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Everything posted by IKnowPhysics

  1. Quinn's shootout goal over Nedeljkovic is worthy of an SVU investigation.
  2. Sabres played well against Tampa and they're angry they lost. Red Wings:
  3. Petersen is playing at an Eric Comrie level but is making 278% more until 2025. Stay away. Not even sure I would do this.
  4. Mittelstadt's stats 5v5 are quite bad, but, like it or not, he's been one of the best Sabres on the powerplay, helping make it 7th in the league.
  5. At first glance, I was absolutely: But now looking at it for a few minutes and finding other images other than the video, I'm starting to back off that opinion. I'm starting to sort of like, but it's not everything it could be. Maybe the full kit will look sharp. But if you don't like this jersey, depending on your reason why, be warned you may not like the black thirds coming... Bad: The yellow sleeve ends are bleh. It may be the lighting in the video, but they look dingy. [The image below straightens this out; it was the lighting in the video.] If you go with a mostly white jersey, especially all-white yoke with no shoulder patches, you do it to for a clean look (see 50th anniversary jerseys). The sleeves ruin the clean look. So they didn't want to go this route. So if not going for clean... why no shoulder patches? Cost savings? The point of the stripe on the under side of the arms on the original jerseys was to make the jersey body fabric look like a buffalo head shape. A different color stripe ruins this effect and becomes pointless. [The OG blacks suffered from this.] So it's clear the route they chose was to do a blue/gold color inversion of the OG black jerseys (not the whites, because there's no yoke). Similarly, the side-body chevron don't extend to the front and rear enough at the bottom of the jersey to help form the chin of the buffalo head shape. Nor does it extend up to the armpit. So the hidden buffalo head shape is gone. This may have been forced by the oversized crest or by trying to be cheap on manufacturing more complex fabric shapes. The bigger problem is I'm betting Adidas does the same thing for our black thirds. I bet Adidas has tooled their fabric cutting and sewing for the thirds and used it for this jersey. This doesn't affect fabric color, but affects what fabric shapes are stitched together. You can see the extra seam in the gold sleeve fabric for where the gray is going to go at the end of the sleeve on the black thirds. You can see the extra seam in the gold fabric on the body sides for where the gray will go on the black thirds. You can see that the yoke fabric doesn't come down over the shoulder with curved edges like the old CCM jerseys, meaning that you don't get a curved top part of a horn shape on the sleeve. This doesn't evoke much nostalgia in me. This is now the worst jersey to incorporate the Buffalo head crest on the chest, but it's not super-bad. Good: They tried and seemingly listened to fan response from last year. No gray with the blue/gold. Oversized crest is boss. I appreciate the OG font- the nameplates and rear numbers are going to look good. They didn't perfect the clean look, but at least they didn't put numbers on the front to make it more busy. It's a relatively simple jersey, which works in its favor. Again, depending on the full kit, this could look pretty sharp. Using yellow as the outside border of the crest is risky, but for a "fun" jersey, it does pop. I haven't looked at the other reverse retros for this year yet, but I'm betting this is far from the worst. This could be considered the white counter part to the black thirds coming, except with blue and gold. Gives Buffalo a few different looks to play in. This is not in the bottom rankings of Buffalo jerseys all-time. NHL posted a better image: For comparison, the OG: Looking the other Reverse Retro jerseys for this year, and holy hell did we luck out. https://theathletic.com/3711004/2022/10/20/nhl-reverse-retro-jerseys-2022-rankings/
  6. Normally this time of year, Sabres would play LA, ANA, SJS, then maybe PHX in that order. That trip is February this year.
  7. Oh man, the digital ads don't appear for the low-angle cameras, so when they switch to the regular angle BAM DIFFERENT BOARDS. This ***** suuucccks.
  8. Lots. Accidentally cutting off the tribute video for an NHL.com App and a Bosch tool commercial was not a good look. LOL You little pipsqueak shut the ***** up!
  9. Much-needed for player development and incremental team improvement. Also sets the right coach-is-here-to-stay culture, which becomes embodied in the players' commitment and discipline. One major complaint from players through the stalled rebuilds included the high turnover rate of the coaching staff, which impacted their developmental trajectory.
  10. Nice. RJ should be enabled and encouraged to do whatever he wants. Even if he just wanders around in the background of the intermission report with suspenders on, it'd make the broadcast better.
  11. That is his upbringing as a Sabres fan talking, 100%. Not even other TOR rivals, like MTL or OTT fans, would lay that on Leafs radio.
  12. All of the episodes are free on youtube on AMC's channel:
  13. This was the first one that came to my head. Such a perfectly doofus story in NHL management history on the part of Clarence Campbell. This is also the reason Gilbert Perrault wore #11, which is, of course, now in the rafters.
  14. They were given unprecedented expansion draft terms, which enabled McPhee to strong arm even more favorable terms in no fewer than TEN trades for expansion draft considerations (ie, trade me so-and-so, otherwise I'll select so-and-so). I mean, what the *****: GMs were much better prepared the second time. And the Ron Francis show made some very questionable selections. But anyways, it's been fun watching VGK fall apart, and, for me, that's had nothing to do with Eichel, Carrier, or McNabb.
  15. Eh, I don't have time to be resentful of former Sabres. I do have time, however, to enjoy a pay-to-win expansion scam whose meteoric downfall got started by asset and salary cap mismanagement and will eventually come to the the brutally rotten maturation of having traded away all draft assets.
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