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Why we'll probably lose Briere next year


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Reading the topic about Biron "recruiting" Briere to go to Philly, I came up with the following:



I think we'll lose Danny Briere for a variety of reasons. Main thing is I think he looks at the $5 million arbitration award as a floor/base salary for what kind of contract he's going to sign as a UFA. Given that, there's no way Buffalo is going to fork over Havlat type money (3 years / $18 mill wasn't it).


I don't blame Briere for taking the money but he'd better hope he wins his Stanley Cup this year and doesn't go to a Philly/St. Louis, etc.


I don't like losing Briere but I'm ok with it IF we sign Drury to a long term deal. I think Drury's deal will work out over $4 million a year on average but it would be great to make him a Sabre for life.


Don't forget that we need to resign Vanek (big dollars coming his way), Roy, Paetsch & Paille next year - luckily they are RFAs but will get double/100% or better raises.


We'll also need to add a decent backup goalie next season. I hope Conklin gets some playing time in the next month and shows he can compete and wants to stay in Buffalo at a reasonable price - we sure don't have anything in the minor leagues goalie-wise to bring up that I know of.


There's already close to 30 million tied up on 13 players. Figure $4 million for Drury and $1.5 mil average for the above 4 RFAs and you are at $42 mil for 18 players leaving maybe $5 mil (assuming $47 mil cap) to add another 5 players. Not a lot of bucks to resign a big time UFA and certainly not enough to satisfy Briere's demands.


Note: All salary numbers are from www.nhlnumbers.com


Finally, I think Briere will try to go to a more competitive team than Philly, probably would love Montreal but I could see the Isles trying to him too.


By the way, don't know why we're even talking about next year already because there is too much of this season left to enjoy - including a run all the way to the Stanley Cup! If ever a team was more primed to do it, I don't remember. Still, those TSN announcers were so pathetic to listen to live yesterday - all they could talk about was that mugger Bertuzzi making Detroit a shoe-in for the Cup - think I'd wait and see if he even plays a game this year - seems like the whole Eric Daze back problems deja vuing all over again.


Anyway, since another topic was worried about Briere going to Philly, though I'd wade into the muck.

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I think Drury would command more than just 4 mil. I would think at least what Briere makes. 5-6 mil. Hopefully, Jim Corsi can round Conklin into shape. I heard that he recommended him and I guess that means he can do something with him.

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I think Drury will get $4 mil next year and maybe as much as $25 over 5 years - say 4 / 4.5 / 5 / 5.5 and 6 in his final year (maybe at player option). That's $5 mil a year average and will take him to age 35/36.


I also think Dru is more interested in staying on a competitive team and not uprooting his family than Danny (based on Dru's comments when he came here initially and not being happy at having bounced around so much).

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I think there are cases to be made why Danny should stay in Buffalo for less money. If he stays a long-term Sabre and brings a cup to the organization, his retirement income would more than compensate for what he'd give up. That's something I wonder if players ever think about. Look at guys like Jim Kelly and the French Connection (Perrault in particular). They continue to make a lot of money from WNY'ers. They are given opportunities after their careers that floaters just don't get. Plus, many recent ex-Sabres simply haven't prospered in other systems -- they'll have less bargaining power after their big contract and end up making less in later years.

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Conklin or someone cheap like him is fine for the backup ... there is too much talent coming of age to spend any more than you absolutely have to at that position ...

I also think Drury gets at least $5 million a year ...

But it's still not impossible to keep both. Kotalik could be dealt in the offseason or flat out cut (a la Dumont) and replaced with Paille for $1.5 million less. As much as I like him, Hecht could also be dealt and replaced by Kaleta or McArthur or Zagrapan, etc. ...

That's $3M+ more you can throw at Briere (when both of those moves are taken into account) ...

If the choice is keep Kotalik and Hecht or Briere and Drury, give me the captains and fill in with kids. They do not look overwhelmed right now. Would it be so bad to have:

C-Drury, Briere, Connolly, Gaustad

RW-Stafford, Pommer, Max, McArthur

LW-Roy, Vanek, Paille, Kaleta

Plus Peters in reserve for the minimum ... maybe Mair if he will come back at the same cheap price ...

This is all assuming Teppo is gone ...

I think it is POSSIBLE ... I don't think it will happen, someone will throw like $8 million a year at Briere and he will be gone, but ... if they could somehow get them to stay for $12M-13M combined, I would rather have that and sacrifice Hecht and Kotalik.

