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Jordin Tootoo tattoo's Robidas

Claude Balls

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For anyone who has yet to see it, here it is. Almost an 8 min video, but you have to listen to the announcers, talk about a couple of homers. Then listen to the penalties handed out, the NHL will never learn. Modano doesn't even get a slashing penalty. This league is a joke.



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Modano doesn't even get a slashing penalty. This league is a joke.



If Modano's stick swinging is your biggest gripe about that video, we have a difference of opinion. Tootoo's actions, after the Modano hit were seriously uncalled for. A player comes over to engage you and you coldcock him. Not cool, at all.

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Those homers are a bunch of idiots. Tootoo clearly charges Modano. So Robidas comes in to protect Modano, and Tootoo punches Robidas. What the hell? That punch is uncalled for in my opinion. It was a la Todd Bertuzzi on Steve Moore. Tootoo is a thug and worthless. As for Modano's slash, probably should have been called, but in my opinion it is no different than Dany Heatley's blatant slash on Andrew Peters during the brawl in Buffalo before Peters skates to Center Ice to take out Spezza. Nobody seems to comment on Heatley's 2 hander on Peters. Modano's slash was the same in my opinion as Heatley's, and if Heatley does not get a penalty for slashing Peters, then I'm okay with Modano not getting called for a slash on Tootoo. Just my opinion. I think Peters needs to drop the hammer on Tootoo like he did on Andre Roy a few nights ago.

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If Modano's stick swinging is your biggest gripe about that video, we have a difference of opinion. Tootoo's actions, after the Modano hit were seriously uncalled for. A player comes over to engage you and you coldcock him. Not cool, at all.

That's not my biggest gripe at all. I was trying to point out how these officials don't call anything after the fact. Daley didn't get a roughing penalty either. Robidas getting a penalty is a joke if you ask me. He was doing what every player in the league would have done and got suckered in the process. Tootoo should have been tossed. He didn't even get a charging penalty and where was the intent to injure call? That's Colon Campbell's biggest concern according to him. I'm sure Tootoo didn't mean to hurt Robidas in the NHL's eyes.

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Those homers are a bunch of idiots. Tootoo clearly charges Modano. So Robidas comes in to protect Modano, and Tootoo punches Robidas. What the hell? That punch is uncalled for in my opinion. It was a la Todd Bertuzzi on Steve Moore. Tootoo is a thug and worthless. As for Modano's slash, probably should have been called, but in my opinion it is no different than Dany Heatley's blatant slash on Andrew Peters during the brawl in Buffalo before Peters skates to Center Ice to take out Spezza. Nobody seems to comment on Heatley's 2 hander on Peters. Modano's slash was the same in my opinion as Heatley's, and if Heatley does not get a penalty for slashing Peters, then I'm okay with Modano not getting called for a slash on Tootoo. Just my opinion. I think Peters needs to drop the hammer on Tootoo like he did on Andre Roy a few nights ago.


The "homers" you talk about include none other than our very own Pete Weber.

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Please, this is the crap that does not belong in the game. So, it is OK to throw a punch with your glove on? Tootoo has to take the hit coming from Robidas, put your shoulder down and brace yourself, you just knocked down Modano, that captain and leader of the other team. Robidas was coming to put a hit on Tootoo, which probably would have deserved a penalty, if he didn't get KO'd (actually Robidas did get a charging penalty)


And I can't believe the announcers are condoning what Tootoo did, "protecting himself" with a punch to the face? Robidas wasn't "prepared". Please, wake up Pete Webber and Terry Crisp (I think). Tootoo should have been thrown out of this game, and should at least get a 5 game suspension, at least!!!! This kind of pugilistic behavior has no business in the NHL. But, Colin Campbell and Gary Bettman love this stuff, so Tootoo may get a bonus, while Robidas has to wonder if he will play again this year....... ridiculous.

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And you want to see what's even better? Check out some of the highly educated Nashville fans claiming the same thing as the announcers, that Robidas "ran into" Tootoo's fist and it's really all Robidas's fault.


