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Night Train

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Everything posted by Night Train

  1. Tipped twice..unreal.. Check the bench for 5 irons if they don't respond..
  2. Tuch is much like several others Sabres they depend on for scoring. Half the production from last year for various reasons. Screams coaching. Effort. Mental. Focus. Scheme.
  3. I'm one phone call away from dating Taylor Swift.
  4. U Mass and Denver in Period #5 tied at 1. They both look spent. Goalies have been sensational.
  5. It's not so much who has a worse record. It's the lack of effort to improve and stay safely out of the playoff race. Denial. False belief and ignoring results.
  6. They deserve to be replaced. Obviously. The only person that is resisting is Pegula, we think. His zeal to extend these guys early justifies nothing, unless he doesn't mind an empty arena. Adams would have to make a bunch of moves to generate interest if everyone stays. How likely is that ? I'll just wait. It was ugly last night with the fans anger. Justified.
  7. His contract is something they're stuck with. They just figure the cap around it. I don't blame anyone that doesn't like him. He's so hot and cold. But 20-30 goals on the right line is some solace while the contract expires or eventually bought out.
  8. Where did I say 3rd line players ??? You're having conversations with yourself again. That way you're never wrong. Mental gymnastics.
  9. Major sports leagues selling out to the gambling dollar was a mistake. Now involvement of players, refs, major gamblers in relation to many post game results will always be questioned.
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