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Posts posted by Campy

  1. It's not my bias. I didn't judge him as anything more than an idiot. That said, he did go down the notorious "Don't disrespect me" path. I get sick of hearing that path. And there's little doubt that that particular behavior has serious roots in gang culture. So, to that end, people are going to see it. <snip>



    I lost track of who was arguing what and I'm too lazy to go back and look, but if I understand what you're saying - that disrespect is only an affront to people because of the importance of respect in gang culture - then you couldn't be more wrong.


    Ever heard of the Hamilton-Burr duel? Two rich white politicians who had been going at it for 10 years until one day...


    Tensions reached a boiling point with Hamilton's journalistic defamation of Burr's character during the 1804 New York gubernatorial race in which Burr was a candidate. Fought at a time when the practice was being outlawed in the northern United States, the duel had immense political ramifications. Burr, who survived the duel, was indicted for murder in both New York and New Jersey, though these charges were later either dismissed or resulted in acquittal.



    Shooting a dude because he wrote bad things in a paper? Yeah, that's totally gangtsa.

  2. Canadiens Bruins might be the only interesting match-up in the semis.


    I think the Ducks-Kings series will be a good one.


    Now that the first round is over...


    In the East I'm not doing too bad. I hit on the B's winning in 5 and had Montreal and Pittsburgh advancing. I didn't think the NYR would take out Philly, so I have 3 winners advancing.


    I thought the Avs would take out the Wild and was hoping the Blues would make it to the WCF, so my bracket's busted out west. I did hit on the Kings winning in 7 and the Ducks advancing.


    Using the scoring the NHL is using, I have 50 out of a possible 80 points. How busted is your bracket?

  3. <snip>


    Not that I want to delve too far into this.. but I am curious.


    If someone chooses to speak in such a way, dress in such a way, and act in such a way that is incredibly similar to people who are commonly thought of as thugs doesn't it seem inevitable that said person would also be classified as such?


    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck kind of thing.


    When you say "thugs," what do you mean? Members of a Boston Irish street gang? If so, how do they dress?

  4. I think it's a rush to judgement by the PC police. There was no investigation, no trial. There was a severe penalty. I'm not condoning what he said...what he's saying makes no sense to me...I think there are mental issues there. Sounds like a demented, crazy old bastard to me. The guy was taped in secret...this should be considered in some kind of well-researched trial, like in the Black Sox scandal.


    It would be considered in a criminal or civil proceeding, but this is the court of public opinion and the rules are very different.


    Th bottom line is that there are expectations of morality placed upon people in certain positions. Nobody cares if it's Chuck the bricklayer saying those things, but we - and I think rightly so - hold people in positions of authority to higher standards.

  5. Why would a person own slaves? It's the same answer to both questions. They allow your business to make a lot of money.


    I can't stand the NBA, I'm a college hoops guy, but I've been following this a little and I gotta give props to Silver for making this happen so quickly. It would be nice for the owners votes be made public.


    This is probably worse than the Marge Schott thing back in the day.


    I suppose you have a point, but I think there are some important distinctions to be drawn between slavery's institutionalized racism from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, and owning a sports team in the 21st. First and foremost: A wealthy landowner needed slaves to keep his plantation competitive, a slumlord doesn't need to own an NBA team.


    I never really forgave the NBA for pulling out of Buffalo......but there is still no way I could ever imagine cheering for the Clippers.


    I never forgave the NBA either. And because of that, I pay so little attention to it that I didn't know Oklahoma City had a team until last year!

  6. I know this isn't directly related to the NHL, but I think this situation impacts everybody.


    Here is a copy of the tape:





    NBA Commissioner Adam Silver just announced the Donald Sterling will be banned FOR LIFE. He is no longer allowed to associate with the team, league or attend any events.


    Probably the right call, but I'm still not sure I understand how/why such a blatantly racist person would even come to own an NBA team.

  7. He's talented obviously, and a Sabres fan knocking him is like a guy who has to walk to work making fun of another guy's car.


    But doesn't it seem that more often than not Sid just kind of disappears and becomes a non-factor in playoff games? Especially over the last couple of seasons?

  8. Not true.


    Sorry Campy, but this is a pet peeve of mine.

    A columnist is paid to provoke thought.

    All the best columnists should have a degree of objectivity regardless of where they stand, or tend to stand.

    Otherwise they simply pander, and have immediately lost the interest of any reader who is objective, or at least wants objectivity in his or her reading material.


    I'll admit I didn't choose my words carefully enough. A columnist writing "The Bills lost four consecutive Super Bowls" is an objective declaration and it is unfair to state columnists do not have some objectivity.


    And I'm sorry for hitting one of your pet peeves; we can agree to disagree on the larger point that columnists are not, as a whole, objective.


    I would argue that sports reporting, by its very nature, is not objective. In fact, I'm not sure I see much of a difference between a sports reporter's write up and that of a sports columnist, aside from page position and having the author's picture near the byline. That is, I would if I felt like arguing about such things...

  9. Highly doubt the sheep would be interested in watching snoozefest ECHL Hockey and I cant imagine people in this town liking losing a home game.


    But I did read something in Sunday's paper about a preseason game maybe between the Jackals and Americans. Man if the Amerks don't roll something is wrong. Theres also a lot of promises about coaches and system and trainers and resources. Cant forget "famous alumni" whoever that would be. I just hope they get us a big name head coach. Still on the CRAIG RIVET bandwagon.


    I'm surprised to read that. It was some years ago, but before they made the jump to the 'A' the Norfolk/Hampton Roads Admirals sold out The Scope most nights and the games were very exciting.


    I think a big part of the draw was all of the fighting that used to take place in the 'E' and it helped create an exciting atmosphere - especially when the Richmond Renegades made the 90 minute trip down - it seemed like Admirals coach John Brophy (formerly coach of the B's) throwing sticks on the ice and getting ejected and multiple line brawls were the norm. For a lot of ECHL players their only chance to make it to the National League were fisticuffs, so there was plenty of goonery.


    After the Admirals moved to the 'A' the attendance and enthusiasm took a big hit. The locals seemed to watch hockey for the fights like I watch NASCAR for the wrecks. I think most were reluctant to spend the extra $3-5 per ticket and higher concession prices when most of them just couldn't appreciate the difference in the quality of hockey.


    I don't know if ECHL hockey is a snoozefest just in Elmira or if it's like that everywhere, but I'm hoping for the former because, for all of its faults, it was an entertaining brand of hockey.

  10. I agree even though I'm not sure what a chakras is. Sullivan is a columnist and therefore in the entertainment business. I think he does a good job of being objective and provocative. What he says sometimes hurts but doesn't mean it's not reality. I like reading what he has to say.


    :blink: A columnist, by definition, is anything but objective.


    Isn't he originally from Boston? Perhaps he's sour that he can't get a job there?


    In paragraph 6 of the article he says he's from NYC.

  11. Anybody else think Lucic is going to be neutered cause he knows/thinks the ref will call anything little infraction on him?


    Damn that goal sucked.


    Quick question, if you ice the puck whislt on a delayed penalty, where does the faceoff go?


    Post-penalty faceoff rules supercede icing - the faceoff comes back to the defensive zone of the team going on the PK

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