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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. For those blasting me..this is what my complaint is. THERE IS NO PROBLEM in my neighborhood...this is lazy ass police work. I have nothing agsint cops doing their job..just do it where it will have some impact..not on a street in a tucked away neighborhood where two cars go through the intersection every 5 minutes...and there has not been one accident in 8 freaking years. I bet you that guy has written less than 3 tickets in close to 20 hours of being out there...this is a wise use of his time????? I understand they have a job to do and I appluad them for it...this is just a waste of time and moneyh
  2. That is too freaking funny!! My complaint is a lazy ass cop sitting at the end of my street writing tickets to people for rolling thru a stop sign as they make a right turn..just got in a big argument with him as I sat at the intersection for an hour to warn people he is there..which he did not take kindly to..I asked him if he really felt he was doing police work sitting in a neighborhood writing tickets to the ladies who lunch crowd...again something he did not take kindly to...asked him if 2 cars coming thru the intersection every five minutes presented a public safety concern...seeing as how I have lived here 8 years and never once have seen an accident there..he did not take kindly to that either. This is the thrid day in last week this douch nozzle has been out there...I am sick of it.
  3. Two posts in a row..but just wanted to post this for any DC area beer geeks. Beer week starts on the 14th...some awesome events taking place. I am on vaction for the week :wallbash:so will not be attend most events http://dcbeer.com/dcbeerweek/
  4. So we had friends over for dinner last night, and dude shows up with 4 of these 22oz bombers http://www.averybrewing.com/our-ales/86 Add in the wine with dinner and after dinner drinks... Needless to say, have not been doing much today ...but damn hats a nice imperial IPA
  5. Was just in soutwestern VA for business, and had a chance to drink this beer http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/wolf-hills-troopers-alley-ipa/117794/ on tap at a local restuarant. I enjoyed the beer, and really liked that it was only 5.9% ABV, especially as I was with cliets and they had no need to see me get sloppy LOL. Beer is from a Nano Brewey around the corner from the restauarnt..any of you folks near Bristol or Johnson City I highly encourage a visit and a growler fill. http://wolfhillsbrewing.com/main.php/ They even have a Cream Ale!!!
  6. Surprised no of you central PA. guys mentioned Troegs. The Nugget Nectar is one of my favorite beers, and as it's release is in Febrary!, can keep a good bit just in the garage. The Sunshine Pils is quite nice as well, and I like the Hopback as a good APA Couple of other favorites that have not been mentioned Loose Cannon by Heavy seas Sculpin by Ballast Point Oberon by Bells (best summer beer IMHO) love most of Flying Dog stuff as well Now, I must say something here as well. Seems a lot of folks still think that beer in a can sucks, and 10 years ago that would generally be the case However, technology has changed and the best storage method for beer now is a can No light, no air,mean better fresher beer..and the newer cans insure no metal taste as well. I believe cans are where plastic enclosures and screw caps were with Wines 10 years ago. Oskar Blues Has some great beer in a can, and 21st Amendment does as well. Star Hill in Charlottsville starting to can some of their beers a well. All I am saying is don't not try a beer simply cause in a can.
  7. Hate having two huge Magnolia trees this time of the year...friggen leaves need to fall of in October, not May.
  8. Watched game two in there last year..fun fun time. Ordered wings from somewhere down the street. Nice selection of tap beers,good good people. And free popcorn :thumbsup:
  9. I am tired of picking up friggen oak leaves. It's St Pattys day for crying out loud, can these friggen oaks drop the last of their leaves and move onto the new growth?
  10. this bothers me not from a "poor bug standpoint"(and yes, i consider them a bug), but more from the fact they do not get enough food in those tanks, which means their fat content goes down, which means they are not as yummy as they should be!!
  11. You funny girl!!!Not carrying around a cord extender, crimminy who knows what the TSA would think about that.
  12. Been traveling a lot lately, here my hotel gripes Why do you never put the shampoo in the shower? How many people use shampoo at the sink? also, i need a bar of soap in the ahower and the sink, one does not cut it. And, please update all hotels to have outlets near the bed. I need two at least near the bed, when i get in at 11.30 and have a dead battery i want to lay in bed and do email..not sit at a desk.
