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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. Son of a pup! It's a new form of torture every game. First they can't score, then they blow two goal leads twice. Haven't we all suffered enough already?!
  2. I went to bed last night and, apparently, woke up in an alternate universe today. So this is what fun is like during a Sabres game. Huh, who knew? 🤔 😁
  3. Maybe the cowboy hat was a bit too much. You flew too close to the sun...
  4. So, if the Sabres actually manage to score a goal(s) against the Flyers and somehow find a way to win this game (a giant leap of faith, I know), do we get inundated with five new, 'It's Jack's fault!' threads?
  5. 'A Bridge Too Far' Starring: Ralph Krueger Co-starring: Kevyn Adams & The Buffalo Sabres A Terry & Kim Pegula Production
  6. This is a nice thought but we are living in 'Pegula Bizarro World'... Here is our reality: The Sabres lose. And Krueger is behind the bench for the next game. Added bonus: We continue to hear him pitch for Mercedes-Benz of Buffalo. I don't know about you but nothing screams luxury automobile to me like Ralph Krueger. That is all. 🙈 🙉 🙊
  7. Save the approximately two hours to make up for the past weekend's fiasco. (Spoiler alert)... Philadelphia 3 Buffalo 0
  8. It's difficult to turn your back on someone/thing you love.
  9. Translation: "Why should I care? I'll be gone soon."
  10. This is what we've been reduced to as a fan base...looking for silver linings.
  11. Which means that they will probably win it. Because Sabres...
  12. This whole nightmare is beyond painful. It's like watching a loved one spiral out of control and not being able to help them and then having to helplessly watch it unfold.
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