What's amazing is that the fans seem so unintelligent. I live in Texas and the hockey fans here are like hockey fans in the NE, good smart fans who get into their teams. You look at some of the Dallas message boards and even there, they are smart enough to realize that Modano should have gotten a penalty. A few are even suggesting a one game or two game suspension. But to think that Tootoo is completely lacking in responsibility for this is ludicrous.


Tootoo has been a cheap shot artist since he's been in the league, a poor-man's Bryan Marchment. I know that the Stars are too classy an organization to really come swinging at Tootoo the next time they meet, but I would love to see a nice clean shot that takes him out for a few days.


Also, did you like the fact that Trotz first off all claimed that it was a perfectly clean hit, as a matter of fact, a necessary hit because he was in self defense! And then, he never had the guts to put that little slimeball out there again.


And just in case the tension from the game wasn't enough, check out what the Stars president had to say about the hit and the lack of any attention whatsoever put to Modano breaking the American scoring record there:



This should make a potential 1st round matchup between the two of those teams a lot of fun!

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The outrage! We can't have players punching one another in this game! I say good for Tootoo. He didn't deserve to be attacked for laying what looked like a pretty clean hit on Modano. So he employed the Bush Doctrine of Pre-emption. Very nice.


Come on guys. If Adam Mair did what Tootoo did, you'd be defending it.

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The punch should warrant a suspension, but knowing the NHL, he'll get a $10 fine and no mark on his record. As for the announcers - Weber and Crisp should be ashamed of themselves for sitting there and trying to justify and rationalize Tootoo's actions - they have both seen enough hockey to know that the punch was complete bull$h!t. No excuse for the punch or the announcers' reactions, IMO.


The outrage! We can't have players punching one another in this game! I say good for Tootoo. He didn't deserve to be attacked for laying what looked like a pretty clean hit on Modano. So he employed the Bush Doctrine of Pre-emption. Very nice.


Come on guys. If Adam Mair did what Tootoo did, you'd be defending it.


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The outrage! We can't have players punching one another in this game! I say good for Tootoo. He didn't deserve to be attacked for laying what looked like a pretty clean hit on Modano. So he employed the Bush Doctrine of Pre-emption. Very nice.


Come on guys. If Adam Mair did what Tootoo did, you'd be defending it.


Umm, no, I don't think so.


This crap has gotten out of control, and the league doesn't seem to want to stop it. I'd ask, "what's it going to take", but we've seen:


- Sticks swung like baseball bats at player's faces

- Flagrant elbows to the head

- Pre-emptive cold- punches


All that is left is body bags.


And when that happens, the league will have more than suspensions or fines to worry about.

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Watch the replay very closely and you will see that Tootoo looks twice before he gets up to see if someone is coming. He clearly sees Robidas and knows exactly what he was doing.


This is a premeditated suckerpunch just like Bertuzzi's, in fact, I think this is much worse. Moore knew Bert was after him. Robidas had to know that he was just going in for a wrestle until his help came. He couldn't have expected that.


I just emailed the Predator's team and let them know my disgust with their commentators and called for their firing. They were an embarrassment to the Preds, the fans and the NHL. There is no place for that type of homerism.

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I was watching that game and couldn't believe what Weber and Crisp were saying. 'Robidas should have seen it coming, he walked right into the punch.' was all they kept saying.

This punch wasn't just a jab , Tootoo wound up from the hip and hit as hard as he could.

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I am surprised no one is drawing a parallel between this and the Nichols sucker punch on Spacek. While the argument can be made that they are dissimilar incidents, both are vicious attacks that have no place in hockey. To me, it shows a pattern of Nashville Predators who are either unable to control themselves during the heat of the action, or are being coached to be borderline out-of-control.