I think it could be close but not impossible ...

Also, according to this site - http://www.nhlnumbers.com/buf.html - which is pretty reliable, the cap number for the 13 guys under contract is more like $28.5, not $30M ... not a huge difference, but IF that is true $1.5 M could be the difference.

Just sayin' ...

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Conklin or someone cheap like him is fine for the backup ... there is too much talent coming of age to spend any more than you absolutely have to at that position ...

I also think Drury gets at least $5 million a year ...

But it's still not impossible to keep both. Kotalik could be dealt in the offseason or flat out cut (a la Dumont) and replaced with Paille for $1.5 million less. As much as I like him, Hecht could also be dealt and replaced by Kaleta or McArthur or Zagrapan, etc. ...

That's $3M+ more you can throw at Briere (when both of those moves are taken into account) ...

If the choice is keep Kotalik and Hecht or Briere and Drury, give me the captains and fill in with kids. They do not look overwhelmed right now. Would it be so bad to have:

C-Drury, Briere, Connolly, Gaustad

RW-Stafford, Pommer, Max, McArthur

LW-Roy, Vanek, Paille, Kaleta

Plus Peters in reserve for the minimum ... maybe Mair if he will come back at the same cheap price ...

This is all assuming Teppo is gone ...

I think it is POSSIBLE ... I don't think it will happen, someone will throw like $8 million a year at Briere and he will be gone, but ... if they could somehow get them to stay for $12M-13M combined, I would rather have that and sacrifice Hecht and Kotalik.

I think it could be close but not impossible ...

Also, according to this site - http://www.nhlnumbers.com/buf.html - which is pretty reliable, the cap number for the 13 guys under contract is more like $28.5, not $30M ... not a huge difference, but IF that is true $1.5 M could be the difference.

Just sayin' ...

What are implications to the cap if a player is cut in the middle of a multi-year contract?

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dave_b would know for sure, but I don't think there are any ... as far as I know it's only if a guy is over 35 that if you waive him and stash him in the minors or something he still counts ... it's not like the NFL where there is a hit from the signing bonus. of course, they would still have to pay the guy, so financially it doesn't make much sense, but if they REALLY want to dump a salary, I'm sure someone would give them a draft pick for Kotalik or Hecht ... maybe not a great one sine it would be obvious they were desperate to drop salary, but something.

Again, I am not suggesting this is the blueprint, I doubt they would go this route, but with all the young guys pushing to stay in the NHL (I didn't even mention Ryan or Mancari) it might be worth a shot to keep the captains.

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What are implications to the cap if a player is cut in the middle of a multi-year contract?

This has been posted several times in the past, but basically, for MOST players that are bought out the team owes them 2/3's of their remaining salary to be paid out over twice the length of the contract. Ex. A player w/ 2 years left at $3MM, would get $1MM for each of the next 4 years and the team would take that $1MM cap hit for the next 4 years.


Young players can be bought out for 1/3 their contract and old players have to be paid the full amount.

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Conklin or someone cheap like him is fine for the backup ... there is too much talent coming of age to spend any more than you absolutely have to at that position ...

I also think Drury gets at least $5 million a year ...

But it's still not impossible to keep both. Kotalik could be dealt in the offseason or flat out cut (a la Dumont) and replaced with Paille for $1.5 million less. As much as I like him, Hecht could also be dealt and replaced by Kaleta or McArthur or Zagrapan, etc. ...

That's $3M+ more you can throw at Briere (when both of those moves are taken into account) ...

If the choice is keep Kotalik and Hecht or Briere and Drury, give me the captains and fill in with kids. They do not look overwhelmed right now. Would it be so bad to have:

C-Drury, Briere, Connolly, Gaustad

RW-Stafford, Pommer, Max, McArthur

LW-Roy, Vanek, Paille, Kaleta

Plus Peters in reserve for the minimum ... maybe Mair if he will come back at the same cheap price ...

This is all assuming Teppo is gone ...

I think it is POSSIBLE ... I don't think it will happen, someone will throw like $8 million a year at Briere and he will be gone, but ... if they could somehow get them to stay for $12M-13M combined, I would rather have that and sacrifice Hecht and Kotalik.

I think it could be close but not impossible ...

