worst while not necessarily being the best. Of the last 5 playoffs misses, we've only placed lower than 10th once, in 02-03 (12th).


So as much as I want to complain about the Sabres FO, they do a good job of keeping us from hitting rock bottom and staying there. We've simply developed a habit of being just good enough to miss the playoffs by a few points, which is not a good thing, but it could be worse.


Oh shucks, who am I kidding. I'd rather bottom out now and then than stay painfully average with flashes of greatness. :(

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Darcy answered a question about "burning money" the other day that I recalled in the shower a bit ago. Well, my first shower thought was of Wilbur, and how I wish he had been there.


Darcy said "burning money," that is buying out contracts and such, was not an option for him, nor would he want to be part of such a thing (paraphrase). I can understand how it's not a good policy in Sugar Packet Land, but what's he saying -- he wouldn't use that tool if he were GM in a bigger market, with an owner willing to spend to the cap? He wouldn't be active, really active, on July 1?


Would Darcy ever go to LQ and ask for permission to buy out a contract?


Is Darcy's philosophy his own, or born of financial conditions in Buffalo?


Does this guy own a set? Why does he want to stay here? He probably knows by now he's good at putting a reasonable product on the ice under a tight budget, even threatening to contend once every seven years. But does he believe he's a Stanley Cup GM?


What would Darcy look like on Broadway?


Do you think Wilbur can use his paw on me and lick my arm at the same time?

You just like to pick on everyone don't you. Why can't you leave an old ****squirrel**** dog alone?

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You just like to pick on everyone don't you. Why can't you leave an old ****squirrel**** dog alone?


:w00t: Excellant, whether your a lurker who just joined or a regular under a new alias, Nicely Played...

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Darcy answered a question about "burning money" the other day that I recalled in the shower a bit ago. Well, my first shower thought was of Wilbur, and how I wish he had been there.


Darcy said "burning money," that is buying out contracts and such, was not an option for him, nor would he want to be part of such a thing (paraphrase). I can understand how it's not a good policy in Sugar Packet Land, but what's he saying -- he wouldn't use that tool if he were GM in a bigger market, with an owner willing to spend to the cap? He wouldn't be active, really active, on July 1?


Would Darcy ever go to LQ and ask for permission to buy out a contract?


Is Darcy's philosophy his own, or born of financial conditions in Buffalo?


Does this guy own a set? Why does he want to stay here? He probably knows by now he's good at putting a reasonable product on the ice under a tight budget, even threatening to contend once every seven years. But does he believe he's a Stanley Cup GM?


What would Darcy look like on Broadway?


Do you think Wilbur can use his paw on me and lick my arm at the same time?


Good food for thought (no not the WILBUR)


IMHO i think what he is saying is a personal philosophy and more of his thinking on how that overall behavior is effecting the whole league and probably specifically the smaller markets. He has stated it escalates costs and effects the smaller markets ability to remain competitive... Makes him a real nice guy unfortunately we know where they finish....

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Is Darcy's philosophy his own, or born of financial conditions in Buffalo?


It's Bill Torrey's philosophy (his mentor)....put Darcy anywhere and I don't see him being very different.


Build from within, promote from within, hold on to assets, trade for depth or role players, stick with one coach.




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It's Bill Torrey's philosophy (his mentor)....put Darcy anywhere and I don't see him being very different.


Build from within, promote from within, hold on to assets, trade for depth or role players, stick with one coach.





Bill Torrey without the four rings. Great.

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It's Bill Torrey's philosophy (his mentor)....put Darcy anywhere and I don't see him being very different.


Build from within, promote from within, hold on to assets, trade for depth or role players, stick with one coach.




sh/t lets just hire Bill Torrey then

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I think one thing you have to look at for us, is that despite not making the playoffs 5 times in the last 10 years, and only six times in the 20 prior to that, the misses we've had in the last 10 have never really resulted because the Sabres as a team were bottom feeders. When you look at other teams who consistently miss the playoffs, they're sitting at the bottom of the conference for a lengthy amount of time. The Sabres have managed to keep themselves from being the worst of the worst while not necessarily being the best. Of the last 5 playoffs misses, we've only placed lower than 10th once, in 02-03 (12th).