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I've yet to see anyone on this board get this riled up about Adam Mair's sucker punch of that Bruin on January 30. Look it up. It was borderline criminal, caused a concussion and resulted in no suspension. I'm not trying to be Mr. Objectivity again, just to point out that until fans get outraged by their own goons, nothing is going to change. Actually, nothing is going to change anyway. Look at us. We're all salivating, jumping up and down like Banshees, springing wood... why would the NHL want this to go away? We're the hardcore fans after all. The Base. The Al Qaeda of the NHL.

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the fact that he left his glove on is a HUGE part of it being soooo wrong and a big reason why he should be suspended. If he has his gloves dropped already, maybe the guy skating towards him is ready for a punch, but because the gloves were on he was probably thinking "I'll mix it up a bit and if WE drop the gloves so be it"

A square punch with the gloves on is cause for concern... and I'm pretty sure that is a rule... if you want to fight, you drop the gloves. cheap shot all the way.


PA, if a Sabre player would do this, I'd say the same thing and be ashamed that he is a Sabre...

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I don't find this play to be anything like the nichol or bertuzzi hit. in those instances moore and spacek did not see or expect anything coming.


i'm not saying that robidas got what he deserved but was he going over there to scold tootoo or start something? i'm guessing start something. tootoo could have been a man about it and just made sure he squared up, but again, to compare this to those other alteractions is a major stretch for me.

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I've yet to see anyone on this board get this riled up about Adam Mair's sucker punch of that Bruin on January 30. Look it up. It was borderline criminal, caused a concussion and resulted in no suspension. I'm not trying to be Mr. Objectivity again, just to point out that until fans get outraged by their own goons, nothing is going to change. Actually, nothing is going to change anyway. Look at us. We're all salivating, jumping up and down like Banshees, springing wood... why would the NHL want this to go away? We're the hardcore fans after all. The Base. The Al Qaeda of the NHL.

Do you really expect fans of any team to riot when one of their guys does something stupid? Like Vaive said, if one of our boys did something like this, I would be disappointed and would hope that the team and/or league would discipline them. (That leads to another debate - why doesn't some team stand up and say "we don't care if the NHL says that hit was OK/legal/acceptable, that isn't how our organization plays and so-and-so was fined/suspended/whatever.")


As for the Mair hit - not a sucker punch, but a shoulder to the chin after charging in late - it wasn't borderline criminal; late, yes, a charging penalty, yes - but criminal? That's a stretch. None of us were celebrating the hit, at least not that I remember, and that should be indication enough that Sabres fans felt there was something wrong with the hit. But which of us is going to advocate one of our guys being suspended? Is Lindy going to call the ref over and tell him that Mair should have been punished more than the two minutes?


I don't know whether you're playing devil's advocate or just being argumentative, but the bottom line is that no matter what our reaction was (or wasn't) to previous incidents, it doesn't excuse or mitigate current or future attacks, and shouldn't factor into their discipline.

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I've yet to see anyone on this board get this riled up about Adam Mair's sucker punch of that Bruin on January 30. Look it up. It was borderline criminal, caused a concussion and resulted in no suspension. I'm not trying to be Mr. Objectivity again, just to point out that until fans get outraged by their own goons, nothing is going to change. Actually, nothing is going to change anyway. Look at us. We're all salivating, jumping up and down like Banshees, springing wood... why would the NHL want this to go away? We're the hardcore fans after all. The Base. The Al Qaeda of the NHL.

Borderline criminal?

Springing wood?

Jumping up and down like Banshees?



I love it. :lol:


There was a time when guys squared up and fought. It isn't the enforcers ruining the game,

you never saw Peter's or McGratton do that, it is these middleweight agitators that don't square up, they just throw hands. (well actually McGratton didn't let Peter's square up last time).

Niel and Mair wanted to fight last last time in Ottawa, they didn't square up, Niel hit Kaleta and started punching Mair before he was set. Call me old school but this crap didn't used to happen.

There were fights but guys squared off.

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What's Tootoo supposed to do? IMHO, the guy coming up on him to attack him deserves what he gets. If you want to come to the aid of your teammate, better buck up and be prepared for a confrontation. Don't expect someone to just let you waltz up and "get even" for the the hit you just laid down.

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