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Everything posted by RochesterExpat

  1. If he’s moved it’s either following the arbitration week when teams have a final cap picture or it’s after the season starts and he shows zero growth to round out his game. I expect him to be on the opening night roster only because the market for wingers appears soft.
  2. I’ll be honest and say I’m in his camp that this is news to me. I’ve heard very little as far as people from Buffalo doubting the pick. Admittedly, I think they drafted well so it’s possible I’m suffering confirmation bias. It could also simply be that it’s the summer and I just spent a weekend building a greenhouse. I’m not following hockey as closely as I do when the season is ongoing.
  3. It’s hard to score goals when you’re not in the lineup because the coach considers you a liability.
  4. Maybe I’m in a field of my own, but I seem to think Ryan Johnson is further away from the NHL than most people here do. Among prospects, Novikov is probably closer to NHL ready (after his NA-adjustment period for the first few months this year end).
  5. If we do that I really hope it’s a 4C we can put in the dot for critical face offs.
  6. I’m so jaded I don’t believe this will happen, but this guy and Tokes signing suggests we’re either set on running 3 goalies again or we’re about to trade. I hope it isn’t the three headed monster.
  7. Hurts because the term is perfect for us.
  8. Boston’s 2nd pair RD for the last few seasons. He’s a real Top 4 guy. This isn’t a stretch of signing a 6th spot dude and hoping for the best.
  9. My guesses: Bryson is out. Stillman is 7th. Joki/Boosh will be getting shopped. Likely Joki is moved because age* *makes it easier to move
  10. Connor Clifton is a good add for the PK.
  11. He’s 6’5”. They’re hoping his height rubs off on Levi. Imagine the riots…
  12. If that’s a 5/6 add I’m all for it, but not for a 4D and not if that’s the only move.
  13. This is what I get for reading from my phone in bed. My brain made a weird jump there by the time I got caught up to the rest of the thread.
  14. I’ll bet $25 he doesn’t play a game before December if I can specify my donation will go to the Ronald McDonald House Charities. A friend utilized the charity before when his infant son was having bypass surgery and I have zero qualms about donating to them.
  15. It’s hard to rate prospects and I think I know where you’re coming from and I don’t totally disagree. With that being said, I think Kulich is further ahead than Savoie and Benson if we’re talking about the floor, but both Savoie and Benson have higher ceilings with Benson having the highest ceiling as he’s a bonafide two way player. Kulich needs to take the next steps in his defensive game and play a consistent pace for the duration of his shift. If he fixes those issues, he will be a top 6 player. If he doesn’t, he’s destined for VO 2.0. To put it another way, I think Rosen’s floor is a tweener and his ceiling is a third liner. Kulich’s ceiling is 2nd line and his floor is third line/role player/perennially fan frustration. I’m most confident with these assumptions because I watched the majority of Rochester games. Because Kulich has the higher floor, he’s the highest prospect in my mind. Savoie could be a top line player but I honestly could see him being a tweener just as easily if he doesn’t adjust his game. The AHL playoffs were a poor sample for him. He is a boom or bust for me. I realize that’s likely not a shared opinion. Benson’s ceiling could be Jeff Skinner last season. His floor could be Jeff Skinner under Krueger. More appropriately put, I do believe his floor is already that of an NHL player (13th forwards are NHL players after all) which puts him ahead of Savoie. I don’t have a fair assessment on Östlund from the past year as he doesn’t play in a league I watch regularly. I’d like to add that Rousek, at least to me, has the ceiling of a third liner and the floor of a 13th forward. That would put him ahead of most on the list. I could make a similar argument for Weissbach as well.
  16. Same, but it's late enough it isn't a big deal.
  17. 5 (first) + 3 (second) + 1 (late) + 3 (intriguing) = 12. A roster-sized prospect pool.
  18. Wonder why he fell past his consensus ranking. Size?
  19. The actual CHL- NHL agreement states there are three options for a player to move to the AHL. 1) Player turns 20 before January 1st 2) Player completes "four full seasons" of CHL hockey 3) The CHL team agrees to release the player to the AHL (yes, this is in there and, no, it does not happen). If the CHL doesn't want to count a player playing in 24 of 24 scheduled games (remember, this season was planned to be only 24 games) then I'd get a lawyer and take them to town. There's no way a reasonable person doesn't consider that a full season played. Importantly, contrary to what people seem to think, there is no minimum games definition or anything similar for what constitutes a full season. A player could miss half a season due to injury and still (potentially) count it as a full season played. There may be an unofficial agreement between the CHL and the NHL as far as how that's defined, but the language of the signed agreement doesn't specify. Per the language of the agreement, it's hard to argue that Benson is not entering his fourth season.
  20. I agree with you that Rosen and Kulich are not NHL ready, but it's worth noting that Kulich put up his numbers despite being 18 for virtually the entire season whereas Quinn was 20 at the start and Peterka turned 20 in January of their AHL season. It's a fair comparison for Rosen.
  21. 88 PIMs in 42 games. Also going to BU so we can discuss in 4 years whether he's going to sign with Buffalo or not...
  22. Clearly Buffalo is trying to play the LTIR game. /s
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