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Good for Miller


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The puck stuck to him tonight like glue. No juicy rebounds. He looked like the Miller of two years ago. I hope he is coming out of this funk he was in. That would be a huge factor to the Sabres turning it around. Now if they would just get a little more physical and not so sloppy in their own end, everything would be okay in the world.

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The puck stuck to him tonight like glue. No juicy rebounds. He looked like the Miller of two years ago. I hope he is coming out of this funk he was in. That would be a huge factor to the Sabres turning it around. Now if they would just get a little more physical and not so sloppy in their own end, everything would be okay in the world.

He was still sloppy in the 1st. There were a couple of times that he went wide to challenge the winger and was at least 60% out of the net. Had the pass connected, he had no chance.


As the game went on, he seemed to get more focused. By the end of the game, he was definitely on top of his game. Let's hope he can keep it up in Moe-ray-all.

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Ryan writes in his blog at http://www.millertime30.com/index.php/blog/read/0 :


"I have had shutouts where I didn't deserve to make some of the saves. I have had really tough nights where I have done everything technically and tactically right...only to be scored on."


I wonder where he places tonight's shutout.


Taro, I remember the play you're talking about. I definitely agree he got better as the game went along. The thing I can't quite put my finger on is how jumpy he seems at times. My first impression of Miller as he came into his own in 05-06 was how economical his motions were. No save seemed spectacular. Pucks hit him and stuck. Some weird habits have definitely crept into his game since then. I did see flashes of the Miller of old tonight.


Kind of like the team, there's no consistency. You really don't know what you're going to get.

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Ryan writes in his blog at http://www.millertime30.com/index.php/blog/read/0 :


"I have had shutouts where I didn't deserve to make some of the saves. I have had really tough nights where I have done everything technically and tactically right...only to be scored on."


I wonder where he places tonight's shutout.


Taro, I remember the play you're talking about. I definitely agree he got better as the game went along. The thing I can't quite put my finger on is how jumpy he seems at times. My first impression of Miller as he came into his own in 05-06 was how economical his motions were. No save seemed spectacular. Pucks hit him and stuck. Some weird habits have definitely crept into his game since then. I did see flashes of the Miller of old tonight.


Kind of like the team, there's no consistency. You really don't know what you're going to get.

Probably on the more deserved side than not. Yes, had shots 41 and 42 been on net in the 1st, we could have said like Charles Schultz "there goes the shutout", the fact of the matter is, Ryan stopped the other 40 that actually made it on net. Although I honestly wonder if, with this game being so close to the Christmas holiday if our normal shot counter wasn't on vacation and the Bruins shot counter was filling in for him. After the 1st 10 minutes, it didn't seem like the Kings were getting a lot of pressure, and I was very surprised to see them have 40 shots officially.

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He was still sloppy in the 1st. There were a couple of times that he went wide to challenge the winger and was at least 60% out of the net.

Common problem with Miller and a reason why I often question if he is getting adequate coaching from Corsi. Either that or Miller just can't break bad habits leading to why he continues to be up and down.

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Common problem with Miller and a reason why I often question if he is getting adequate coaching from Corsi. Either that or Miller just can't break bad habits leading to why he continues to be up and down.



I think his biggest problem is over thinking and over analyzing everything and this getting himself in trouble by overplaying situations.

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I think his biggest problem is over thinking and over analyzing everything and this getting himself in trouble by overplaying situations.

Interesting observation, and one that probably carries some merit. I do remember Miller talking about all the extra video time he and Corsi put in and how Miller likes to breakdown a lot of film on his play. Maybe he is overanalyzing and overthinking, especially when he gets into minislumps - which usually turn into longer ones.

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Interesting observation, and one that probably carries some merit. I do remember Miller talking about all the extra video time he and Corsi put in and how Miller likes to breakdown a lot of film on his play. Maybe he is overanalyzing and overthinking, especially when he gets into minislumps - which usually turn into longer ones.



well for someone who used to be a goalie, once you get into your head and start overthinking, you are now screwed, i thought for the most part last night he was solid, and if he plays better when pissed off, someone should F&%$ with him before every game to get him good and angry

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