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Posts posted by Campy

  1. USA-Canada should be a good one.


    Too bad I have to be at work because part of me would love to pick up H.o.m.o Milk and Kraft dinner for lunch and then throw back a mickie or two-four while watching on my Chesterfield. But I won't because the other part of me is American and knows how to ###### speak English.


    EDIT: The filter blocked what our friends accross the border call homogenized milk!

  2. I seem to remember something like "Hey Grosek, you Smehlik like Zhitnik!" Actually, I don't remember "Grosek" being the name there, but I can't remember who it was.


    Edit: google shows "Hasek" or (even better) "Peca-head" as player it is directed towards.


    I recall "Juneau, you Smehlik Zhitnick."



    We will... and agree, still don't trust the Russians, but they look a little off. The game against the US took a lot out of both teams, even the US looked sluggish and slept walked through this game except in a few key bursts. Can't blame them. Milsie looked solid.


    Nice wish all the games were on can't find the Canadian game on NBC or on the NHL network.... just heard it was tied.?

    It's on USA Network, 3rd's about to get started.


    Edit: Forgot i'm watching it delayed on the DVR. It's probably well into the 3rd now...

  4. I thought Miller played well. Square to the shooter and I don't recall seeing any fat rebounds.


    The shot that beat him was a rocket, so there's no shame there. It appeared to me it went off of a defenseman's stick but I couldn't tell for sure and watching it at a bar meant I couldn't rewind and look more closely. For those of you who recorded it, was it deflected or was that just the Bloody Marys playing tricks on my eyes?

  5. As I've said at least twice, can't really go wrong with either Miller or Quick. It's a great problem to have.


    And just when did Bylsma become a genius, anyway?


    The only other hockey fan at my job is a Pens fan. According to him, Pens fans "back home" and on message boards can't stand him. They seem to think they'd be better with a more Nolan-type coach.

  6. Glad I stayed home today. Snowmageddon materializing here in Raleigh with major thoroughfares turning to parking lots. Approaching 5" on the ground where I'm at, which is equivalent to multiple feet in WNY.


    We got 10" a couple of weeks ago. It turns out snowplows matter, and for southern cities who have very few of them, a little snow can bring things to a halt. Be safe!



    I don't have a problem with it conceptually, just its placement in the Olympics and calling it a "sport".


    I have a different opinion on what constitutes a sport. If people are competing and the way the winner is determned is by having a better time or more goals/points, it's a sport. If judges determine the winner, it's not a sport but a contest. Not everyone involved in sports are athletic (pool players, dart throwers), and some that participate in contests are (like figure skaters and freestyle snowboarders).


    So, by my definition, skiing for best time with shooting skills added to the mix most definitely makes it a sport.

  8. I get that the Sabres are on a downswing right now but these announcers in game and between periods are nausiating. Doesn't the NHL have a "flex" similiar to the NFL so I could atleast listen to RJ!?? This is not a marquee matchup right now, why is it even on NBC?


    NBC has the Olympics and this game has the Canadian captain, a dynamic Russian goal scorer, and about as close to a household name as there is in the States with Miller.


    In other words, it was an ad for the Olympics.

  9. Olympic hockey is awesome. All you curmudgeons need to get off your salty high horse and just enjoy some good hockey. It's fun. This whole myth about pros ruining is just that, a myth. Back when it was amateurs only, the United States was the only country to use only amateurs. That's why the "Miracle" was what it was; American amateurs beating Russian pros.


    As for the three week drought, we're workin' on a six year hockey drought here in Buffalo. I'll gladly take a three week vacay from this mess.


    <Alex Trebek voice> No, I'm sorry; that's incorrect.


    I love how McGrattan roughly grabs his own assistant coach by the head and face to try to keep him out of trouble- LOL


    That assistant coach is Clint Malarchuk. It struck me as odd that he'd be going after Torts that way since they know each other from their time with the Sabres.

  11. ICYMI, Good interview with Murray this morning on WGR: Tim Murray on the Howard Simon Show <24:36>


    Thanks for posting the link 26CB! :thumbsup:


    A few highlights for those unable to listen:


    He talked about his role during games while with Ottawa - scouting the opponent - and that he knows the abilities of Buffalo's players well. He said he already knows the players he wants to keep and the players he's ready to move on from.


    Said Grigorenko is big, strong, talented, and like a lot of young players, needs to be pushed. Said that at times he was the best player in Junior hockey and at others he was invisible. He prefers players who don't need to be pushed but acknowledged there are a finite number of those guys. He said that it's common to have to push young players, and it's up to the organization to develop them properly so they no longer have to be pushed.


    Howard brought up analytics, said there are things he can learn from them but that they are more useful the less you know about the game (and I agree). He said "hockey sense" is far more important but it isn't always visible to casual fans and doesn't always show up in statistics.

  12. Who's going to fight a guy with a bird cage on his head?


    They used to go until they added the automatic game misconduct, and that meant a player missed the following game.


    Wow... Totally thread-bombed. I think I make some good points,


    You did. A few were stretches or reaches, but I'd be hard pressed to come up with 30, too.


    I think the biggest reason it won't go anywhere anytime soon is that, whether a person likes it or not, it's simply part of hockey culture.

  13. <snip>

    2 & 6: Fighting is a part of NHL hockey and its feeder leagues. There's very little fighting in other leagues and international competition. I think it's banned in several.




    I am not anti-fighting, I love it. But the lack of fighting doesn't seem to have harmed college hockey's popularity.

  14. I'll say it again ...


    The best thing to happen in Sabreland since our first draft pick ever.


    And, I will not calm down.


    Murray seems like a good fit, I'm pleased with that hire. But I'm not so sure Patrick isn't past his prime. Yes, he's in the Hall, and yes, hockey people have heard his name. And yes, hopefully I'll be proven wrong because I just don't see him being anything close to a saviour.

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