So as much as I want to complain about the Sabres FO, they do a good job of keeping us from hitting rock bottom and staying there. We've simply developed a habit of being just good enough to miss the playoffs by a few points, which is not a good thing, but it could be worse.


Oh shucks, who am I kidding. I'd rather bottom out now and then than stay painfully average with flashes of greatness. :(


I agree with that and that is why Pittsburg gets Lemieux, Jagr, Crosby and Malkin every 10 years or so and we get... who do we get?

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Darcy probably stays married to his wife even though she is totally unproductive. He figures the alimony hit would be too much even though by staying with her she gets to spend whatever she wants and he is miserable.


Is it too much to ask for a GM that isn't in awe of how a market works? Darcy talks like a market is some complicated, breathing thing. PEOPLE MAKE MARKETS, AND RISK-TAKERS SET MARKETS. Darcy is just a simple-minded follower who doesn't want to make a mistake. I bet you Darcy smoked his first cigarette the day he chose to take the $$ from a matured CD, and put it into the stock market.

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I think if Darcy were to be given a larger budget all it would mean is that Connolly would have a larger contract. The more I think of it the more I feel Darcy and Timmy are running some type of ponzi scheme on Quinn and Golisano.


jesus i wish you'd stfu about connolly he's the best player on the team spare Miller and he deserves the money he's making if pominville is making 5+ mil per

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jesus i wish you'd stfu about connolly he's the best player on the team spare Miller and he deserves the money he's making if pominville is making 5+ mil per

"Best player?" That would explain the back to back 10th place finishes. When your best player has a career high of 18 goals and 55 points it really says something. :thumbsup:

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"Best player?" That would explain the back to back 10th place finishes. When your best player has a career high of 18 goals and 55 points it really says something. :thumbsup:


funny you're so quick to criticize him for his injuries, yet you'll hold his low point totals against him? doesn't that kind of contradict itself? since 05 06 he averages just a little below a point per game, and he was arguably our best playoff performer in a year that would have seen buffalo raise the cup if not for the likes of rory fitzpatrick/jeff jillson/doug janik/nathan paetsch starting on defense in game 7 vs carolina.


he's the most talented player we have and I think you'll notice that the team is a lot better with two scoring lines than one.

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funny you're so quick to criticize him for his injuries, yet you'll hold his low point totals against him? doesn't that kind of contradict itself? since 05 06 he averages just a little below a point per game, and he was arguably our best playoff performer in a year that would have seen buffalo raise the cup if not for the likes of rory fitzpatrick/jeff jillson/doug janik/nathan paetsch starting on defense in game 7 vs carolina.


he's the most talented player we have and I think you'll notice that the team is a lot better with two scoring lines than one.

No it doesn't. Unlike many on this board I don't give credit for woulda, shoulda and coulda. Sports are results based. It's why they keep score.


Talk about "contradict itself." If Connolly was the Best player in the 2006 playoffs? Maybe the reason they didn't win the Cup is that their "best player" isn't smart enough to skate with his head up and play more than 8 games. I never thought about this before, Tim Connolly is the reason this team doesn't have a Stanley Cup. He is the hockey version of Scott Norwood. :thumbsup:

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No it doesn't. Unlike many on this board I don't give credit for woulda, shoulda and coulda. Sports are results based. It's why they keep score.


Talk about "contradict itself." If Connolly was the Best player in the 2006 playoffs? Maybe the reason they didn't win the Cup is that their "best layer" isn't smart enough to skate with his head up and play more than 8 games. I never thought about this before, Tim Connolly is the reason this team doesn't have a Stanley Cup. He is the hockey version of Scott Norwood. :thumbsup:


well we can't go back in time so we'll never know, but i'm guessing if connolly didn't play such a great game in game 1 vs ottawa that year (yeah i know Roy played very well too, so it wasnt ALL connolly's credit, but it took both of them.) we would have lost that game and the whole series could have went differently. it might not even have come down to jay mckee's staph infection and tallinders broken arm and whatever injuries everyone else was out with vs carolina.


obviously we view him in different light, which is fine, but every time I read one of your posts, it's criticizing Connolly either for making too much money or for being "injury prone." let it go. he's taken some rough hits. had some flukey injuries. i don't believe in the term "injury prone" and I'm confident he'll play a full or close-to full season next year and maybe prove all you doubters wrong. he's a real good player.

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