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OT- Worst Movie anyone ever saw

Mike Oxhurtz

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Guest Sloth
M. Night Shymalamamdingdong is a eogtistical hack

I wonder if his new movie "The Happening" be any good, or another stinker with a terrible storyline.


It has Mark Wahlberg in it. Yet, I am Legend had Will Smith and it sucked! I know I am Legend is not a M. Night movie, but it'd be on his list of crap movies, if he made it. So even the good actors can't save a movie. Lets hope Wahlberg can find a way to pull it off.

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It has Mark Wahlberg in it. Yet, I am Legend had Will Smith and it sucked! I know I am Legend is not a M. Night movie, but it'd be on his list of crap movies, if he made it. So even the good actors can't save a movie. Lets hope Wahlberg can find a way to pull it off.


It would be nice. Will Smith was in another stinker, Wild Wild West.


I hope Will's new movie doesn't suck. I forget the name of the movie, but in the preview, he tosses a beached whale back into the ocean taking out a boat in the process.

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Guest Sloth
It would be nice. Will Smith was in another stinker, Wild Wild West.


I hope Will's new movie doesn't suck. I forget the name of the movie, but in the preview, he tosses a beached whale back into the ocean taking out a boat in the process.


I saw the same trailer. That was some funny shitt! :w00t:

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I see that George Lucas is still trying to cash in on Star Wars with a cartoon Star Wars movie that is suppose to be in between Episodes 2 & 3. I like Star Wars, but enough is enough. With all the sequels going around, why don't all of them have one big movie together. Put in Rocky & Rambo (Stallone will have to play a double role), the Star Wars cast, the Star Trek cast, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Kruger, Michael Myers, Leatherface, Alien, Predator, Leprechaun, Pumpkinhead and have them all fight in one big battle royal and kill each other off.

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I see that George Lucas is still trying to cash in on Star Wars with a cartoon Star Wars movie that is suppose to be in between Episodes 2 & 3. I like Star Wars, but enough is enough. With all the sequels going around, why don't all of them have one big movie together. Put in Rocky & Rambo (Stallone will have to play a double role), the Star Wars cast, the Star Trek cast, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Kruger, Michael Myers, Leatherface, Alien, Predator, Leprechaun, Pumpkinhead and have them all fight in one big battle royal and kill each other off.

Leprechaun vs. Smeagol and toss in Chucky for laughs. :thumbsup:

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I see that George Lucas is still trying to cash in on Star Wars with a cartoon Star Wars movie that is suppose to be in between Episodes 2 & 3. I like Star Wars, but enough is enough. With all the sequels going around, why don't all of them have one big movie together. Put in Rocky & Rambo (Stallone will have to play a double role), the Star Wars cast, the Star Trek cast, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Kruger, Michael Myers, Leatherface, Alien, Predator, Leprechaun, Pumpkinhead and have them all fight in one big battle royal and kill each other off.

Not even close to enough is enough, IMO. Still a lot of stories that can be told, and they haven't even touched any of the post Ep.6 stuff (Han and Leia's kids, the new Jedi Order, all that.) The trailer looks pretty good, and I wish they would have gone with the 3D CGI format instead of the animated stuff they did for the first two Clone Wars movies.


Don't forget there is a live-action version of SW coming to TV in 2010 - GL says they are initially going with 100 1-hour shows but it could run 400 shows or more.


The animated Clone Wars stuff is still better than anything that has Jar Jar in it. :death:

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Guest Sloth
I see that George Lucas is still trying to cash in on Star Wars with a cartoon Star Wars movie that is suppose to be in between Episodes 2 & 3. I like Star Wars, but enough is enough. With all the sequels going around, why don't all of them have one big movie together. Put in Rocky & Rambo (Stallone will have to play a double role), the Star Wars cast, the Star Trek cast, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Kruger, Michael Myers, Leatherface, Alien, Predator, Leprechaun, Pumpkinhead and have them all fight in one big battle royal and kill each other off.


I agree w/ you on your opinion of Star Wars movies or any type of spin off coming to an end. Lucas and any other film maker are hurting their movies w/ that extra movie they want to make. Rocky Balboa did make up for Rocky V, but Live Free or Die Hard wasn't that good. People not getting hurt after jumping from a helicopter or getting run over by a car made the movie tough to watch. I felt like I was watching X-Men at one point, while watching Live Free or Die Hard.

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I agree w/ you on your opinion of Star Wars movies or any type of spin off coming to an end. Lucas and any other film maker are hurting their movies w/ that extra movie they want to make. Rocky Balboa did make up for Rocky V, but Live Free or Die Hard wasn't that good. People not getting hurt after jumping from a helicopter or getting run over by a car made the movie tough to watch. I felt like I was watching X-Men at one point, while watching Live Free or Die Hard.