Also, according to this site - http://www.nhlnumbers.com/buf.html - which is pretty reliable, the cap number for the 13 guys under contract is more like $28.5, not $30M ... not a huge difference, but IF that is true $1.5 M could be the difference.

Just sayin' ...

Thats pretty much what I said in a seperate post, its possible to keep both, but it may require a few of the "second tier" guys being dealt, and some youngsters step in.


If the Sabres win the cup, this is what they should do. Also by keeping Briere and Drury, fans may be more willing to accept a drop in talent that might happen if some of the youngsters are brought up full time. The only that will work is with some dealing in the offseason and saying goodbye to a Hecht, Kotalik, or a Connolly


If only one of the 2 is kept, Zubris (as long as he doesn't become a total bust for the remainder of the season and the playoffs) will have to be signed.


I think right now, Drury and Briere would both be willing to sign fair offers for multi years if Darcy made the offer, but if Darcy doesn't make an attempt to sign them til the end of the year, I have a feeling both will be willing to test FA and they risk the chance of losing both (Also their agents should be fired if they aren't signed by the end of the season and they sign a deal before they have a chance to test the FA waters)

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This has been posted several times in the past, but basically, for MOAT players that are bought out the team owes them 2/3's of their remaining salary to be paid out over twice the length of the contract. Ex. A player w/ 2 years left at $3MM, would get $1MM for each of the next 4 years and the team would take that $1MM cap hit for the next 4 years.


Young players can be bought out for 1/3 their contract and old players have to be paid the full amount.


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Anybody think it's worth ditching Spacek and his 3+ mil this year? That would free up some cap space. Paetsch could move up into the top 6 and Sekera (or Card etc.) could assume No. 7. I remember Sekera was said to have had a good camp this last year and was pretty close.

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Anybody think it's worth ditching Spacek and his 3+ mil this year? That would free up some cap space. Paetsch could move up into the top 6 and Sekera (or Card etc.) could assume No. 7. I remember Sekera was said to have had a good camp this last year and was pretty close.


Maybe Sekera has not had a great year, given they went out and traded for depth defensemen ...


i see the logic but ... you can never have too much defense, and while Spacek has been disappointing because of what they paid and high expectations, he hasn't been HORRIBLE ... he's like a +15 ... He may be a bit overpaid but I would not go so far as to call him a liability.

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Anybody think it's worth ditching Spacek and his 3+ mil this year? That would free up some cap space. Paetsch could move up into the top 6 and Sekera (or Card etc.) could assume No. 7. I remember Sekera was said to have had a good camp this last year and was pretty close.


yeah but teppo is getting old and is prolly gone after this year, so that would mean losing two defensemen. then we would have to sign another FA dmen, and that would prolly cost just as much as spaceks 3mil. So whats the point?!? besides a lot can be said for continuity, especially on the sabres who seem to have great chemistry.

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yeah but teppo is getting old and is prolly gone after this year, so that would mean losing two defensemen. then we would have to sign another FA dmen, and that would prolly cost just as much as spaceks 3mil. So whats the point?!? besides a lot can be said for continuity, especially on the sabres who seem to have great chemistry.


I lot of people will be shaking their heads when Teppo is still playing in 5 years. :D

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I lot of people will be shaking their heads when Teppo is still playing in 5 years. :D

I must be watching different games. I think he is playing very well. Always makes the good first pass out of the zone and rarely gets beat. Of course he is not very fast or strong but always in position. I think he is just fine.

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I must be watching different games. I think he is playing very well. Always makes the good first pass out of the zone and rarely gets beat. Of course he is not very fast or strong but always in position. I think he is just fine.


He makes a lot of hard things look deceptively simple. He is skating much better than two weeks

ago as well. I don't think there is anything wrong with him.

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yeah but teppo is getting old and is prolly gone after this year, so that would mean losing two defensemen. then we would have to sign another FA dmen, and that would prolly cost just as much as spaceks 3mil. So whats the point?!? besides a lot can be said for continuity, especially on the sabres who seem to have great chemistry.




Spacek needs to go if he does not turn into Pronger in the playoffs....I like Lehtonen long term, balance of experience and price, (Tallinder & Lydman vein), Campbell, Paetsch & Ryan or the 6-4 swiss guy. ibla hibling or whatever. Looking at Teppos face during the game, looks like he is dead all the time, he doesnt take penalties but he is very tired all the time.

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