  13. one last one from me..gotta go rake leaves from my neighbors two oaks that sit close to my lawn..80% of his leaves end up in m yard :wallbash:
  14. Tech guys always complaining we just don't get it.. :D Just do your job and get my chit working K???? :nana:
  15. Friday night, dvr will be working, turn on the game about 9 after a nice meal, and at first sign of adversity for Buffalo will start fast forwarding thru the game..so should be about 9.10 when that happens.I really would like to see Tiny Tim sitting this one out,might actually get me to watch the game in real speed.
  16. watched on DVR as well. Man, just knew they would fall apart once they did not get the call on Briere . Watched the rest of the game from there in like 7 minutes. So predictable..some kind of change has to be made no? I have no ideas how these rules work, but can they not send Connoly down to Portland? I would like to see them flat out cut him, but as disinterested as he appears on the ice, make him eran his money riding some buses.
  17. Still on..Directv channel 239 Sunday's at 9!!Watch that live, watch Boardwalk recorded
  18. Okay, killing some time for 45 minutes. My taxes as a percentage of income went up significantly this year.Long story,but has to do with the AMT and where it phases in and out. I have no problem paying taxes, but do have a problem with the way the tax code is written, specificaaly AMT. We literally made 50% of what we made last year, and are paying close to 90% of what we paid last year, with much more in chartible donations etc this year. Shudder to think with ther tax being rewritten in terms of paying tax on dividends etc, think by the time the current powers that be are done, we will be paying close to 60% of income in taxes in one form or another, damn close to 50% now.
  19. That is one ugly dude :lol: I like you, have become addicted. I usually watch in the AM, only way I get any sense of what is happening with West Coast games.
  20. My three complaints for today 1)I run a 4 mile route in my neighborhood, and its kinda up and down several streets in a big circle.I am so sick of the ladies who lunch crowd thinking we have to say hi to each other every time we pass as I run and they do their walk(really just gossip session). Seems dumb to me to say hi 4 times in the span of 60 minutes or so. 2) I really like the Kashi Golden Cinnamon Harvest cereal, just like mini wheats without the sugar, but swear to go half the biscuits fall apart in the box and you have half a box of inedible stuff at the bottom. I think Kashi plans it that way so you have to buy more. 3)Gary Green and Dennis Potvin. Both those guys just ruin On the Fly for me..grumpy old men who spout the same ole platitudes over and over again.
  21. Ink,not to be insensitive here, but I believe you are the guy who was upset at me for the use of the word "spoda" when I thought it was a simple slang/contraction of supposed to, and you thought it was racially derogatory term. Maybe I am wrong,and I prooly am, and I know you post here way more than me, but maybe you are a little sensitive??? BTW, i have never heard of this term wiggers, but again I am a 47 year old white guy living in suburbia so I am not the hippest guy in the world.
  22. Friggen oaks have finally dropped all their leaves, so I will spend 2 hrs today raking and bagging leaves..isn't that a fall chore :wallbash: Add to that the 10 hrs I will spend mulching this weekend, and its is times like this I wonder why in the world do I not live in the city with no yard instead of god forsaken suburban ###### :death:
  23. Good god man, of course I wear running shorts over them. Couldn't take seeing everyone puking as they passed me if i went compression only ;) On a happy note, just found out from my sis we are about the blue, 13 rows up tonight. Sucks as it is the end where the Caps shoot twice, but the guy she got the tickets from says its the Caps wives section. Lets see how much they like me ragging on their boys tonight
  24. I know it is the holiday season, and I love the holidays....but for crying out loud woman I do not want to wait another month for stuff I need now just so's you, your mom, my sister etc have something to get me for Christmas. If they wanna pay for the stuff..bonus..but I am using the stuff now!!! I am 46, been working 25 years, I should not have to wait a month for stuff I want now. Now, I am not talking big tickets items like a TV or something, I just need some new compression shorts to run in as the three pair I have now are disintegrating. Also, I need my new XM radio now as the old roadie(almost 8 yrs old) finally died. I drive a ton for work, I need the XM radio now!!! Outside of that..everyone have a great holiday season... BTW, be at the Sabres-Caps game this evening...they better not get me in a foul mood to Begin the weekend :lol:
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