Live Free or Die Hard had good action, but like you said, it was very far fetched with people not getting hurt from jumping from a helicopter & not getting ran over by a flying car.

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I have no problem with Star Wars living on in cartoon form. That's the kind of stuff that is perfect for animation. It has to be better than most of the pure crap that is out there. Most of the comercials I see for cartoons look beyond ridiculous.

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I have no problem with Star Wars living on in cartoon form. That's the kind of stuff that is perfect for animation. It has to be better than most of the pure crap that is out there. Most of the comercials I see for cartoons look beyond ridiculous.


The next cartoon movie I'm looking forward to is Ice Age 3. The original Ice Age was the best. I remember when I first rented it for my kids, they were glued to the tv the first 20 times they watched it.

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Guest Sloth
The next cartoon movie I'm looking forward to is Ice Age 3. The original Ice Age was the best. I remember when I first rented it for my kids, they were glued to the tv the first 20 times they watched it.


Ice Age was good, but Shrek's 1 and 2 were great. What's cool about Shrek is that they have jokes for people of all ages. There are jokes for the kids and there are jokes that are for adults. It makes it a lot of fun to watch Shrek's 1 and 2 w/ the family.

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I agree w/ you on your opinion of Star Wars movies or any type of spin off coming to an end. Lucas and any other film maker are hurting their movies w/ that extra movie they want to make. Rocky Balboa did make up for Rocky V, but Live Free or Die Hard wasn't that good. People not getting hurt after jumping from a helicopter or getting run over by a car made the movie tough to watch. I felt like I was watching X-Men at one point, while watching Live Free or Die Hard.


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Admittedly, I'm not much of a movie watcher, so I may not be giving much of a fair assessment here.


However, there appeared to be a really clear consensus about this film.


I never watched it, but if at least 97% of the people hated it, it was rightfully deserved.

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Guest Sloth
Admittedly, I'm not much of a movie watcher, so I may not be giving much of a fair assessment here.


However, there appeared to be a really clear consensus about this film.


I never watched it, but if at least 97% of the people hated it, it was rightfully deserved.


I tried watching that movie but a number of things caused me to turn it off. The story was dumb from the get go. What really bothered me was the poor filming. Their pace and transition from shot to shot was HORRIBLE! Movies have to have a a decent flow and provide a good view of what's going on. You can make a movie tough to follow w/ sporatic filming.

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I tried watching that movie but a number of things caused me to turn it off. The story was dumb from the get go. What really bothered me was the poor filming. Their pace and transition from shot to shot was HORRIBLE! Movies have to have a a decent flow and provide a good view of what's going on. You can make a movie tough to follow w/ sporatic filming.


I'd rather watch that movie than sit through "Deathproof" again.

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back in '94 my girlfriend dragged me to see a Jody foster film called "Nell." She's a wild girl in the forest

and she doesn't know how to speak any language. Foster invented a language herself for the part, mainly

with the word "Chicopee." a few minutes in, I was ready to tear my hair out.

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back in '94 my girlfriend dragged me to see a Jody foster film called "Nell." She's a wild girl in the forest

and she doesn't know how to speak any language. Foster invented a language herself for the part, mainly

with the word "Chicopee." a few minutes in, I was ready to tear my hair out.

Even though this was 14 yrs. ago. You get the silent and knowing buddy nod of knowledge.



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Here's a couple of really awful movies from the past:


Howard the Duck - I'm trying to figure out how this helped Lea Thompson's career.


Mommie Dearest - This movie pretty much jettisoned Faye Dunaway's acting career.


Party Camp - pointless and hopeless premise. What got me was the jock boyfriend jogging right behind the school bus to stay in touch with the girlfriend whom he robbed of her virginity.




And now, for an upcoming movie that should be thoroughly hated by every die-hard Sabres Fan (and for all the right reasons): The Love Guru

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Here's a couple of really awful movies from the past:


Howard the Duck - I'm trying to figure out how this helped Lea Thompson's career.


Mommie Dearest - This movie pretty much jettisoned Faye Dunaway's acting career.


Party Camp - pointless and hopeless premise. What got me was the jock boyfriend jogging right behind the school bus to stay in touch with the girlfriend whom he robbed of her virginity.

And now, for an upcoming movie that should be thoroughly hated by every die-hard Sabres Fan (and for all the right reasons): The Love Guru


The Love Guru looks very lame, I'll wait until it's on TV to watch.

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Guest Sloth
The Love Guru looks very lame, I'll wait until it's on TV to watch.


As much as I hate the Leafs, I'll probably see the movie. It looks funny and it involves hockey to a certain extent. If hockey is involved, I'll watch it. The best hockey movies to watch are Miracle and Slapshot.

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